Halloween and a Troll

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Brooklyn was awoken from his sleep one morning in late October by Ron shaking his body and grinning at him.

"Whaz going on?" He mumbled in a still tired voice.

"It's Halloween, Brooklyn! Aren't you excited?"

The gargoyle simply stared at him blankly, tiredness still in his eyes. Ron let out an exasperated groan.

"You've been talking about it for the past few weeks! Have you forgotten?"

It took a few minutes for Brooklyn to comprehend this when he remembered, and he felt a bit more awake afterward.

"Oh yeah! Did Hagrid bring in the pumpkins?" He exclaimed, sitting up in excitement. He had been looking forward to how the magic humans celebrated this holiday ever since Fred told him about it.

Ron nodded. "Sure did! Hope you can meet us after our classes so we can go to the feast together!"

"I'll be there! Will probably be mostly practicing some new spells while I wait," Brooklyn promised.

It had been a whirlwind for Brooklyn here at Hogwarts ever since the Midnight Duel incident. Malfoy had a surprised look on his face when he saw that they were still at the school, causing Brooklyn to give him a smirk of satisfaction when his plan failed.

Also, later in the morning, Harry had gotten the biggest package of his life that contained a brand new broom, the hyped up Nimbus 2000. Brooklyn himself never thought that something that swept the floor could look so impressive.

Brooklyn spent some of the afternoon during the last classes of the day, which was Charms. He decided to work on the levitation charm, Wingardium Leviosa. It took him quite a few tries to get it right, which ended in rocks he was levitating to go zooming around the place and smacking into him. But he managed to get it in the end.

And speaking of classes, Brooklyn had made a game of trying to avoid the potions Professor, Snape. The only times they ever had eye contact was at mealtimes and every now and then in hallways, where Snape would give him strange looks. He couldn't decide on what the potions Professor was thinking of him, either hate or something else.

The bell rang, and he met up with his friends and walked out with them. The gargoyle heard from Harry about how Ron had been oneuped by Hermione with the levitation charm.

"She's a total nightmare, honestly!" Ron had claimed while they were walking in the courtyard. "No wonder she hasn't gotten many friends—"

Brooklyn had nudged him sharply in the arm after he spotted Hermione walk past them. And he had seen to his shock that she was crying.

"What?" Ron asked irritably, and he pointed out Hermione to him. For a brief moment, Ron looked pretty guilty.

"She'll get over it, right?" He asked nervously. Harry and Brooklyn glanced at each other.

"Good luck," Brooklyn had said in a sarcastic voice. "I'm going to look for her."

Ron's eyes widened. "Do you have to? What about the feast tonight?" He asked in a nervous voice.

Brooklyn folded his arms. "I need to make sure she's okay. And I do blame you for making her cry in the first place, even if she is a little bossy. No feast is worth it over this." With that, he turned his backs on them and went to find her.

It took him most of the day, but he eventually heard from a girl named Lavender that she had been crying in the girl's bathroom and didn't show up for class. Figuring it couldn't hurt, Brooklyn decided to try his luck there.

He peeked in first, just to make sure there were no other girls in the bathroom, and then went in.

This bathroom has seen better days, Brooklyn thought to himself, casting his eyes around at some of the broken sinks and flooded toilets. He will eventually find out why later.

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