Through the Trap Door

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Later that evening, Brooklyn and his friends snuck out of bed to get to the trapdoor. Brooklyn felt nervous about facing that three headed mutt again, but at least they were going to be more prepared (hopefully).

As they crept through the common room, Brooklyn and his friends were unfortunate to run into Neville Longbottom, who looked suspicious of them.

"What do you think you four are doing?" He asked.

Brooklyn's feet shuffled. "Uh, nothing," he mumbled, seeing Harry hide the cloak behind his back, wondering if it was going to be big enough to cover him.

"Go back to bed, Neville," Ron said. But Neville didn't move.

"You're going out again, aren't you?" Neville exclaimed, seeing the guilty looks on their faces.

Brooklyn held up his hands. "Now, this isn't what it looks like, we aren't—."

"You're going to lose Gryffindor house points again! I won't let that happen!" Neville cried, standing between them and the portrait hole. The red gargoyle felt desperate. They were wasting time right now! He didn't have time to argue with him!

"You don't understand, this is important!" Harry exclaimed, sounding impatient, and Brooklyn couldn't blame him. Why doesn't he just move already?!

"Neville, just go to bed and don't be an idiot!" Ron exploded. Brooklyn flinched, hoping that they could convince Neville before anything bad happened.

"I won't! It was Harry and Brooklyn that told me to stand up to people!"

Brooklyn groaned in exasperation, realizing his mistake. Nice going, stupid! "We meant Malfoy, not us!" He growled, eyes starting to glow. "Now get out of the way! I don't want to hurt you!"

But Neville held up his fists. Despite feeling very irritated, Brooklyn had to admit this human boy was brave.

"Come on then! I'm ready!"

Ron looked at Hermione in desperation, who drew her wand.

"I'm so sorry, Neville!" She apologized, raising her wand, she cast the most lethal spell Brooklyn had seen so far.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Brooklyn's mouth fell open he witnessed the effects of the spell. Neville's arms and legs had snapped to his sides, and fell to the floor.

"What did you do to him?" He gasped, too stunned to take it all in.

"Full Body bind," Hermione explained.

Okay, I don't think I want to get on Hermione's bad side! He thought, staring down at the boy's frozen form, his eyes staring up at them in horror.

"I'm so sorry, Neville!" Hermione apologized, as they all stepped over him gingerly.

They then had to figure out how to get Brooklyn under the Cloak with them, considering his wings and tail and that he was a few feet taller than them.

The group struggled for a while, getting tangled in the cloak twice, and having Brooklyn and Ron fall on top of each other after another fail.

Harry then suggested that Brooklyn could wrap his wings around his shoulders, and duck a little, with the exception of a cramped back later. It was a success, aside the small detail of Brooklyn's tail sticking out. He simply tried his best to keep it under his feet.

Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to leave Neville like that, Brooklyn thought for himself, looking about warily, as he and the others expected Filch or Peeves to pounce out at them.

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