24. a. Getting Ready For Baby

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Seonghwa 💖


The twins could be here in just a matter of weeks. Y/ N is feeling them kick and move around more. Hopefully the babies will come naturally and Y/ N won't need to have a c section. That's what she's worried about. I always tell her not to think about that and get herself worked up about it. We just want to focus and concentrate on the babies arriving safely into the world. We have all the clothes organised in the closet in the nursery. Gender neutral clothes for both babies. Can't wait to find out if we have boys or girls. We are not sure at the moment. I walk into the nursery and Y/ N is there scanning around. Sometimes she gets paranoid that we've forgotten something in the hospital bag. "Darling, please just relax. I don't like to see you on tenterhooks" I say. "Okay but I always think we've forgotten to do something. Pregnancy brain" Y/ N said. "It's okay, sweetie. I'm always here for you. Don't work yourself up please" I say putting my arms around her and holding her. I gently kiss her neck and she calms down. "Y/ N, dong worry. Everything will be okay" I say. "Yes I know it will. Sorry I'm just worried about the labor and delivery" she said. "Everything will go smoothly and according to plan" I say. She smiles and calms herself down which was good. I'm glad she calmed down and settled. Really not long till our babies will be here

Mingi 💙

I'm 36 weeks pregnant now so our boy will be here soon. Mingi and I have finally settled on the name Minjoon for him. It sounds similar to his daddy's name that's why we went with it. A great name for our son. Can't wait to finally meet him. Today we are getting things ready in the nursery. I have washed and ironed all this clothes. Most of the things are newborn we've got. We are hoping he's not a big baby and doesn't bypass the newborn stage altogether. I don't think he'll be too big and the doctor thinks that too. It's fun sorting out baby things. I'm pretty particular and like to organise things in size order and colour code things too. I do that with my own clothes. It's just the way I like to do it. Mingi is helping me but he's mostly leaving me to it. He knows how I like to do it. "I love it how you're so organised and particular, babe" he said. "Do you? I've been told that I'm too fussy before" I reply. "No not at all" Mingi said. "Haha thanks" I laugh. We carry on sorting things out in my way till it was done. I did need a five minute sit down halfway through as I can't be on my feet too long. "Looks good and organised. I'll have to remember to put things back the way they are when we do the laundry" Mingi said. "Yes you will but I won't be too fussy if things are out of place just a little" I reply. "Baby, I can't wait to meet our little guy. Minjoon. Our Minjoon. Our son" Mingi said. "Me too. I'm too excited" I smile. "Not long now" he smiles putting his arms around me and kissing me. So Mingi and I had fun organising baby Minjoon's clothes in the closet today. Everything is nice and neat. Just the way I like it. Can't wait to meet our little boy

Yunho 💜

Yunho and I have been busy getting ready for the arrival of our baby girl over the last few days. We are still struggling on picking out a name for her for her that we like. We probably won't name her till she's born. We will see what name she suits. We have just been out to buy a few more essential things to the baby like more diapers and wipes etc. Things that we will need everyday. We will definitely be needing lots of diapers. We are organising the things in the nursery now which I pretty much complete. It looks so good so far and everything is organised just the way we want it. Yunho puts the boxes of diapers we bought in the cupboard with our stock. We have some in the caddy organised anyway. "You can never have too many diapers" he says. "Yep that's right. You can never have too many diapers or anything when you have a baby" I reply. I put the other essentials items away. "I think we are pretty much organised for when baby girl arrives" I say. "Yes we are. Definitely. Just can't wait to meet her now. I'm so excited to become her daddy" Yunho said. "Me too. I'm so excited to become her mommy" I smile. "Not long now" he said. "Yes she could be here in just a matter of weeks" I say. "Or not even that" he laughs. Yunho and I just can't wait to meet our baby girl now. So excited for her arrival

San ❤️

Seohyeon has been doing a great job in helping us get ready for the arrival of our baby boy Seongmin. He will be here in a few weeks. Hopefully he will be here in a few weeks. I was a week early when I had Seohyeon. They usually say that second babies come early so who knows what will happen. Seohyeon and I are in the nursery now getting a few things organised. She is a great little helper. The best I could ask for actually. San is coming home from the studio soon and we are looking forward to seeing him. We both do miss him when he is at work of course. "Daddy home" Seohyeon said. "Yes, daddy will be home soon. Don't worry, sweetie" I smile. About half an hour later, the front door of our house opens and San walks in. "Hello, my loves. I'm home" he said. "Hi, we are upstairs, my love" I reply. He comes upstairs and walks into the lounge. "My girls" San exclaims. "Appa appa" Seohyeon said. "Baby girl" he replies. "Sannie, you're home" I say. "Hey, sweetie. Hows my favourite pregnant wife?" he said. "I'm your favourite pregnant wife" I say. "Yes you're the best wife and I love you" San said. "Mommy, daddy. I love you"  Seohyeon said. He picks her up and we have a family hug. Can't wait to be a family of four soon when baby Seongmin comes into the picture

A/ N: almost baby time. Yayyyyy!!!!

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