Flying to Hogwarts

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Before Brooklyn knew it, summer was practically over, much too soon for his liking. He really did want to go back to Hogwarts, but this had been the first human family to ever accept him as a part of them.

Their last night there was celebrated with a wonderful dinner and hot mugs of hot chocolate, finishing with Fred and George shooting off their Filibuster wet start no heat fireworks for entertainment.

One question still nagged his mind, though. Who was this Tom Riddle on that book he found? He hoped that his questions would be answered once they got to Hogwarts.

The next morning, Brooklyn and Harry woke to the Weasleys all rushing to get ready, being caught in the midst of it. And one time, Brooklyn had to catch Mr. Weasley before he broke his neck tripping over a stray chicken while lugging their stuff to the car.

Brooklyn and Harry both wondered how they were gonna fit eight people, a gargoyle, six large trunks, three owls, and a rat into a small Ford Angela. The gargoyle himself didn't fancy being squished in between the twins.

But Mr. Weasley assured the brothers that he had enhanced the car to stretch inside and have enough room.

After they all piled into the car, with the exception of struggling to get Brooklyn into the back seat with Harry, they all began to drive out.

Just as Brooklyn had been thinking it would be another whole year before he saw that wonderful house again, they were back since Fred forgot his Filibuster Fireworks. And as the car just reached the highway Ginny cried out that she'd left her wand behind.

By the time she climbed back in, they were running late, and slowly losing tempers.

Finally they arrived at King's Cross and to the enchanted barrier to Platform 9 and 3 quarters.

The Weasley family all went first, leaving Harry, Ron, and Brooklyn last.

"Shall we?" Brooklyn asked, grinning. Harry nodded.

"Let's go!"

The friends strode forward with more confidence than before, but things took a turn for the worst when suddenly...


Brooklyn found himself lying on the ground in a daze, rubbing his sore head as he and the others had slammed into the barrier, onlookers staring at the screeching owls and overturned carts.

"Ugh, what happened?" Brooklyn groaned, struggling to stand. Harry looked panicked as he tried to push through the barrier, but it remained solid.

"I don't know! It's not letting us through!" Harry cried.

Brooklyn tried himself to get through, but nothing. It was almost 11:00, and their only way in was blocked!

Ron paced back and forth. Then Brooklyn knew. Uh oh...

The red head's eyes brightened right there. "Guys, the car!"

"What?" Harry asked.

"We can fly the car to Hogwarts!" Brooklyn immediately backed up, holding up his hands in refusal.

"Oh no, no way I'm flying in that thing again! Once is enough!" Ron though, wouldn't give up.

"But it's the only way, Brook! Please?" He begged, giving out Bambi eyes again. Brooklyn eventually knew he was losing the argument, groaning as he gave in. I really need to be more firm next time!

"Fine," he grumbled as they ventured back to the car, placing their stuff back inside and climbing in. Brooklyn once again in the backseat while Ron and Harry were in the front, Ron at the wheel.

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