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7th months of pregnancy......

            Irene's womb is getting bigger and bigger, she's now having a hard time to walk and sit. Lisa is now become more protective to her. Everyone is excited to meet the new member to their family and also lucas's birthday is coming. Irene is the one who's taking care of it, with the girls. Lisa and her friends just let them and help if they need a help. Irene want it to be most memorable for lucas, it's their First time to celebrate it with him.

"I think it's all settled now..." Rosè said, they're inside of function hall of the hotel that M owned.

"Yeah, and beside unnie you need to rest now..." Joy and walk towards to irene.

"Joy is right unnie, let's go upstairs now so you can rest" Jennie said.

"How about them?" Irene thinking the staffs that helped them.

"Don't worry, i'll handle them. Girls go with Irene" Ji eun said. The girls just nodded and bid there goodbye's they also acknowledge the workers.

"My feet aching" Irene while looking at her swollen feet.

"You can still walk unnie?" Jennie asked.

"Yeah, i can as if we're going to walk hahaha" Irene and chuckled.

"Your tummy is so big unnie" Rosè said and caress it.

"Ang looks like heavy" Joy added. Irene just pout and cling to jennie

"It is. Just month to go and i'll be back in my figure" Irene said that cause the girls to giggle.

      They arrived in the top floor which is located lisa's penthouse. Rosè open the door but she stop when a pillow suddenly land in her face.

"Omy!" The people inside gasped even the girls. Irene walk inside and welcome her how messy the wall living room. Toys, pillows and even blanket scattered in every where.

"KIM JISOO!!" Rosè scream and walk towards to jisoo. "How dare you to throw a pillow on my face?! huh!" She pinch jisoo's ears.

"Ahh!... awww babe a..ww it's not for you.... seulgi it's for seulgi but a...ww she run" Jisoo explain.

      Irene glare to lisa who's holding lucas already wet because sweat. Lucas just clapping his hand seeing his mom.

"In 3 mins i will give you 3mins to clean" Irene said she pointed joy to get lucas and follow her to the room. Jennie follow them, while Rosè still busy scolding jisoo in the kitchen. Byul, wendy, lisa and seulgi look at yeri who's already laughing her ass in the couch.

"Perks of having partner?" Yeri tease them and run upstairs when seulgi picking up one pillow.

"Yahh yerim! go back here it's your plan. don't run away help us here!" Wendy said. They starting to clean their mess afraid of getting another punishment from the girls.

"Lis, we'll also go too Yeri and joy have an early photoshoot tomorrow." Wendy said.

"Oh yeah, take care the girls. Update me when you guys get home safely." Lisa said and kiss the girls good byes.

"Yeah sure... tell unnie we'll going now" Seulgi and patted lisa's back.

"nee... ahm seul! wish you good luck. What ever it is always remember that we're here okay?" Lisa said.

"Yeah thank you, i'll update you tomorrow after..." They leave the penthouse. After the their dinner, bp also leave and the others.

     Lisa make sure is okay before going upstairs, Irene is already resting because of her feet. while lucas maybe he's also there in their room. She open the door, seeing her wife and son is already sleeping. She smile of the sight. Lucas is hugging irene's neck.

"Hon...."Lisa tried to call irene but latter didn't respond. She just carefully get lucas from irene and bring him to his room. Jennie already change his clothes. She also made a milk portion for him, because lucas some times waking up in the middle of the night asking for his milk.  Irene already doing this before they sleep.

"Good night my little bud" Lisa and kiss his head, she also fix his cover before leaving the room. She go back to their room.

She pick up her clothes that irene prepare for her and get inside to the bathroom. After minutes she get out and dry her hair.

She lay down besides irene carefully, avoiding to disturb irene's sleep. Irene is already facing her side, give lisa a nice view. She removed irene's hair strand covering her beautiful face. She just staring her lovely wife.

"Thankyou for marrying me. I'm always be thankful. I'm so lucky to have you, please don't get tired of me" Lisa whisper and kiss irene's forehead and smile, she lower her head to level irene's belly. "Hi love...." Lisa talking her little bean inside of irene's tummy.

"How are you there? i know it's kinda boring there, just wait a little okay? we'll going to see each other soon." Lisa and place her hand in irene's womb, she feels some kicks.. "Ow your excited too? hahaha yes lil bean, daddy and mommy is also excited to meet you hahahh and of course your big brother. He's going to celebrate his 3rd birthday next day" Lisa is enjoying her bonding time with her second baby, she didn't notice that irene is already awake and heard her talking. she just listening to lisa. She's enjoying watching the two's interaction. Until she need to pee because their little bean is keeps moving inside.

"Can i cut your bonding with lil bean?" Irene asked. Lisa raise her head.

"Did i wake you up?" Lisa asked.

"Anii... i need to pee hon" Irene, lisa assist her to get up and go to the bathroom. Afrer that they go back in the bed. "Why are you still up?" Irene asked.

"I enjoy my time talking to lil bean, i didn't notice the time hahaha" Lisa and move closer to irene.

"Where's lucas? And the other?" Irene asked and snuggle to lisa's neck.

"They already left, joy and yeri still have a early schedule they don't want to disturb your rest and lulu is already in his room" Lisa replied. Irene just hmmed, because lisa combing her hair and it gives her chills. "I love you Mrs. Manoban" Lisa and kiss irene's head.

"I love you too Manoban so much" Irene and she give lisa a peck in her lips. Lisa hold her head and kiss irene passionately. She's being gentle because she might squeeze irene.

     The two is already feel hot, irene put her hand inside of lisa's shirt. She explore in lisa abs, until her hand goes to lisa's waist band boxer.

"Hmmm-mm... hon..." Lisa between their kisses. Irene put her hand inside, and she can feel how already hard lisa is. "Are you--...."

"Sshhh let me, i can. okay?" Irene said and pull down lisa's boxer. Lisa adjust her position. so, irene will have a better access. Irene started to give her a stroke.

"Hmm.ahhh..." Lisa moaned, Irene just continue it, until lisa cum

"I want to feel you hon" Irene whispers to lisa. Lisa still not recovered but nodded and stand up. she undress irene and position her.

"I'll be gentle love...." Lisa said, irene just nodded and let lisa do her work.

"ahh... ye-... ammmmm" Irene moaned. "Sh-i--..tt ahhh yes hon....." "right there ahh... ye-...s" Lisa truth to her word, she gently trust her biddy inside to irene even though she want to bang hard.

"Ahh.... shit love fas-..ter  i'm about to-.... ahhh!" Irene bite her lower lip to avoid screaming loudly. Lisa also cum inside her, they both panting hard. She give irene a long passionate kiss, before get a basin and towel to clean irene and her self.

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