17. a. He Sings To Your Bump

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa has been singing sweet lullabies to our unborn twins in my tummy. They love the sound of their daddy's voice. So cute for to witness that. He is the best husband in the world and he will be the best daddy in the world to our babies. I am feeling tired so we are going to bed now. It's about bedtime for us both anyway. Seonghwa will no doubt be singing to me and the babies soon when he gets into bed next to me. I am laid in bed now trying to fall asleep when Seonghwa gets into bed next to me. "Awwww, honey. You're so tired" he said shuffling close to me and putting his arms around me. "I am" I yawn. "Let me sing to you and our babies, sweetheart" he says. "We would love that" I yawn. He places his head on my chest close to my bump and starts singing a sweet lullaby to the babies. I can feel them moving and kicking around instantly. Such an amazing feeling and the sound of Seonghwa's sweet voice

Mingi 💙

Mingi says that he wants our son to be a rapper like him. He says he's going to teach him to rap as soon as he can talk. That's super cute. Isn't it? Mingi had been rapping to our son in my belly every now and then. Mingi is over at my place and I'm cooking him a meal even though he told me not to. I insisted though. Haha. I never listen to him. Mingi likes it when I cook. He says it turns him on. "Anything I can do, baby" he asks. "No I'm fine thanks" I reply. "Remember, you shouldn't be doing this. You should be chilling" he said. "Mingi, I'm fine. I'm only cooking. Nothing too strenuous" I reply. "You know I worry about you and our boy, baby" he said. Mingi comes into the kitchen and stands behind me. He starts smooching me. "Stop I'm trying to cook, babe" I say. "Sorry. Just giving you and our son some love" he said. I giggle. "I can't wait to teach this kid to rap. Wish I could teach him now" Mingi said. "And what if he doesn't want to rap when he's older" I laugh. "Oh he will. I know you're kidding, babe" he said. I laugh. Mingi gets on his knees and starts rapping a bit to my bump. I try to contain myself but it was all cute. Mingi is going to be so cute with our baby boy. Anyway I carry on cooking and make a delicious meal for him which he enjoyed. Mingi always enjoys my cooking. He says it's the best. Awe

Yunho 💜

Yunho's favourite song to sing to our baby girl is Eternal Sunshine. He says it's one of his favourite ATEEZ songs and he loves singing it to be and our baby girl. I think she likes it as I always feel her moving around and kicking me when Yunho sings to her. So cute. He has a great voice and loves singing as he does it for a living. I would never have it any other way. He loves singing to our baby girl at least everyday. He sings to me too. Always Eternal Sunshine as well. I am sat on the couch and Yunho is in the bathroom. He came over to mine tonight. He's moving in with me soon before the baby comes. Can't wait for that. He comes back and sits on the couch next to me again. "Did you miss me?" Yunho asks. "Yes of course I did" I reply. "Missed you and our baby girl. Think it's time you both had a song" he said. I smile feeling excited. Yunho faces close to my bump and starts singing Eternal Sunshine to me and our little girl. My face always lights up when he sings to us. Awwww so cute and sweet as always. "Love you. We love you. Don't we, baby girl in there" I say. "I love you both too, my girls" he said. Yunho smiles and kisses me. He also tells our baby girl he loves her so much too. He's gonna be the cutest daddy to her when she's here. He already is now

San ❤️


We have now moved to a bigger house before our baby boy arrives. We needed more room as we now have a second baby on the way. Our other house was only pretty small. Y/ N and I lived in a small apartment when we first got together but moved to the apartment before Seohyeon was born. Y/ N is now 25 weeks pregnant so over halfway to meeting our boy. Can't wait for it. We moved into our new house a few days ago and we still have things to unpack. It's going okay. We love our new place. We have a nice big backyard for the kids which is what we wanted. Y/ N and I are unpacking some things now. We have the baby things we bought in what will be the nursery. Having had time to organise it yet. Y/ N has some clothes she wants me to help sort out. I help her and sing while I'm helping her. "Sannie, I love it when you sing. You know that" she replies. "Yes I do. I love it when I sing to you and our babies. Seohyeon does. She loves daddy's voice" I reply. "She sure does. I think she's going to be a singer like you one day" Y/ N replies. "Hope so but she's not starting too young. I don't want her thrust into the spotlight just yet" I say. I'm overprotective of my baby girl. We carry on sorting things out. I sing our song WITH U. I know it's Y/ N's favourite. That's why I'm singing it. "You know I love that song. Awwww, babe" she said. "I do" I smile and giggle. We finished sorting things out and did alright. It's great to be in our lovely new house

A/ N: that was super cute guys. Do you agree? Awwww

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