Apologizing and Brooklyn's Confession

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Brooklyn awoke the next day, having a headache after the disaster yesterday, and mostly from the bright sun shining in his face.

Even though he had been getting used to sleeping at night without his transformation magic, he still didn't quite enjoy having the sun hit his face every time.

I should probably move this cot so it wouldn't happen all the time, he thought dryly, as he sat up and stretched. Brooklyn moved his eyes over to Harry's bed, hoping he was still there, but his heart sank when he saw that it was empty.

He gave a disappointed sigh, still sitting on his cot with his legs over the side, placing his hands on his forehead. This is going to be a very bad day!

Suddenly, the gargoyle spied Dean and Seamus both getting ready for the day.

"Hey, guys," he greeted them, his voice sounding somewhat melancholy. Dean looked over at him, his face full of pity and sympathy. Seamus, Brooklyn couldn't tell what he's thinking.

"Good morning. Doing okay?" Dean asked, trying his best to sound cheerful. Brooklyn lowered his head.

"Well, I want to find Harry and apologize. I never meant to yell at him. I was just angry and over emotional."

Dean winced, remembering that Harry had gotten up before Brooklyn had.

"Sorry, but he went down to breakfast already. But if I see him, I'll let him know you want to talk to him," Dean answered. Brooklyn nodded gratefully to him.

The two boys turned to leave, but Dean looked back.

"Coming with us, Brook?" he asked. The gargoyle shook his head.

"Probably just going to go for a walk. Not feeling very hungry right now," he decided. Dean then nodded. "See you later!" he called, leaving with Seamus.

Brooklyn made his own way out, wandering the hallways of Hogwarts, lost in his thoughts and guilt, grateful for the quiet in the hallways because they were all at breakfast, giving him time to think about what to say to Harry later.

Maybe now is the best time to tell him about the 'Demona' incident, his thoughts said. Brooklyn flinched at this. He always dreaded the day he had to tell him. He had mostly kept it to himself, not telling anybody, even his rookery brothers. They didn't know the whole story.

Before he could decide, a nasty voice spoke behind him.

"Well, well! If it isn't Potter's Protector Freak!"

Brooklyn froze at the new voice, growling lowly as he turned, finding himself face to face with the Slytherin Quidditch captain, Marcus Flint and two other players, all having ugly smirks on their faces.

"What are you lot doing here? Shouldn't you be at breakfast or something? I'm really not in the mood for this right now," he snapped, glaring at them.

But Flint just cracked his knuckles, giving Brooklyn a look that clearly spelled trouble, and drew his wand. "You have no choice, Freak. Somebody needs to pay for making Slytherin loose the match. We couldn't find Potter, so we decided to do it on his freak job friend!"

His thugs chuckled meanly as they too drew their wands. Brooklyn's wings spread out as he got into his fighting stance, eyes glowing.

"You don't want to take me on, Troll. I've been in fights more than you can count!"

Flint was undisturbed by his threat and held his wand up.

Thinking fast, Brooklyn pulled out his own wand and used one of his favorite spells.


Flint's wand and his thug's all flew out of their hands. Brooklyn smirked in satisfaction while Flint gave a deadly glare.

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