Hogwarts and the Unexpected Mission

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They finally arrived at the station. Harry and Ron both changed into their robes and were walking out together. As Brooklyn exited, he felt something at his feet. Glancing down, he saw a large toad sitting there. He then realized it was the boy's toad and picked it up, looking around.

Finally, he spotted Neville, who was still crying over his pet. Brooklyn approached him carefully, not wanting the boy to run away from him.

"Hey, is this yours?" he asked. The boy looked scared, but then he recognized the toad in his hand.

"Trevor! You found him! Thank you!"

Brooklyn smiled at him. "No problem. I'll see you inside." Neville waved as he walked off with his toad.

He caught up with Harry and Ron and then heard a familiar voice.

"Firs' years, this way! Firs' years over here!" Hagrid spotted them and smiled.

"'Ello, 'Arry and Brooklyn! Yeh two doin' alrigh'?"

Brooklyn nodded. "We're fine!"

"Shoul' probably let yeh know that firs' years ride in the boats to Hogwarts. Perhaps yeh can find another way in and eventually meet up with McGonagall after the feast. Hope that's alrigh' with yeh!"

Brooklyn didn't quite like the idea of being away from Harry that long, especially after the Malfoy episode, but reluctantly nodded.

"I'll meet up with you guys later, just go on and don't fall out of the boats," he said. Harry grasped his hand for a moment, then went off with Ron.

Brooklyn then went his own way, running on all fours up to the castle. He paused for a brief moment to take in the grand scale of it. It was incredible! More turrets and towers than Castle Wyvern ever had!

He approached the front doors carefully, which were luckily somewhat open, and pushed his way inside.

Oh man! Brooklyn thought in awe and amazement. The castle was even more grand inside than out. Suits of armor lined the hallways, and some lifeless stone gargoyles were around, too.

He made his way through the hallways until he heard loud chatter from another giant set of doors a few feet away. Brooklyn moved closer toward them, and peered in.

Inside were more human children than he could count, all sitting at long tables.

He couldn't spot his friend, but he did recognize a line of redheads at one of the tables near the right but stayed where he was. He didn't want to cause a commotion because of his appearance.

Brooklyn continued to watch as an old woman in a green robe lifted an old, frayed wizard hat from the stool, allowing a boy to sit there. He recognized Ron.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat called, which startled Brooklyn at the idea of a talking hat in the first place. Ron then went to sit at the table.

About an hour or two went by as the last of the students got sorted (Harry got sorted into Gryffindor, too) and Brooklyn was already anticipating the end of the feast.

Just as he was about ready to go in there and see Harry, Brooklyn was nearly swamped by the tide of students leaving in separate groups. Struggling to his feet, he anxiously looked around, but couldn't see Harry until the last of the students were gone.

Oh great. How am I going to find him now? He thought in dejection. That's when he heard a meow. Startled, he glanced behind him to see a small cat there, staring up at him.

Brooklyn narrowed his eyes. "Not in the mood, kitty. Shoo."

He was mistaken as to his shock, the cat transformed, to reveal the same old woman who was in charge of the strange sorting of students. She gazed at him with a stern expression.

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