20. a. He Buys Something For The Baby

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Seonghwa 💖


Y/ N and I have been getting gender neutral clothes for our twins. Since we don't know their genders. It's best if we get gender neutral things. We think it's gonna be a boy and girl but we are not sure yet. We will have to wait and see when they are both here born into the world. I love coming across new things for the twins. I keep on picking up new things for them. Y/ N finds it cute but she says I don't have to do it but I love it because i love my babies and my wife too. I got more super cute things for the twins just today. Cute little yellow onesie outfits. On one that says 'Double the blessing' and the other says 'twice the love'. I saw them and thought they were so cute so I just had yo buy. I've not showed Y/ N yet but I will soon when she's home tonight. She is going to be home soon. I finished before her today which is rare. That only happens once in a blue moon. I am so excited for Y/ N to get home. I sit on the couch waiting when the door opens a little sooner than expected. "I'm home, Hwa" she said. "Hello, jagiya. How was your day?" I ask. "Alright, jagi. You" she replies. "Same" I reply. I go over to her and give her a big hug and kiss and tell her how much I've missed her today. "Right I know you've only just got home but I've went and got yet something else for the babies" I say. "Seonghwa, you shouldn't have again" she replies. "Oh yes I should" I reply. I hand her the onesies in the bag and she smiles. "Awwww, Seonghwa. So cute again. I love them" she said. "I love you and them" I smile. Y/ N gushes over the baby onesies

 Y/ N gushes over the baby onesies

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Mingi 💙

Mingi has moved in with me recently for when the baby arrives. He's been kinda secretive lately about something. I keep asking him what but he wouldn't tell me so I have no idea what it is. I hope he's not doing anything I should be concerned about like illegal things or cheating on me. I know Mingi isn't like that anyway. We are now officially living together though. I go into our closet to get something to wear for the day. I come across something in a box that I haven't seen before. I grab it and look inside and there were a cute pair of little baby shoes. Hang on. I haven't bought these. Maybe Mingi has. Maybe that's what he's hiding from me. I go and find him. He was coming out of the shower. "Mingi, did you buy these? Is this what you've been hiding from me?" I question. "Yes, honey. Sorry I was going to give them to you soon but didn't get the chance" Mingi replies. "I thought you were doing something bad. You had me so worried" I reply. "No, baby. I was waiting for the right time to give them to you. I wanted to wait a while but you've found them now so there you go" he said. "Yeah I guess so. These are super cute. Where did you get them from?" I reply. "Somewhere" Mingi smirks. I kissed him. So cute of Mingi to do that

 So cute of Mingi to do that

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Yunho 💜

Yunho and I have got some super cute things for our little girl so far. We went on a big shopping expedition a few weeks ago and got a lot of cute and adorable things for her. We cannot wait for her arrival. I am 25 weeks now so still a little while to go but we hope it goes fairly quick. Yunho is very very excited to become a father and I'm very very excited to become a mother as well. We are both very very excited to become parents. Yunho is officially moving in with me soon and I can't wait for that. I'm excited for us to be living together. He will be coming home soon. I'm sat on the couch with my feet up after a long day. Can't wait to see Yunho soon when he arrives. I miss him when we are apart. The door opens and Yunho comes in and so does Wooyoung and Jongho. Ohhhh what a nice surprise. "Hello, you three" I say. "Hello, babe" he said. "Thought I would bring Wooyoung and Jongho around for a few minutes" Yunho said. "Sure that's nice" I reply. "Hi, Y/ N. How are you and baby girl doing?" Jongho said. "Anyway, babe. Me and the boys. All of them got something for our baby girl" Yunho said. "Ohhhh really. Did you?" I reply. "Yes we did. You can open it?" Wooyoung said handing me a gift bag. I got excited when I looked in the bag was the cutest prettiest little outfit for our baby girl. A cute little skirt with a top and matching shoes. "Awwww I love this so much, guys. You all have great taste" I say hugging them all. "You're very welcome, babe. Her daddy and uncles love her so much and just had to choose something for her" Yunho said. "She's going to be the cutest baby ever" Jongho said. I smile. Our daughter will definitely be wearing that cute outfit from her daddy and uncles when she is born. Can't wait to dress her in it

 Can't wait to dress her in it

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San ❤️


Y/ N and I are going to be getting our sons room ready soon for his arrival. We are so excited to be becoming a family of four soon. Seohyeon can't wait to be a big sister even though she wanted a little sister. She is still happy she is getting a baby brother. I took Seohyeon to the mall the other day while Y/ N was resting and we got our baby boy a little something from the both of us. A cute cuddly giraffe toy. Seohyeon picked it out of course. She has good taste. Gets that from her daddy of course. Y/ N has been pretty wiped out in her pregnancy for the last few days. I think she felt the same when she was pregnant with Seohyeon. I know it's taking it out of her but she says she'll be okay. I have just come home from picking Seohyeon up from nursery. Y/ N is probably resting when we get home so we will just go in quietly without making noise. We have moved into a new house too and we love it. We walk in. "Eomma giraffe" Seohyeon said. "We will give it to her soon. Don't worry, baby" I reply. Seohyeon runs upstairs to her room and I go into my room. The door opens and Y/ N walks out of our room and stretches. "There you are, my loves. Hello" she said. "Hi, my love. Are you feeling okay now?" I say. "Yeah alright" Y/ N replies. "Eomma" Seohyeon exclaims. "Hey, baby girl" she smiles. "I think Seohyeon has something she wants to give you" I say. "Ohhhhh okay" she said. Seohyeon goes into her room and gets the giraffe. "Giraffe baby brother" she said. "Ohhhh you got a giraffe for your baby brother. How cute, sweetie? I love you" Y/ N said. "It's from both of us but Seohyeon choose it" I reply. "That's so cute. That cheered me up. Love you both" Y/ N smiles. The cute little giraffe you cheered Y/ N up. Can't wait for the baby to have it when he's born

 Can't wait for the baby to have it when he's born

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A/ N: Awww that was a cute one. Which one did you like the best? Sorry if Mingi's is a little short

For the decorating the nursery part should I do a paragraph of it or just pics. Don't know. I'll probably just end up doing the whole thing

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