16. a. Baby Shopping

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I are finally starting baby shopping for our twins. We don't know their genders yet but we are excited to start buying a few small things for our babies. We can't wait to. We plan on buying some cute unisex clothes today for the twins. We are heading out to the baby store in town now. We both have a day off so it's a good time to go shopping for our babies. I don't really have a list of what to buy. We will just see what they have. We know what we like anyway. Seonghwa and I leave our home and arrive at the store. "Right now. Let's get started. Should we grab a cart" he said. "No I don't think we will be buying that much. We will get one later if we need to" I reply. We start looking around the store. One of the assistants asked if we needed help but I told her we will be okay. We go to the gender neutral baby clothes aisle. "You always need onesies and vests so we will get some of those" I say. "Bibs and things like that. Hats to keep their heads warm" Seonghwa said. "You need lots of things for babies and we are having two so" I reply. "Don't worry, jagiya. We will be fine. Plenty of time before they are here" he smiles. We take our time looking and pick up some gender neutral baby clothes. Cute little matching outfits for our twins too. We did need a small cart as we ended up getting quite a bit. "I think we've done well for now. It's a start isn't it" Seonghwa said. "Yes it is. We have done well" I smile. So we go home with the baby things we have bought and put them in what will be the nursery. We have made a good start

Mingi 💙


Y/ N and I are going to the baby store for the first time to get some baby things for our son. We are getting his first things today. We don't know what we are getting him yet. Just whatever we come to I guess. Me and Y/ N are on our way to the store now to get some things. There is a big baby store that we know and also more stores we could go to too. We get there and walk in and take a look around. We are gonna get our boy lots of things. He needs swag so we might swing by the sports store later if I can persuade Y/ N to. "Clothes we should start off with" Y/ N said. "Yeah definitely" I reply. We look in the clothing section. Y/ N sees a cute dungaree outfit with tigers on. "Awe have to get this. So cute" she says. "So cute indeed but we need to get him some swag too" I reply. "Yeah of course" Y/ N says. She grabs that outfit and some more too. We get some nice, soft and cozy blankets. Will need lots of those to keep the baby warm. We pay for those and then go to the sports store as I suggested for some cool things. "I think he needs tracksuits and sneakers and all things like that" I say. "Sure whatever you want. I'll leave this bit in your hands" Y/ N said. "I want my little guy to be a cool dude just like his dad" I say. I look at the Nike and Adidas things as they are my favourite brands. I see a blue Nike tracksuit that was on offer. "This is great. Wow!" I say. "Yes it is. Look they have some matching shoes the same colour" Y/ N replies. We get that and a few more sporty things for our boy. I'm glad that we got to go there to get some cool things for our son. Baby shopping was great for our baby boy today

Yunho 💜

Yunho and I have just been out doing some baby shopping for our little princess. We have got some beautiful things for her already and she's nowhere near being born yet. She is already one loved little girl and we can't wait to meet her. We just got back to my place after being out for a few hours. I'm tired now after all that shopping but it was so much fun though. We also grabbed something to eat while we were out too so we are good for the rest of the day. Yunho and I sit down on the couch with the bags of shopping we have just brought back from the store. "Let's see what we got for our little girl" I smile. "Absolutely. Can't remember everything we have got" he replies. "Well let's see" I smile. I go into the first bag and pull out a couple of things. We have got some newborn things and some 3-6 months things for her to grow into too. "This cute little outfit. I love it" I say. "Me too. Our girl will look adorable in that" he smiles. "She will look beautiful as well" I smile. "Oh yes just like her mother" Yunho smiles. "Stop if you're too cute and adorable" I blush. Yunho made me a little emotional and soppy then. We carry on looking at the baby things we got. We swoon over them as they were so cute. I absolutely love baby things especially the things we for got our baby girl. She is going to look so sweet and adorable in all those things that we got her. We just can't wait to meet her now

San ❤️

We are out on a family day out, baby shopping for the our baby boy getting some things for him. We haven't got anything for him so far so we are making a good start while we can. Obviously if it was another girl, we could use Seohyeon's baby things again. We are using things like crib and stroller again but have to get new clothes as it's a boy this time and we can't dress him in girly things. San said that wouldn't be right. We are at the best baby store in town now doing some shopping for our boy. San is pushing Seohyeon around in a cart. "Choose something out for your new baby brother" he says. "Okay" she replies. Seohyeon looks around. "Pink!" she said pointing to a blanket. "No your baby brother can't have pink, darling" San said. "How about a cuddly toy for him, Seohyeon?" I reply. "Okay" Seohyeon replies. Seohyeon looks at the boys and points to a dinosaur. "Dinosaur" she said. "Good choice, princess. I'm sure baby brother will love it because his sister chose it" San smiles. Seohyeon smiles too. We carry on shopping for clothes. We have a selection of cute outfits for our baby boy already. "Baby brother" Seohyeon keeps on saying. "See you're happy now, baby girl" I smile. We love to see our little girl happy. After we go for ice cream as Seohyeon loves ice cream. She was getting a little sleepy so it woke her up. We had a great time out baby shopping today for our second baby

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