The First Task

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The next morning had Harry and Brooklyn trying to figure out how to get through the First Task, which was only two days away. They eventually decided to tell Cedric since the other Champions already knew of the dragons now.

He saw them coming over in surprise, with his friends who wore those stupid badges except him, laughing and jeering. Brooklyn just ignored them as they had Cedric meet them privately.

"So, what's up guys?" Cedric asked in confusion. Harry went right to the point.

"It's dragons, Cedric. That's the First Task."

Cedric stared, and Brooklyn couldn't blame him for doing so.

"You guys are serious?" Harry nodded, along with adding that the other Champions already knew, too.

"Well, uh, thanks for the heads up," Cedric thanked, and Brooklyn grinned.

"Yeah, well, it's what friends do," he said. Cedric looked happy about being called a friend, until his other fans began to laugh at Harry and Brooklyn again, the badges flashing the yellow message that the gargoyle hated but learned to ignore.

Cedric looked back at them with a frown. "Look, guys, about the badges, and-and the way the last message on them towards Brooklyn was, I asked them not to wear them, but—." Brooklyn shook his head.

"No, it's fine. I've learned to go with it in Manhattan, really," he said. Cedric was quite astonished that Brooklyn had received this kind of hatred from others before. He was just so nice. He didn't deserve it at all. Cedric then knew he was going to have a serious talk with his so-called fans about respecting Brooklyn's honor and to burn the badges in the fire!

The duo waved goodbye to Cedric and went on their way, only to meet up with one other person who disrespected them the most: Draco Malfoy, who began to taunt them.

"Why so tense, Potter? My father and I had a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament!"

Brooklyn made an attempt to move Harry along. "Just ignore him," he muttered sourly, trying not to let his anger override him.

But Malfoy stepped in front of them, blocking their way. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five! And you, Monster Freak, I bet you feel guilty about entering Potter now! If you haven't done so, well..."

He flashed his badge, the green message flashing on Harry before the yellow one shone onto Brooklyn, who felt the heat rising up in his neck and face, hands balling into fists. Harry growled, shoving Malfoy.

"We don't give a damn about what your father thinks, Malfoy!" He snarled, and Brooklyn suddenly saw his eyes glowing. "He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic!"

"Harry, let's just go, I really don't care," he hissed softly, tugging on Harry's arm, hoping to get him away before revealing his Animagus form. Malfoy glared, drawing his wand at their retreating backs.

"OH NO YOU DON'T, SONNY!" bellowed a familiar voice, and Brooklyn turned just in time to see Moody shooting a spell at Malfoy, turning him into a small white ferret.

Practically everybody there started roaring with laughter, and Brooklyn felt himself snickering. It was what the brat deserved!

Moody then proceeded to make Ferret Malfoy bounce in the air with his wand.

"Stinking cowardly scummy thing to do! Attacking someone from behind will not be tolerated!" He growled, mechanical eye spinning while the ferret squealed in pain from hitting the ground, until he then made him go into Crabbe's pants, who screamed, Goyle trying to get him out before getting bitten on the finger.

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