The Letters From No One?

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The next few months went by pretty fast for Brooklyn, and now it was almost Harry's 11th birthday. There had been one or two close calls whenever Petunia came in to throw away a broken item of Dudley's and nearly spotted Brooklyn, who had to hide among the broken toys. She at first was confused, but then shrugged it off thinking it was a pesky mouse. He had sighed in relief when she left.

Who knows what would happen if they ever catch me up here! He had thought one day after yet another close shave.

He heard that every time Harry had a birthday, they would either ignore it or give him Uncle Vernon's old socks, which made Brooklyn hate this so-called family even more. They had the gall to ignore their close relative's birthdays? It infuriated the young gargoyle a lot.

Harry eventually told Brooklyn the news of him going to Stonewall High while Dudley went to Smeltings. Deep down, Brooklyn was kind of worried that Harry wouldn't be able to come and see him if this was a boarding school, which later, he learned it was.

Brooklyn had a glimpse of Dudley in his school uniform once and both he and Harry had to stifle their laughter at the sight of his clothes and Petunia's overreactions about how 'handsome' he looked. To Brooklyn, Dudley looked like how Broadway would dress for Halloween sometimes!

Harry also told Brooklyn of peculiar circumstances that have happened recently: including shopping incidents when once, an old man with a violet top hat had bowed to him there. Petunia had eventually rushed them out of the store without buying anything, and another time an old woman in a green robe waved to him on a bus.

Brooklyn was pretty confused. How did these strange people seem to know Harry? He had no clue.

Then things took a turn towards weirdsville when Brooklyn was disturbed from his nap by Dudley's and Harry's yells. He gave a startled shout and fell out of the bed, hitting the floor on his still sore shoulder, wincing in pain and rubbing it.

What the heck's going on? Brooklyn thought grumpily. He had been ruined of a perfectly good dream where he was reunited with his parents in a peaceful field.

Cautiously sneaking his way towards the top of the stairs, he watched and then flinched as Uncle Vernon's bellow grated his ears again.


He then threw both Dudley and Harry out of the room and slammed the door. For a brief moment, they fought over the keyhole with Dudley winning.

Harry spotted Brooklyn on top of the stairs and shook his head, signaling the gargoyle that he would explain later.

Brooklyn nodded in understanding as he made his way back to the room.

It was well near sunset when Brooklyn received an unexpected roommate: Harry, who brought in the only clothes he had.

"What's going on?" He asked curiously. Harry looked as confused as he was on Dudley's birthday.

"I'm sorry I didn't visit you sooner, but the strangest thing happened: Uncle Vernon gave me the second bedroom after he visited me in my cupboard, said I was getting too big for it, and just decided to move me up here!"

Brooklyn was startled. "But why? And why were you guys yelling earlier?"

"Don't know. It all happened because I got a letter. I'll tell you about it tomorrow."

Brooklyn then nodded in understanding.

But then Harry looked downcast. "Brooklyn, you can find another place to sleep, if you want to-"

But he held up his hand, silencing him. "Listen, Harry, I've never needed a bed my whole life when I still have been able to turn to stone during the day. You need it more than me. Take the bed. I can find blankets and such. It's fine."

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