The Yule Ball

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Since the excitement of the First Task, Brooklyn could definitely see things improving: one was that Ron was best friends with them again. Two, not many people were wearing badges anymore. Three, a lot of people didn't seem to mind Harry turning into a gargoyle, who Dumbledore managed to register him with the Ministry of Magic a week after.

And finally, Christmas was on its way, one of the few things Brooklyn always looked forward too here at Hogwarts, the most festive time at this school. He always enjoyed the big Christmas trees covered in candles that Hagrid brought in.

He was so happy to care about the so-called love article about the supposed romance triangle between Harry, Hermione, and Krum. In fact, when they read it that morning at breakfast, he laughed at how ridiculous it was.

Other news that arrived was an unexpected event for the gargoyle: a Yule Ball to happen on Christmas Eve, and that everybody had to have a date that night. This made him feel nervous, and perhaps a little sad, too, because he never had anybody to take to a party before, and he figured nobody would want to ask him.

He stayed silent in the Great Hall one morning at breakfast, when they were all talking about dates for the ball.

Ron had opened an early Christmas present from his mom, which revealed the most appalling dress robes, looking more like a girl's dress. Just seeing this made Brooklyn laugh slightly, but still feel upset about not possibly finding anybody to go with, perhaps avoiding this thing altogether.

McGonagall held a meeting about the Yule Ball, where Brooklyn sat with Harry and Ron: boys on one end of the room and girls on the other. Several were whispering and pointing at either Harry or Brooklyn, when McGonagall mentioned the ball being a dance, this made Brooklyn blush even more. Oh great.

"To dance, is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forward in flight," McGonagall said, while Brooklyn did his best to try avoiding any flirting girl's gaze. There was no point in trying, nobody would want to dance with anyone like him, anyway.

"Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley," she called to Ron, who looked surprised. "Will you join me please?"

Ron grimaced, but did as he was told, walking up to her, who was smiling.

"Place your right hand on my waist," she instructed. Ron then paled, but Brooklyn snickered softly. This was possibly the most embarrassing thing for Ron right now!

They began to dance, and she called up the others to do the same. At first, a few of the boys didn't want to until Neville was brave and began dancing with Ginny. The other boys then followed suit, taking almost every girl in the room. Brooklyn didn't feel like staying there, not wanting to be teased about being unable to find a girl, so he snuck out quietly.

The next couple of days before Christmas Eve were mostly boys asking girls to the dance, and Brooklyn trying to avoid asking anyone, and especially boys asking him if he had a date. He was cornered by the twins later, though.

"Hey, Brook! Have you asked anybody yet?" Fred asked curiously. Knowing now that he was trapped, he shook his head.

"No, why bother? It's just a stupid dance, and let's face it, nobody wants to go with anybody like me," he mumbled dryly, wrapping his wings around his shoulders. There were times where he still felt bitter about Angela choosing Broadway instead of him even after all these years.

"Okay, you really must be desperate if you've been avoiding girls lately," George commented, looking rather sorry for him. Brooklyn glared. He didn't want anybody's sympathy!

But then, Fred looked knowledgeable. "Ya know, there could be one girl for you. She's been turned down by five boys, and she's on our Quidditch team! I mean, who wouldn't want to go with her?"

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