The Begining

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Brooklyn awoke, still seeing Katie snuggled up near his side, and he gave a small smile. She had stayed with him through the whole rest of the night, and he was immensely grateful to have somebody like her to be with.

After they left the hospital wing, Brooklyn and Harry had met up with Cedric's parents, who thanked the brothers for returning their son's body to them but wouldn't accept Harry's prize money.

The Tri-Wizard Tournament had once again been cancelled, and Brooklyn was glad about it. No other student needed to die over eternal glory. Karkaroff had disappeared, too, and Brooklyn now wondered if Voldemort had found the coward and killed him.

In the Great Hall after breakfast, Dumbledore had delivered a funeral speech for Cedric Diggory, even saying he had been murdered by Voldemort, but forbade any of the students to ask the victims of him no questions about what happened in detail. Brooklyn cast his eyes about, noticing a few of the students, including one Hufflepuff named Zacharias Smith, just shaking his head at Dumbledore with mistrust. He had even looked to Brooklyn, and giving the gargoyle a glare, and even fear, as if he was afraid of Brooklyn and Harry's 'sanity'.

Everybody then raised their glasses, drinking a toast to Cedric. Brooklyn vowed to never forget the boy who had been one of the few to not hate him or his little brother during the tournament.

Afterward, Dumbledore had pulled Brooklyn aside in his office.

"Brooklyn, I know you have been waiting to return to your clan, and I'm sorry that I've been taking too long to help figure out Puck's spell. But I think I found a solution for you to be able to go back right to Castle Wyvern, if you're ready," he said in a soft tone. Brooklyn's eyes widened at the idea of actually being able to go home at last! But...

He immediately thought of Demona, who was still with Voldemort, and his promise to Harry's parents. Brooklyn then decided that he needed to stay a little longer, it just wouldn't feel right to go home now, not with Demona and Voldemort on the loose!

I'm sorry, Goliath, but I have to stay. I hope you can be strong without me a while longer; he thought sadly before speaking.

"Sir, I really appreciate that you've kept your word about finding a way home for me. But-but I don't think I can go home yet. I can't let Demona get her claws on this place and destroy it, not like my old home. This is one castle I won't let fall! And my brother still needs me, especially as of right now!" He then declared, feeling the old fire in his heart and eyes return, hands clenched.

Dumbledore looked surprised, but his eyes shone with gratitude.

"Oh, Brooklyn, this means more to me than you'll ever know, but whenever you need to go home, just tell me, and you'll be able to. But as of this moment, I have a place for you to temporarily stay at Grimmauld Place, an old residence of Sirius Black's family, now that Voldemort is on the rise, the Leaky Cauldron and the Burrow won't have the highest protection. And Harry still needs to be at the Dursleys for the time being."

Brooklyn stared. "Professor, I really don't like the idea of Harry staying with those so-called relatives of his again, even if it is only for the first part of the summer! I wanted him to stay with me for all of it so they wouldn't find him!"

Dumbledore continued to gaze at Brooklyn. "It's the best thing for the moment, since Lily's protection charm is still on the residence. I must ask you to trust me on this one, Brooklyn."

Still feeling quite frustrated that Harry had to still return to the Dursleys, he reluctantly nodded. That was when he thought of something else, something he should have done before the Tri-Wizard Tournament started.

"Sir, if I may make a suggestion, I happen to know there is a clan of gargoyles living in London. I met one of them one time, while Goliath was on his World Tour with Elisa, Bronx, and Angela, and I think they wouldn't say no to protecting a new castle that has young children living in it. I can message them the situation with Wyvern, and they can meet up with us, for they probably already learned from my clan about my disappearance, and they would be happy to know I'm okay."

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