19. b. Prenatal Class

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and myself have been attending couples pregnancy yoga classes for the last couple of weeks and it's been going well. I've really got into it. I've got so into it they I've bought a yoga mat to practice at home and an exercise ball too. It's really nice and relaxing for me. Eases my body and relaxes me and calms me down. Yeosang even gets involved sometimes. I practice at home when we are not doing the class. We meet once a week as a group. I am practice at home today with Yeosang. He said he might join in too. We bought two yoga mats. I get set up in the lounge and Yeosang comes in. "Are you ready, babe?" he asks. "Yes in a minute I am" I smile. "Mind if I join you" he said. "Not at all. Why would I?" I smile. I get a tutorial up on YouTube to follow so I get the moves right. You have to move in a certain way so you don't hurt the baby. "Breathe, darling breathe" Yeosang said. I nod my head as I breathe. I breathe as I do the yoga poses. Yeosang follows with me. He smiles over at me and I smile back. I take a break in between moves. "I love doing this with you" he smiles. "Me too, Sangie. Me too" I reply. Yeosang and I carry on doing more pregnancy yoga together in our own home. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed it a lot

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I are a bit nervous tonight as we are going to our first prenatal class. We think we will be the youngest couple there and people will judge us but hopefully they won't. People can be very judgy these days. My mom said we should go to prenatal class to get more experience and information before our twins arrive. We do have a lot to learn after all. Jongho and I are on our way to the first class now. "Relax, babe. Don't be nervous. It won't do you any food" he said to me. "I'll try not to be but this is just different and new" I reply. We pulled up in the parking lot and went in. Jongho held my hand and I tried to relax. I needed to relax more. We take a seat with the other couples. As soon as they saw how young we were, they started to look and they knew we were expecting twins because of the size of my bump. Anyway the class begins and we all introduce ourselves. I couldn't find the words to say so Jongho had to introduce us. "Hi, I'm Jongho and this is Y/ N, my girlfriend. We are 21 years old and we are expecting beautiful twin baby girls soon" he said. I look at him and smile. I could tell that some people were judging a bit. We are 21 so we are old enough. The first class was just an introduction one so not much happened. The lady who runs it, went to talk to us at the end. Thought she was saying something negative. "Thank you for coming you two. Nice to see a young couple attend. I think some of them are put off but don't be" she said. "Oh yeah we thought we would come as it would be useful" Jongho said. "Yes it is. I was worried people were going to say something when they saw how young we are" I say. "Don't worry they won't. I will ensure that" the lady said. She was nice. Hopefully our next classes will go well

Wooyoung 💚


Y/ N and I started going to prenatal classes last week and we enjoyed it so we decided to go back this week. Well we have paid for the full course of 6 classes so we are going so we don't lose our money. Anyway we are on our way to our second class. We are more excited today as we are learning about more things. Don't know what. We will find out soon when we arrive. We parked up at the place where the class is running. I take Y/ N's hand and we go inside and take a seat and wait for the class to start. The midwife walks and sits at her desk and speaks. "Hello and welcome everyone to your second prenatal class" she said. "Hi" everyone says. "Today we are learning about what to expect during labor and delivery" she said. She showed us a PowerPoint and we both took mental notes in our head. Y/ N has a good memory so we didn't need to write anything down. We both ask questions. "When should I take Y/ N to the hospital when she is having contractions?" I ask. "When they are about 5 to 10 minutes apart if they are more than 30 minutes apart" the midwife said. "Can I keep doing exercises till I have the baby?" Y/ N asks. "Yes most types of exercise are good for baby as long as you don't overdo it" she replies. "I'll make sure she doesn't" I say. Y/ N laughs. Prenatal class was good tonight. All our questions were answered

Hongjoong 🖤

Hongjoong and I have been in two minds about joining a prenatal class or a support group. We know that our baby boy has a heart condition so it's kinda hard to process so we are going to a therapist who helps this kinda thing. He was recommended to me by my midwife. He is highly experienced with prenatal abnormalities like this. We just want some support through our though times. Hongjoong and I are heading to see Dr Chu today for the first time. We are looking forward to meeting him. He seems like a really nice man. We arrived at his office and walked in soon after. Hongjoong holds my hand as we walk in. "I promise everything will be okay. This man will help and support us" he said. "Hope so" I reply. We knock on Dr Chu's office and go in. "Hello Mr and Mrs Kim. Nice to meet you. Take a seat" he smiles. "Nice you meet you too, Dr Chu" Hongjoong said shaking his hand. "Very nice to meet you too" I smile. We talk to him briefly about the situation that is on our mind. "Y/ N, j don't think you should be blaming yourself for your baby having a heart defect" Dr Chu said. "That's what I keep telling her, Dr but she still keeps blaming herself" Hongjoong said. "I know I do" I reply. "Well you need to stop. Blame isn't good. Your baby will be okay, Y/ N. I've known lots of babies with this kinda thing to go on to live a normal life" Dr Chu said reassuringly. He really helped us today. We are going back to see him again in two weeks

A/ N: made Hongjoongs different. Sorry to make it sad again. Wanted it to be different but will be happy

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