Demona's Plan

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Demona was frustrated.

Ever since she had heard of Brooklyn's disappearance by that trickster, she had been going over several books, trying to figure his spell out. She hadn't seen him since he placed the human curse on her.

Demona had her own business building Nightstone Unlimited, working as a human during the day then living as a gargoyle at night.

Pacing back and forth in her human form in her office, the sun going down, she found herself deep in thought.

If he could send Brooklyn back in time, how did he even find a way when not being able to get his hands on the Phoenix Gate in the past? Could he have somehow created a new kind of time traveling spell without the use of the now lost Phoenix Gate?

Demona narrowed her eyes when she heard that they were trying to convince Puck to give them the spell to find Brooklyn, but he refuses to speak of it.

She then knew she had to take the bratty son of Oberon out of the Clan's hands, and squeeze the information out of him herself, by torturing if necessary. Demona smirked cruelly at the thought, it would be revenge after he had cursed her to turn human.

The sun went down at that moment, making Demona's body seize up, transforming into her gargoyle form, eyes glowing red as she hissed viciously.

I shall break into Wyvern tonight. I don't care if they are not stone. It will happen.

Demona leapt out the window, wings spreading as she took off into the night, her eyes narrowed as Brooklyn entered her mind, her hatred to the fake second in command growing.

You are out there somewhere, Brooklyn. You can't hide from me forever, I shall find you, and you will pay for going against me those years ago when I offered you to join me! She thought, letting loose her banshee screech as she glided through the night.

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