The Graveyard part 2

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Harry was wide eyed at the appearance of this other female gargoyle, the one Brooklyn had spoken of and had grown to hate over the years. She definitely was magnificent, light blue skin, graceful figure, and red hair, but at the same time, so evil. And now she was working with Voldemort, his parent's murderers. And this was double trouble!

Demona watched Brooklyn glaring at her, satisfied seeing him so helpless, unable to loosen his bonds and fight her. She couldn't wait to scratch away his life, but she had to wait, for Voldemort wished to break her rival's spirit by killing and torturing that human boy in front of him and his Death Eaters.

Speaking of which, there were the sudden sounds of Apparition, and the Death Eaters arrived, in a circle around Voldemort, several of them bowing to him and kissing the hem of his robes.

Brooklyn just stared, disgusted watching these people stooping to somebody as low as this evil man, all his slaves. But he noticed gaps in the circle, of those that were missing. Voldemort gazed around at them all, while Demona stood near Brooklyn, her eyes narrowed at all the humans in front of her.

"Why, Demona?" Brooklyn asked in a quiet voice, while Voldemort spoke to his followers. She turned sharply at his voice.

"What?" She growled, her eyes glowing, but Brooklyn didn't flinch, he continued to stare hard at her.

"Why did you join him, just to get at me? And how did you even figure out Puck's spell in the first place?"

Demona's expression didn't change, as she then told her story.

"I heard of you being sent to this world by that miserable trickster, and I still wanted revenge on you for going against me all those years ago when all I wanted was for you to see my side of humans. So I broke into Wyvern, and stole him before your Clan could even get Puck to give up his spell. They all tried to stop me, but I overpowered them, and took Puck with me. Then I tortured Puck until he at last gave in.

Using the spell, I wound up in London, where I gathered information about where you could be. And what did I find? The second in command to Goliath sobering up to an old fool for worthless brats lesser magic education school, and stuck with a weak human child, pretending to be his brother!"

This deeply angered Brooklyn at Demona for insulting Dumbledore and Harry. "I'm not pretending to be Harry's brother! We really are by bond!" He growled, struggling in his chains again.

Demona simply waved her hand in dejection. "It doesn't matter to me. For Voldemort here seems to be the only human in this place to sympathize with my hatred for humans, and wants me to succeed in my quest. To end all humans along with gargoyles who support them! And he wishes to help me build the new world where gargoyles can once again rule like we should have!"

Brooklyn just shook his head, giving Demona a look of deep sorrow, and hatred. He still can't sympathize with her. She was still crazy, wanting to kill humans, including young children.

"Someday, Demona, you will learn that teaming up with a Dark Wizard who promises glory isn't all cracked up to be. If I can't tell you, figure it out the hard way, if that is what you want!" He snapped. Hissing, Demona slapped Brooklyn hard, and his face stung from the back of her hand. Harry's eyes narrowed in anger, for Demona hitting his brother.

"Silence! You dare tell me that Voldemort won't fulfill his promise? What about you? What has that old fool Dumbledore done? Making you protect this boy to help you go home? And all you've earned was a scar from a lesser werewolf! At least I'm on the side that will win!"

"I've earned friendship, and people who actually like me for who I am! Even if I haven't been able to return home yet!" Brooklyn grunted back, his face still stinging. Demona didn't listen anymore, as she focused her gaze back to Voldemort and his followers. One Death Eater knelt forward suddenly, pleading for mercy.

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