3. b. Finding Out You're Pregnant

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I have been trying for a couple more months to get pregnant but so far nothing. Although I haven't been feeling too well for the last three days. I've been feeling more fatigued than usual and a bit nauseous. Two signs of pregnancy. I hope I am as we have been trying for what feels like a lifetime now. Yeosang and I would just like to have a baby. I know we are not married yet but you don't always have to be to have a baby these days. I am home now. Yeosang should be coming soon. I brought a pregnancy test earlier and I am thinking I should take it to clear my mind. Something tells me I am pregnant. I want to take it when Yeosang isn't around. I don't have to tell him if it's negative. Hopefully it isn't. I am getting dinner ready now for when he's home. I stop as i start to feel a little light headed and dizzy so I lay down and wait for it to pass. I close my eyes for a bit till I started to feel better. I decide to take the pregnancy test when I go to the bathroom. I read the instructions as I wasn't quite sure how to use it as I've never taken one before. I do what the instructions say and it comes with two little lines which means pregnant. I look at the test and smile. Yeosang and I are having a baby

Jongho 🧡

We got back from Jeju island with my family a few weeks ago. We had a great time. Jongho and I did end up sleeping together. I think I might be pregnant as we did it without protection and I haven't been feeling well since. I wouldn't know what to do if I was pregnant. Neither would Jongho. We are only young. We are not even a couple. I told him and he said he would be supportive if I was pregnant. I am a week late starting my period too so that could be a sign I'm pregnant. I have booked a doctors appointment just to be on the safe side. Jongho I going with me of course as support. I wouldn't want to go alone. I am scared to find out if I am pregnant. There is no going back if I am. Jongho and I are waiting anxiously in the doctors office now. My heart is racing and I'm struggling to breathe. "Relax, Y/ N. It will all be okay. I'm here for you" Jongho said. "I'm trying to, Jongho" I reply. A few minutes later I get called into the doctors room. She asks me questions and I explain why I've come. "Y/ N. I'm going to take a pregnancy test. A blood one. It may be a day or two before you get the results but I don't want you to stress in the meantime"
She said. "Okay" I reply. She draws blood from my arm and then lets me go. I left anxiously with Jongho. I wanted to find out then. Two days later I found out I was pregnant. I didn't tell Jongho straight away as I wanted to take in the news myself. I'm pregnant with my friends baby

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I have been doing it more. So much think that I might be pregnant. I almost threw up when we were having sex the other night. Wooyoung was worried about me but I told him I was okay. We are having dinner out tonight with Nayeon, my sister of course. Just the three of us. Nayeon is treating us to the meal. She insists she's paying which is ever so kind of her. We are at the restaurant now eating. I don't feel very hungry or very well. We haven't told Nayeon that we have been trying for a baby. I think she want us to wait till we are married. I take time eating my food as I didn't really feel like it. I don't want Nayeon to think I'm wasting the food she's paying for. I eat as much as I can. "Are you not eating anymore, sis?" Nayeon asks. "No I'm full. I don't want you to think I'm being ungrateful" I reply. "No not at all" she smiles. I take myself off to the bathroom as I felt sick. I tried to be sick but I couldn't. After a few minutes Nayeon comes into the bathroom to make sure I'm okay. "Y/ N" she calls. "Nayeon" I say. I told her what happened and that I might be pregnant. I took a pregnancy test with her day after and it can't back positive. I'm pregnant

Hongjoong 🖤

Hongjoong and I had our wedding party a few weeks ago. We definitely feel like we are married now which is great. We have been trying for a baby since we got married. Well kinda since before that too when we eloped. I am a few days late on my period so that's a sign of pregnancy. I haven't told Hongjoong yet as I don't want to get his hopes up if I'm not pregnant. I hope I am as we are both really excited to have a baby. We can't wait to be parents in the future. I am going to give my period a couple more days to come and then I'll take a test. Two days later, I haven't got my period so I take a pregnancy test. I didn't want Hongjoong to be around so I choose a day he's not around. I open the packet and I figure out how to take it. I've never really had to take a pregnancy test before so it's kinda new to me. Anyway I take the test and it comes back with  positive result. I look at it and smile. I can't believe I'm pregnant. Me and Hongjoong just recently got married and we are having a baby. I cannot wait to tell my husband I'm pregnant. He will be like a kid when I tell him

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