The White Tomb

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All examinations and lessons had been suspended, as Dumbledore's funeral was to happen today.

A lot of the students had been hurried away by their parents including the Patil Twins and Zacharias Smith, even if the gargoyles were there, several of the parents didn't completely trust the newcomers like Brooklyn and Griff.

Seamus though was able to convince his mother to stay.

McGonagall managed to find places for Brooklyn's Clan to sleep in while at Hogwarts. Broadway, Lexington and Bronx would stay in the Gryffindor Common Room with Brooklyn, While Goliath, Angela and the others found guest rooms at Hogsmeade with Seamus's mother. It was difficult to find a room because of all the guests coming to Dumbledore's funeral, but they managed (with some charisma from Xanatos, of course).

Brooklyn's rookery brothers had gotten to know Sirius quite well, and he liked them, even playing with Bronx in his Animagus form.

The weather seemed to mock them all as everyone filed near the Black Lake for the Funeral service, for it was a beautiful blue sky.

Brooklyn noticed how nervous Lexington was, for his youngest rookery brother had never seen a human funeral before, and comforted him about it.

"It's-it's just weird going to a funeral for somebody I haven't been able to meet," mumbled the olive gargoyle. Brooklyn put an arm around him. "I know, but it will be okay, we'll all be there to help," he said, voice sounding a bit rough, because he still was feeling some grief.

A lot of people appeared, and even Madam Maxime had arrived. Brooklyn had watched with a smile at the sight of the Beauxbaton headmistress throwing herself into Hagrid's arms.

The Minister of Magic was there, too, and even Cornelius Fudge, but Harry and Brooklyn avoided talking to any of them, as they went to find seats as far as possible away from the officials, bringing Brooklyn's Clan and the rest of their friends with them.

Broadway had spotted, to Brooklyn's fury, Umbridge along with Rita Skeeter who was writing down on a clipboard, as he leaned down to his brother.

"Who's the toad human?" He muttered. The red gargoyle scowled darkly, clenching his hand that still had the words I must not spread lies. Broadway stared slightly in shock. "She did that to you?" He nodded. "Yeah. A Blood Quill," he growled. Broadway looked furious, but knew now wasn't the time to make her pay, doing their best to ignore her as they took their seats.

Harry sat with Brooklyn next to Goliath and the others. Grawp was there, and looking more docile and almost human than he ever did. Mermusic started up, for a group of Merpeople appeared above the surface of the Black Lake along with Brody in his human form. Brooklyn suddenly saw Hagrid carrying a bundle wrapped in a white cloth with purple patterns and gold stars, Dumbledore's body. He felt his heart threatening to break again, as his hands trembled. Goliath took his hand, nodding comfortingly to Brooklyn, who began to try steadying himself, despite the hot acid of grief rising in his stomach.

Somber funeral music began to play, as Hagrid laid Dumbledore's body on the table, then walked solemnly down the aisle to his seat, blowing his nose loudly. Umbridge had made a disgusted face at that, making Brooklyn growl silently in anger. Why was she even here at all amazed him. Grawp had patted his brother on the head, and Hagrid's chair legs sank into the floor.

Firenze was at the funeral, too, his face looking quite emotionless, but the gargoyle thought he saw a tear coming down the centaur's cheek. When Umbridge had first laid eyes on him, she scooted far away.

A tufty haired man in black robes came up to speak, saying a speech about how Dumbledore changed people's lives, etc., but Brooklyn could hardly listen, feeling more tears starting to fall, remembering the first time Dumbledore had given him his redwood wand, how he accidentally broke one of his fancy instruments, but all that the man had done was smile, eyes twinkling, admitting he had one too many gadgets that Brooklyn would eventually have to show Lexington sometime.

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