1. a. Talking About Having A Baby

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I have been married for two years. We have been together five years since we were 18. We have a very happy marriage and we are very much in love with each other. We live in a beautiful apartment with our dog Buster. We have been trying for children since we got married. I have been pregnant twice but miscarried in the early stages. We kinda gave up and haven't been trying for a while. Seonghwa and I really children more than anything in this world. We hope one day it will happens to us soon. I see my elder sisters with their children and wish that was me. We are hoping and praying for a miracle soon. Seonghwa and I are on our daily evening walk with Buster. He is a young dog so he needs exercising a lot. We love cute walks. Seonghwa holds my hand as we walk around our neighbourhood. We take Buster for a walk in the fields. He stops to have a poop. Seonghwa stands next to me and puts his arms around me. He smiles and I smile back at him. "Imagine is taking walks with our future children" he said. "Yeah I know it would be cute but I don't think it will be happening anytime soon, Hwa" I reply. "Darling, it will happen sometime in the future. We are not giving up. I really want it to happen. I want to have four children with you" he said. "I know. I do too. It's just awful when you have miscarriages" I say. "I know, jagiya. I know" Seonghwa said. I guess that Seonghwa and I are determined to have a baby together soon even if it takes a while. I guess we shouldn't give up. We will keep trying, hoping and praying for children

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I have been dating for 8 months. We met because we have the same groups of friends and we got to know each other and started dating. Mingi is a great boyfriend and he makes me very happy. We are definitely in love. He is my first proper boyfriend and longest relationship too. I have been there for Mingi when he's been going through tough times. I have been there for him and his shoulder to cry on when he's not been good. It's not been easy for him. Mingi says that he wants to have a baby with me. I told him I am not ready yet and we haven't even been together a year next. I don't think he's realising how hard it is having a baby and being parents. I want Mingi to be in the best place mentally before we even decide on a future together. Anyway maybe we will have a baby sometime in the future. I am over at Mingi's apartment tonight as it's my turn to stay the night. I have been there for a couple of hours and we've had dinner together now. Mingi and I are sat on the couch and we are cuddled up next to each other watching one of our favourite shows Full House. It's really cute. I love the way Mingi snuggles close to me and puts his arms around me. "Baby" I say. "Baby, baby" he said. "Stop being so cute" I say. "No i couldn't even if I tried" he said. I laugh at him. We watched an episode of Full House and then something else. "Y/ N, you know I'm not joking when I said I wanted a baby with you" Mingi said. "Yeah I know you weren't but Mingi I'm not ready yet. I want you to be in a better place mentally" I reply. "I am in a better place mentally. I want a baby with you, Y/ N" he said. "But Mingi we haven't been together a year yet. We need to wait a while" I say. "Okay, babe whatever you want. I guess we both have to be ready before we start a family" Mingi said. "Yes" I say. "I love you though" he said. "I love you too" I say. Mingi smiles and kisses me. I know he is keen to have a baby with he but I think it's too soon in our relationship. We will wait a bit

Yunho 💜

I am Hongjoong's younger sister. Yunho and I have been secretly seeing each other for more than 6 months now. I liked him from the moment I met him like three years ago now. Yunho is a lovely and down to earth guy. Hongjoong doesn't know that we are together. No one does really. We want to keep it that way for a bit. Yunho is my first ever boyfriend. The first guy I've ever really had a crush on. He said he's always been shy around girls until I came along. He said I was easy to get on with that's why he wasn't shy. Kids don't even come up in our conversations as we are only young and haven't been together that long. Yunho and I haven't even had sex. We haven't been ready to do that yet but maybe soon. Maybe soon. I would love children in the future. Probably with him. Yunho and I have been out on a secret date so I'm taking him back to the ATEEZ house. I drop him down the road where my brother or the other guys don't see us. We are not taking any risks. We just went out for something to eat. Nothing that exciting. We are a few minutes away from the ATEEZ house now. It's 11pm. Yunho sneaks in late and sometimes the other guys wonder where he's been. I drop him down the road. "Y/ N, can we talk for 5 minutes" he said. "Okay" I say. Yunho looks at me and clears his throat. "I am ready to have my first time with you if you are" he said. "Yeah probably. I think we should but we don't have to tell anyone" I reply. "I can't wait" he smiles. "Can't wait too" I say. "And I think having kids in the future wouldn't be too bad" Yunho said. "Whoa, Yunho. How can you even think about that right now?" I laugh. "Sorry, babe. I'm getting too far ahead of myself" he laughs. "Silly. Anyway Goodnight" I smile. "Goodnight, beautiful" Yunho said giving me a hug and a kiss before he gets out of the car. I waited a minute after he left before driving off. So we will maybe have our first time together soon. I would really like to. It kinda shook me when Yunho brought up about kids. Maybe he is thinking of getting me pregnant on our first time. Hongjoong would kill him if he did. Anyway we are getting way too far ahead of ourselves right now. We need to loose our virginity to each other before talking about having babies

San ❤️

San and I are already parents to our 2 year old daughter Seohyeon. She is the light of our lives. I gave birth to her at the age of 20 when I unexpectedly became pregnant. San and I have been together since we were 17 so 5 years now. We got married a year ago. We have been talking about having a second child soon. Seohyeon keeps on asking for a baby sibling. She wants a baby sister she says. I've been trying to get pregnant for the last 6 months but no success yet. Hopefully soon. It wasn't that hard when Seohyeon was convinced. It just happened suddenly when we weren't trying for a baby. San is an amazing husband to me and father to Seohyeon. He always makes us feel so happy. We do want more kids together. Not just one more. It's Saturday and we are having a chill day at home after a busy week. We went for a nice long walk earlier with Seohyeon. We are sat on the couch and Seohyeon is sat in the middle of us. She is snuggling up to San. He smiles at her. He looks at our daughter in a beautiful way. My heart melts. "Appa" Seohyeon said. "Yes, my sweet girl" San replies. "Baby brother or sister" she said. "I know you want a baby brother or sister, sweetie. We are trying to give you one. Soon I promise. Baby will be worth waiting for" I say. "Okay" Seohyeon said. "You'll be the best big sister in the world, Seohyeon. Mommy and daddy love you so much" San said. "Love you too" she said kissing us both. We have a big family cuddle. The three of us. Later on that night when we went to bed, San and I discussed more about having another child and not letting Seohyeon down. We said we will keep on trying till I fall pregnant again

A/ N: so here we have it. The first part. I'm back with a pregnancy series book. Hope you like it. The paragraphs are not super long. They don't need to go on forever. Hope it's okay. I'm glad I made the decision to bring back these books knowing how popular they have been and still are

I think it makes it more interesting that the couples are from different backgrounds. Some married, engaged, in a relationship or not. Also to I made one of the couples already have a child too and that's San. Next part should be up in a couple of days

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