Nineteen Years Later

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Nineteen years have passed, nineteen peaceful ones. The Manhattan Clan with their new addition Harry Potter who happily accepted his place in the clan. He now loved living full time at Hogwarts protecting it. The Ministry was even better too with Kingsley taking over with Xanatos helping him. The clan kept their pendants so they didn't have to turn to stone every day which allows them to enjoy being in the sun, as did Brooklyn.

Brooklyn and Katie now live in a nice house not too far from the Weasley's home in Ottery St. Catchpole. The two of them had loved being together. Brooklyn kept in touch with his brother with Hedwig who Harry allowed him to keep after she lived safely with the Weasleys. Hedwig made herself at home with her new Master.

One day Katie's belly had been growing quite big, revealing from a Healer who visited that she was pregnant with two babies; part human and part gargoyle. A few months before she became pregnant the Healer said that she could have children with him because of her Animagus ability to become one, and that they would be born not in an egg. Brooklyn had felt his mate's stomach and the baby's kicks.

"Hi, young ones. Daddy's looking forward to seeing you," he said gently, rubbing Katie's belly with care. Katie smiled at the idea of being a mother, hugging her husband.

However they wanted to know what taking care of a child was really like before the babies came so they agreed to adopt a 3 year old girl whose name was Anna. Her parents couldn't take care of her and Katie and Brooklyn decided to take her in, and she was happy with her new mom and dad. She had magic too so when she turns 11 she can go to Hogwarts.


Now was the day the babies arrived. Brooklyn, Katie, and Anna were at St. Mungos, waiting to take Katie to the birth room. When the Healers came Brooklyn wished his mate good luck and held onto Rose while they wait.

"You can see them now, Brooklyn," said the Healer when she returned. Anna looked at her daddy. She was now 4.

"Is mommy ok?" She asked fearfully. Brook smiled at her. "I believe so." He then guided his daughter with him to see Katie.

She was lying there in the bed, an exhausted smile on her face in her gargoyle form, holding two babies. One was male; with a human looking face but with Brooklyn's white hair and had grey skin with blue eyes. His daughter had his beak but smaller, pink red skin, and brown hair.

Brooklyn's heart soared. He never imagined being a father. But now his wish had come true, and he was blessed with two beautiful children, as well as Anna.

"What do you want to name them?" Katie asked tiredly. Brooklyn had a bit of a thought before answering.

"The boy, his name is Flash. And our daughter, I want her name to be Isabella." He said, petting both their heads. Katie smiled. "I love them," she said. "Anna, meet your siblings," she introduced Anna, who was wide eyed with amazement that she was a big sister. Brooklyn now held his babies, smiling at them. Their eyes weren't open yet but they felt their dad's presence, cooing. Brooklyn couldn't be happier about having his own birth children. It just felt so surreal. And sooner or later they will be able to go to Hogwarts when Anna's age, too.

He told Harry about his new children, and Harry was all to happy for his brother, looking forward to seeing them.


A crisp September autumn now came all too soon for Brooklyn, for Anna and Flash had received their Hogwarts letters, though Anna already had her first year and now was going for her second. This was Flash's first year. McGonagall who was now Headmistress happily accepted Flash to be at her school.

But Isabella was all too impatient to wait.

"It won't be long, Isabella. You will be going, too." Katie assured her daughter who had a whiny look on her face while they were at King's Cross.

"But mommy, it's been two yeaws! I wanna go now!" She wailed. Anna took Isabella's hand. "Don't worry, little sister. I promise I will send you souvenirs and letters. Uncle Harry says he will shop at Hogsmeade for Christmas Presents."

Isabella's bright green eyes lit up in happiness, hugging her sister. "Tank you, An." She said, still learning to talk but getting there. Brooklyn held his son's arms, whose eyes were scared looking at the barrier, pushing his cart with his Great Horned Owl named Breeze. Hedwig took a liking to Breeze after a time, though she still missed Wyvern. Anna had a black and white cat with a blue eye and a green eye named Misty.

The red gargoyle nodded to Flash encouragingly. "Together," he said. Flash smiled at his father, taking a breath then running through the barrier, revealing the nostalgic Platform 9 and 3 Quarters. Brooklyn felt dejavu, sniffling a little from memories when he and his brother first saw the train, glad now he can share this experience with his son.

Everybody was there, old students going back or newcomers. He spotted Hermione and Fred, getting their children ready for Hogwarts. Brooklyn even spotted Draco, his wife and his son. Draco hugged his son Scorpius, whilst eyeing Brooklyn with a somewhat cold but respectful gaze. The Malfoy family had been welcomed back into the community after most of the other Death Eaters had been put away or killed in the Great Battle.

Fred waved the family over who joined them and greeted their children Rose and Hugo. Lex, wearing his pendant so he won't turn to stone was hugging them. Sirius had been there, too. He turned into a dog and played with Isabelle. She always liked Sirius, whom she wanted to call Uncle. Anna had befriended Teddy Lupin quite well in her first year and they became close almost instantly.

Brooklyn smiled at his family before he spotted Flash standing away from everyone, wings flapping in nervousness and sadness. Concern in his eyes Brooklyn went to talk to his son.

"Are you alright? Aren't you excited to go?" He asked him. Flash blinked.

"What? No, I am excited about Hogwarts, Papa. I just... what if the Sorting Hat puts me in Slytherin? Because of how I look?" This instantly had Brooklyn hug his son.

"Now, son, don't ever think like that. That's how I had felt all those years ago. The Sorting Hat doesn't send you to that house on your look. It takes your choices into account. Harry told me that story one time, how he chose to be a Gryffindor instead of a Slytherin. You can do that, too."

Flash's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Brooklyn nodded. "Just trust yourself to choose the best house. And Uncle Harry could give you gliding lessons, too, if you want. Since you're old enough to."

"That sounds great! Thanks, dad!" Flash said excitedly.

"Come on, the train's leaving," Brooklyn said, helping his son to his feet. They joined back with the other families. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Anna and Teddy sitting together in a compartment already. Flash gave his father one more goodbye hug and went to join his sister and friends on the train.

Katie and Brooklyn had arms around one another and their young daughter who was waving, looking upset but excited that next year she will finally go. Flash and the others waved from the compartment windows.

Brooklyn knew at some point he will make a stop at Hogwarts to see how his brother was doing but for now he just stayed with his new family, watching his children begin their own adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, glad now he had been able to meet that small boy, Harry Potter. It had all been worth it.


All finished on Wattpad now, everybody! It was challenging repasting it on here since I hadn't used my account while first writing it but I did it! Going to post more MLP this weekend when I finish the next chapter. Loved working on Brooklyn and the Boy Who Lived!

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