High Inquisitor and Dumbledore's Army

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One morning with his friends at breakfast, Brooklyn read the Daily Prophet headline of the toad Umbridge becoming Hogwarts High Inquisitor, one that had the power to inspect and sack teachers.

She pranced about the school as though she were Headmistress, flushing out one decree after another, which included banning the Twin's joke products, too. It made it worse, as Filch seemed too happy about having her around, putting up the decrees on a wall, all for his beloved Dolores that made Brooklyn want to throw up.

Brooklyn and Griff had watched her on her daily hallway routine one day, using her wand on the smallest ridiculous things such as tucking in boy's shirts, and even splitting apart couples kissing.

Most of the teachers managed to pass Umbridge's inspections, and Brooklyn had a hoot after watching the toad getting put down by McGonagall. Trelawney didn't have much luck with her inspections unfortunately.

He couldn't stop his growing hatred toward Umbridge though, still angry at her for having her cutting open Harry's hand.

"Why the heck is Dumbledore not doing anything about this? She's getting too much power, and if we tried getting her out, we will be sacked as Guardians!" The red gargoyle had stormed out one afternoon, while he and Griff wandered near the courtyard, where a large group of students were gathering around, for Trelawney had been sacked.

"Dumbledore is probably distracted by other things, mate. We just need to keep our heads up and not get ourselves kicked out by her," Griff responded in a despondent tone.

The two gargoyles spotted Harry and joined him, watching from afar as Filch kept bringing out her suitcases. Sure, Trelawney was a pain, but Brooklyn didn't want her gone, as she was part of the Hogwarts family. His talons dug into the palm of his hands as he watched Umbridge come out with a triumphant smirk on her features.

Trelawney stood there, wringing her hands in despair.

"S-sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home! Y-you can't do this!" She whimpered. Umbridge pulled out a pink envelope.

"Actually, I can," she responded snootily. Just from those words, he couldn't take this anymore. Growling, he stormed out, standing in between her and the toad.

Umbridge's simpering smile deepened. "You have no right to interfere, halfbreed. For I will sack you, too."

But Brooklyn wouldn't move, as McGonagall also came out and began comforting her.

"This has been going to darn far, Umbridge," snarled Brooklyn, eyes glowing. "You can't kick her out!"

"And just what are you going to do about it?" She taunted. Before he could reply, the doors opened, and Dumbledore stepped out, a furious look on his face. Brooklyn hadn't seen him since the hearing and wondered what had been going on with him.

Dumbledore approached Umbridge who was still smiling.

"Professor McGonagall? Might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" She obliged, with Trelawney sobbing thank you to him, and Brooklyn, who awkwardly muttered no problem.

"And just may I ask what you intend to do to with her when I find a replacement Divination teacher—?" But Dumbledore just smiled.

"No need for that, for I already did find somebody." Brooklyn smirked at Umbridge, laughing silently at the look on her face.

"W-what? You found—? You've found?" Her high pitched voice grated the red gargoyle's hearing. "Dumbledore, may I remind you, that under educational decree #22 states that—!"

"That the Ministry has the right to dismiss teachers, but not to ban them from the grounds. I think that you might find this new teacher quite applicable, and that he prefers lodging on the ground floors. Here he is now."

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