Showdown at the Ministry

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The group entered the room filled with glowing orbs that Brooklyn remembered from his dream. Everybody stared in awe at the many orbs in the room. Behind them, the door began to move, until it was out of sight. Brooklyn wondered now if they would be able to find their way back out of the entrance moves like this.

"So, where'd you say Sirius was in here?" Brooklyn asked. Harry glanced about.

"I saw him in row 97. Come on," Harry said. They all nodded and followed. Harry and Brooklyn counted each row, until they reached 97. But Sirius wasn't around.

Brooklyn felt worried now, that Harry's vision might have really been false, he couldn't even detect Sirius's dog scent in here, either, and it felt too quiet except for their footsteps.

"He should be here!" Harry cried to him.

"Harry, I can't even smell him," Brooklyn said, and Harry's eyes were wide in horror.

"N-no, you might be wrong! Maybe they've taken him somewhere else!" Before Brooklyn could respond back, Neville called to them.

"Guys, this thing's got Harry's name on it!" The brothers turned to see what Neville was looking at, and Brooklyn gasped softly at the sight of the familiar orb from his nightmare. It had the same note pinned to it:

Dark Lord


Harry Potter

Harry stared as well, and then reached out with his hand.

Brooklyn grabbed his hand. "Wait, it might be a trap," he warned, not wanting his brother to touch it. Harry pulled his hand away. "It has my name, Brooklyn. I'm sure they'd let me take it."

With that Harry took the orb off the shelf, and thankfully nothing happened. The two of them stared as Trelawney's voice came from it.

"The One with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... for neither can live while the other survives..."

Brooklyn was semi speechless for a time. All those times Voldemort tried to kill Harry and himself; just to get his hands on some dumb prophecy? And the prophecy was about his little brother? Where did this even start in the first place?

"Guys!" Hermione cried, and the red gargoyle was suddenly hit with an all too familiar scent, the scent of a slime man.

He turned, seeing a man walking toward them in a metal skull mask and black robes.

Brooklyn stepped in front with Harry, the two of them pulling out their own wands. He knew who it was immediately.

"Where is Sirius, Lucius?" He demanded hotly, keeping Harry near him. Lucius drew his wand from inside his cane, taking off his mask with magic, while more Death Eaters appeared.

"One must know the difference between dreams and reality. For Potter only saw what the Dark Lord wanted him to see."

Another figure appeared near Lucius, not human.

"Oh, Brooklyn, still as gullible as ever, and your little human group is no better. Once again we've lured you to your demise!" It was Demona.

Brooklyn growled at her, but they didn't make any moves yet, not until they learned what they wanted.

"What is your game for your master this time, Demona?" Brooklyn demanded fiercely. She put her hands on her hips, smirking.

"He desires that prophecy, and wanted me to claim it for him. But I am nobody's servant, we're acquaintances, allies."

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