Demona's Deal With Voldemort

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Demona was in the small village of Little Hangleton, where Borgin had told her to go to find a big abandoned mansion known as the Riddle House. She growled softly at the small crowds of humans here and there, most of them not noticing a sinister female gargoyle in the shadows. She traveled at night, because that way the humans won't go into panic mode, or shoot her down. Plus she didn't have the time to torment poor moneyless humans in a musty little village when she could eventually have revenge on all of them!

Her eyes narrowed as she spotted that old rusted Mansion up ahead. This must be what Borgin had told her about, and that this Voldemort person had been found in Albania by somebody and brought here to rest his powers until he got his body back.

She strode past a small house where she could see an old man, possibly the caretaker of this mansion caring for the garden. Demona made sure that he didn't see her as she went by.

Demona then opened the door, proceeding upstairs, the stairway creaking under her weight from lack of care. Huh, caretaker my foot, that old geezer never bothered to sweep the stairs! She thought harshly, approaching the doorway to the sitting room.

A snake suddenly appeared, the biggest one Demona had ever seen. It eyed her, flicking its tongue out, hissing, before slithering slowly back into the room, encircling around the chair and speaking to whoever was sitting in it in a language Demona couldn't understand. How could the snake even speak at all?

"Come in, my dear. We mustn't stand in hallways, it's rude," a high cold voice spoke out loud. The hairs on Demona's neck went up a little, but recomposed herself and walked in, seeing two men there, one was a short pathetic grubby one, who looked terrified at the sight of Demona, and the other was a taller young man with straw colored hair and freckles, his crazed eyes following the female gargoyle's form with interest and something else that disgusted her. Heck no she wouldn't let any human have his way with her! Demona snarled at the tall human, who backed up, but didn't lose his insane smile.

She faced the one who sat in the chair, and was greatly disturbed at what he was: resembling a slimy ugly child with a terrible face: one with red eyes and slits for nostrils. His hands were so feeble he could barely lift a finger. But he gave Demona a sinister smile.

"Welcome, Demona. I'm sure that useless Borgin told you so much about me?"

Demona nodded, trying her best to hold eye contact. To be honest, this Dark Wizard wasn't at all what she had come to expect. But deciding to mess with him, she simply smirked.

"I thought you'd be taller and more powerful."

That made Voldemort react, but didn't do anything. He had to give credit to this creature that had the guts to be sassy to him.

"I am more powerful than you think, demon. I could kill you right now if I wanted to. I even possessed one of your kind. His name was Brooklyn. I tried to make him open the Chamber of Secrets, but he proved to be the most stubborn to my control. Should have settled on somebody who wasn't so resistant like him. Ah, you know him, don't you?" Voldemort then asked, smiling softly at the anger in Demona's eyes, she had gone rigid, hands balling into fists.

"You could say that," Demona snarled, eyes glowing. "We've had differences of opinion, and now we're rivals. I'm trying to find him and put him out of his misery, out of my life. And that human said you have the power to do so. In return with me helping you in some ridiculous quest, is it not?"

"It isn't ridiculous. I simply want control of the whole Wizarding world. Either have them follow me or they perish. Now let me tell you my offer..."

In a small cottage outside the Riddle House:

Frank Bryce was putting on another teapot, unaware of the conversation going on in the Mansion he had grown to care for even after the Riddles perished from poisoned drinks or whatnot. He had been accused, even though he says he didn't do it, so Frank had isolated himself from the rest of the world, occasionally chasing off young troublemakers who ruin his gardens and sometimes break into the old house for a dare.

That night, he saw a light in the window after seeing a strange winged figure wandering past his house early evening, consumed by shadow, so he never got a good look at what it was. But now, Frank was annoyed, for he thought those kids had come back to punish him further.

Throwing down his towel, Frank picked up a lamp and made his way to the mansion, grumbling swear words under his breath as he unlocked the door, going into the dark rooms.

Frank made his way up the stairs, hearing strange voices from the landing and readying his cane. The stairs creaked no matter how soft his steps were. He had to know who it was up there.

"N-no, my Lord Voldemort!" A whimpering man's voice came. "I-if we were to do it without the boy then-."

"No, Wormtail!" Hissed a high cold voice that made Frank grip his staff tightly. He never heard anybody with a voice like that one!

"The boy Harry Potter is everything! It cannot be done without him! And we will make his gargoyle brother, Brooklyn watch him suffer at my hands, if that pleases you, my dear? Once he is broken after I'm through with Potter, you can take him for yourself!"

Frank squinted at the one in the shadows, a feminine winged figure that looked familiar who had nodded. It couldn't be...

Then a straw colored haired man knelt down next to the chair, a mad gleam in his eyes. "I won't disappoint you, My Lord. Harry Potter and Brooklyn will come to you. I guarantee it."

"Good! Gather our old comrades, send them a sign after the Quidditch World Cup, then carry out your plans, my faithful servant! For there could be no need to break into Hogwarts yet Demona, not if my servant is able to lure Potter and Brooklyn right into our hands!" The cold voice said in an unfeeling tone, that had Frank come to the conclusion that this guy was a madman, and was willing to kill an innocent boy!

The winged creature near them smiled. "I look forward to doing business with you as well, my Lord, soon, Brooklyn will be dead at my talons!"

Frank backed away, heart pounding. Whoever this Harry Potter and Brooklyn (he guessed was the 'gargoyle') were they were in danger. He needed to get help. The police! There was a pay phone in town if he could...

A hissing noise sounded, and he glanced down, flinching at the larger than life snake that slithered past his shoe, barely touching it. It slithered into the room, coiling up around a large sitting chair, speaking in a strange tongue before the cold voice spoke again.

"Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker is just outside the door!"

Frank leaned back at the sight of a ratty looking man, Wormtail he thought he heard his name was? As he gave him an ugly grin.

"Step aside, Wormtail so I can give our guest a proper greeting! Now, my dear Demona, you will see what I am capable of!"

Frank's fears rose as the red eyed demon watched him, along with the thing in the chair raising a wand.


He had no time to scream, as the jet of green light hit his body, making it crumple up and fall. Frank Bryce lay dead on the floor.

And somewhere in Ottery St. Catchpole, in a strange looking house called the Burrow around 4:30 in the morning, a boy named Harry Potter had woken with a start.

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