Baby Dragon and Getting in Trouble

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Hermione returned to Hogwarts after term had started up again, and Harry informed them about not being able to find Nicholas Flamel in the restricted section. He told Brooklyn later of his adventures before the Mirror came up about using his Cloak to sneak in. Brooklyn was in complete shock at this.

"You broke into the Restricted Section?" He exclaimed, fury in his voice. They were in the Gryffindor Common Room, sitting near the fire. Harry looked down sheepishly. "It was worth a try, wasn't it? And what was I supposed to do? Walk up to Madam Pince and ask her about Nicholas Flamel? You know she wouldn't let me in there unless it was important! And she's incredibly suspicious and paranoid!"

Brooklyn gave an exasperated sigh. "Harry, never do anything that dangerous without me there to protect you. You would have been expelled!"

Before Harry could say anything else, the portrait hole opened, and Brooklyn saw Neville hopping in, literally, because his legs were cemented together. His brow raised. What happened?

Neville managed to get himself in before he slipped and fell, resulting in the other Gryffindors to start laughing. Not amused, Brooklyn immediately recognized the leg locker curse as he stepped forward, pulling out his wand.

"Finite," he said, causing Neville's legs to split apart. He helped him to his feet.

"Th-thank you," Neville stammered, casting grateful eyes onto Brooklyn.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Malfoy happened. He cornered me at the library. Said he was looking for somebody to practice it on."

Brooklyn growled. Every time Malfoy was involved....

"Go to McGonagall! Report him!" Hermione encouraged. Neville shook his head. "I don't want more trouble," he mumbled.

Brooklyn wondered why reporting to somebody about their troubles was a bad thing. He approached Neville, who was looking miserable.

"I don't even know why the Sorting Hat even put me here. The rest of you are braver than me!"

"You do have it in you, Neville. It just takes time for it to come. That's how it was with me when Goliath made me second in command. I just needed a confidence booster," Brooklyn assured him, remembering the day he had to lead the Clan while Goliath was in Avalon.

Harry gave Neville a Chocolate Frog. "You're worth twelve of Malfoy, Neville. It chose you for a reason. And where's Malfoy? In stinking Slytherin!"

The gargoyle smiled at Harry's words. He knew how to cheer others up.

Neville gave a small smile as he unwrapped the frog. "Thanks, Harry and Brooklyn. I think I'll go to bed. You want the card? You collect them, right?"

Harry took the card and looked at it.

"Dumbledore again. He was the first one I ever—" he paused in mid sentence. Brooklyn saw that he had a surprised look on his face. "What's up?" He asked curiously, walking over.

"I found him, Flamel!" Harry exclaimed, holding out his card excitedly. Ron, Hermione and Brooklyn all looked over to read it.

Hermione's eyes brightened after she read the card. Brooklyn stared at her. "You okay?" He asked in confusion. Brooklyn had never seen her this excited before.

"Wait here!" She rushed up to the girl's dormitory, and came down in just two minutes with a huge book.

"I never thought to look in here! I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading!" Brooklyn rolled his eyes. If that was light reading, he was a mouse!

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