Godfather Reunion and Quidditch Final

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Hagrid had returned from his trip to London the next Sunday, where Hermione had gotten a letter from him saying Buckbeak was going to be executed, because they lost.

When Brooklyn heard this, he was beyond furious. He just couldn't believe that an innocent creature was going to be killed, just like that.

"They can't do this!" He had shouted that day in anger. "He's innocent!"

Hermione wiped her eyes. "Malfoy's dad frightened the Committee into it. You know what he's like..."

Brooklyn growled, crunching the letter in his hands. Oh, yes, he knew. First from being threatened in a public place, then ending up using a cursed diary that almost got him killed.

Ron had offered his help, which ended with Hermione hugging him tightly, much to Brooklyn and Harry's amusement.

"Ron, I'm so sorry about Scabbers!" Hermione sobbed. Ron patted her back awkwardly.

"Yeah, well, he was pretty useless anyway. And perhaps Mum will get me an owl now!" But then he noticed Harry giving him a look. "What?"

"Don't you have somebody else to apologize to?" Harry questioned, as Brooklyn nodded his head. Ron winced. He had been trying, but his anger had always won out. But now that the Scabbers thing had been taken care of, he felt like he could apologize now.

"Brook, I-it wasn't right for me to blame you for failing to protect Scabbers. You have many other things besides rats to worry about, and, I didn't mean to call you a devil. It just slipped, I was just angry."

The gargoyle felt his heart warm slightly at the boy's words, which felt honest about what he was saying, and gave him a nod, holding out his hand. Ron took it, and they shook. Hermione watched with tears in her eyes.

The rest of the week uped the security measures, almost making it impossible for Brooklyn to bring Harry to Sirius, but there came one evening after a mishap of classes, involving Hermione twice earlier in the afternoon.

After Care of Magical Creatures, Brooklyn had spotted Malfoy laughing at Hagrid, who had started crying after talking about how he had failed the Committee and running back to the cabin.

"Look at him blubber!" Malfoy had laughed in glee, making Brooklyn growl furiously, moving towards the brat, but Hermione had gotten there first, doing something that had surprised them all: she punched him, right in the face, making the boy stagger back in shock.

This reminded Brooklyn of how he had punched Sirius. Even though he shouldn't really think this way, since she had been sleep deprived from her studies, he was quite impressed the way she stood up for Hagrid, by punching Malfoy.

Another incident involved the crazy Divination Professor: Brooklyn was waiting outside when Hermione appeared, looking quite angry and stressed. When the rest of the class came, he learned from Ron she had suddenly quit, after Trelawney told her she didn't have the 'Inner Eye'. The gargoyle frowned. Sure, she was nuts, especially whenever she bugged him about being a Seer, but she didn't have to insult Hermione like that.

This was all going around in Brooklyn's head while he and Harry went out that evening the day before the Finals match under the Cloak past the security trolls, and to the Whomping Willow where Sirius would meet them.

He felt butterflies in his stomach at how Harry would react, as they threw off the cloak after seeing nobody.

"So... where's this friend of yours?" Harry had asked, scratching his head. Brooklyn looked around, wondering where Sirius was hiding, until a dog's snuffles came from the bushes. Harry gasped a bit at the sight of the black dog, thinking it was the Grim, but he noticed that Brooklyn could see it too.

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