40. a. The Boys/ Family Meeting The Baby

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Seonghwa 💖

My parents are coming to meet our twins Dayoung and Jungwon for the first time. They live in another part of Korea and haven't been able to visit since they were born a month ago. They are staying with us for a week and we can't wait have them. Seonghwa is on his way picking them up from the airport while I'm at home with the babies and getting ready for my parents arrival. It's been a few months since I saw my mom and dad so I can't wait to see them for the next week. Seonghwa is on his way home with them in the car. They should be back soon. Dayoung and Jungwon can't wait to meet their grandparents. Soon the door opens and Seonghwa walks in with my parents. "Hello, mom. Hello, dad. It's so good to see you" I say. "Aawww it's so good to see you too, sweetie" mom said. "It is" dad said. They both hug me. "Mom, dad. Meet your grandchildren" I say. "Oh my gosh. They are so adorable. We are so lucky, Y/ N and Seonghwa" mom smiles. Seonghwa takes their bags into the spare room and they sit on the couch and hold the babies. Luckily they were both awake. My mom held Dayoung and dad held Jungwon. They loved meeting their grandchildren for the first time. Finally. They will be here for the next week anyway. It was an amazing and wonderful moment for us all

Mingi 💙


The guys are over at our place meeting our boy Minjoon for the first time. We are so excited that they are over. They wanted to meet him when he was a few weeks old which he is now. They said they didn't want to intrude on his just when he was born and when Y/ N was feeling fragile after birth. They are kind and thoughtful guys. They arrived about half an hour ago but Minjoon was asleep. Hopefully he will wake up soon and they will get to meet him. They are staying a while though. We talk quietly in the lounge as we wait for Minjoon to wake up. Soon we hear a cry from the baby monitor. Y/ N goes into our room to investigate. "Could he be waking up?" Yunho says. "Sounds like it" Wooyoung replies. "Can't wait to meet him" Jongho said. "Well it looks like you don't have to wait much longer because he is here" I say. "Guys say hello to your nephew Minjoon" Y/ N said holding Minjoon in her arms. She sits down with him. Hongjoong got to hold him first as he was closest to Y/ N. "He's so cute, guys. Congratulations" he said. "Yeah he is. I can't believe we are uncles to this boy" Seonghwa said. San was the next to hold Minjoon. They all held him really well. They must've been practicing holding babies. "We can babysit anytime you guys want to go out" Yeosang said. "Sure" Y/ N said. All the guys got a little turn in holding Minjoon for a few minutes and enjoyed it. It was so nice of them to come and meet our baby son for the first time. They will come again soon I'm sure

Yunho 💜

My brother Hongjoong is finally coming to meet our little Angel Jangmi for the first time. He's been meaning to come for a good but he's had a busy schedule but he's finally got time to come now and meet his niece for the first time. Hongjoong was mad when we first told him of our relationship and baby news. He is fine now and fully supportive of us. We are expecting Hongjoong to come over anytime. Everything is neat and tidy for his arrival. I don't like mess especially when my brother is coming. Baby Jangmi is ready to meet her uncle for the first time. The doorbell goes and Yunho answers it. "Hey, brother" he said. "Hey, dude" Hongjoong said. Hongjoong comes in with gifts in his hand. "There is my niece" he said in a big voice. "Jangmi, this is my brother. Your uncle Joong. Say hello" I say. "Let me hold her please" he said. "Of course, bro" I smile. I hand Jangmi to Hongjoong and he holds her for the first time. Aawwww such a cute and adorable moment. "Hello, sweet girl. I'm so happy to meet you" Hongjoong smiles looking at Jangmi. Yunho and I smile as well. "You should open the gifts while I'm enjoying time with my niece" Hongjoong said. Me and Yunho starts opening all the gifts that my best brother has bought for Jangmi. "Joong, you shouldn't have got all this. You're too kind. Thank you so much" I say. "Well, Y/ N. You did give birth to my niece and I love her and you too. Sometimes" he laughs. I laugh back. So it was great that Hongjoong could finally meet Jangmi and he loved meeting her for the first time so much

San ❤️


Y/ N is coming down to the studio with Seohyeon and Seongmin today. This will be the first time the guys will meet baby Seongmin. We can't wait for them to meet their first nephew today. Y/ N should be on her way with the kids soon so we can't wait to see them in our lunch break soon. Me and the guys finish practice to have lunch while we wait for Y/ N and the children to arrive. "Can't wait to meet your boy, hyung" Jongho said. "Yeah me too. They should be here anytime" Seonghwa said. The door opens to the studio and Y/ N walks in with Seohyeon and Seongmin. "Uncles, Appa" Seohyeon exclaims running in. "Baby girl. Here they are. My loves" I say. "Hey, so good to be here" she smiles. "Here he is. My handsome boy" I say. Y/ N puts the car seat down and the guys look at baby Seongmin. He was asleep. "Here he is. Hello Seongmin" Mingi said. "Seongmin" Wooyoung said. "Shhhhh he is asleep at the moment but at least you get to meet him" Y/ N said. They all smile. They were sad they didn't get to hold Seongmin but next time hopefully he won't be asleep. It was nice of Y/ N and the little ones to pay a brief visit this lunch time. I'm sure they will come again soon while Y/ N is off work

A/ N: hope you liked it. Combined both parts together like in the last book

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