Ministry Mission and On the Run

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The next few weeks involved planning and strategy of how to get into the Ministry of Magic undetected, and then one day Sirius before he left to go into hiding with the others was to use Polyjuice Potion, and take the form of Ministry workers to get in. It was a tearful farewell when Sirius finally left, hugging Harry tightly and told him to be safe.

The foursome carefully chose their people: Albert Runcorn, Mafalda Hopkirk, Reginald Cattermole. But with Brooklyn, he ended up with the most unexpected host, Percy Weasley. He felt nervous about taking his form, because of the possibility of running into Mr. Weasley. Ron told him as long as he kept up the act, Mr. Weasley wouldn't suspect him.

Along the way, they met more bad news: for Severus Snape was appointed Headmaster of Hogwarts. Brooklyn had to go into a private area to blow off his fury, for he felt sick at the thought of that slimy murderer sitting in Dumbledore's chair!

It was now the big day they were supposed to go into the Ministry. Hermione's Polyjuice was ready, and the unconscious bodies of their hosts were tucked away safely in a hidden alleyway. Brooklyn put Percy's hairs into his glass, and stared a little at its color, a bright green.

Okay... interesting color reaction, the gargoyle thought, grimacing again as he took that potion, reluctantly.

Now, in the form of Percy, Brooklyn with his friends went along their way until they encountered an entrance saying GENTLEMEN on the left, and LADIES on the right.

Hermione looked at the three boys nervously. "See you soon," she said, turning on her heels to the ladies, while the three boys went the other way.

Brooklyn Harry and Ron entered the men's bathroom stalls, standing in line until it was their turn. The gargoyle glanced about his stall, wondering how it was supposed to work, until Harry gazed over at him.

"Apparently, Ron says we flush ourselves down the toilet," Harry muttered in a disgusted voice. Brooklyn's face fell. Who the heck even thought of that kind of entrance?

Nodding and grimacing again in disgust, Brooklyn stepped foot into the toilet. The water didn't feel wet, surprisingly enough. He pulled the string, and felt the sensation of being pulled down a tube, appearing in one of the fireplaces in the Ministry.

He met up with the other three, and proceeded along their way, nerves growing as thoughts of running into Mr. Weasley here kept penetrating his mind while approaching the statue that replaced the old one of the witch, wizard, centaur, and house elf.

It was now three huge stone chairs, which resided witches and wizards with looks of importance and strength with the saying Magic is Might. And below it...

Brooklyn stared in disbelief, at the sight of the carvings of men, women, and children with ugly and stupid faces holding up the chairs. That was bloody horrible!

"A-are those?" Harry asked in disgust. Hermione nodded, revulsion on her face and Ron's, too. "Muggles, in their rightful place," she whispered in fear.

The red gargoyle shook his head. "I hate it!" He grumbled, hands balling. Harry took his hand gently, smiling a little, and calming him down a tad.

As they approached the elevators, Yaxley came up to them, a scowl on his face.

"Cattermole? It's still raining inside my office, for two days now," he said. Ron looked nervous. "Uh, did you try an umbrella?" He asked.

Very smooth, Ron, Brooklyn thought, until Yaxley looked over at him, and he gulped.

"What are you doing with these three, Weasley? Aren't you supposed to be helping the Minister with paperwork?" He asked suspiciously.

"Oh! Er, I uh, he reassigned me to be with Mafalda, to help her out, as a junior assistant for her, yeah!" He quickly came up with, while the rest of them stared.

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