45. b. Baby's First Smile

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Yeosang 💛


Sunhwa is now 7 weeks old so she's nearly two months old. About two months old and Y/ N and I love being parents to her. She is the best thing ever. Best thing that's ever happened to us and each other too of course. My parents are coming over for dinner and we are getting Sunhwa ready to see them. Y/ N is putting her in a beautiful dress that she bought just the other day. Thankfully Sunhwa still fits into newborn clothes she's not in 3-6 months just yet. My parents could be here anytime. I'm vacuuming the entrance for when they arrive. Y/ N brings Sunhwa in looking beautiful in her dress. Y/ N is dressed up nice too. I need to get changed. "I won't be long" I say. "It's okay" she replies. "My girls, you look so beautiful" I say. Y/ N smiles. She sits on the couch with Sunhwa in her arms. I see her smiling at her. "Yeosang, I think Sunhwa just smiled back at me. Look she dud" I hear her say. "Hey, baby girl. Are you smiling at Eomma?" I say. "Yes she is. Just look again" she says. We see Sunhwa smiling again. So happy our little Angel is smiling for us

Jongho 🧡

Both our baby girls are smiling now. Hyebin and Yebin are our smiley little girls and we love them so much and we are very proud to be their parents and love them forever. Things are difficult at times with the girls but at least we live with my parents who are always around to give us a helping hand. Yebin was the first to smile a few days ago and Hyebin smiled yesterday. Now they both won't stop smiling for us. We love to see them like that. I think both the girls smile like Jongho a lot which is so beautiful. They are little mini Jongho's and identical too. We love them so much. We are taking Hyebin and Yebin to the park for a walk this afternoon and we can't wait to go and get some fresh air and exercise and for them too. It's always good to take your baby out for some fresh air. Both babies are fed and changed now so we are going to head out to the park. Hyebin was smiling the most. "I can't believe we've got two smiley little girls, Y/ N" Jongho said. "We do indeed and they smile like you. Just like their daddy" I reply. "Well I'd like to think so" he giggles. "Of course. Girls, you're just like your appa. Aren't you?" I say. I witness both our girls smiling at us before we head off to the park soon

Wooyoung 💚

Baby Jongdae isn't smiling yet. He came into the world about 7 weeks ago and it's Valentine's Day. Me and Wooyoung were going to go out but we decided not to in the end. Sometimes it's hard to go out with a young baby. Well we were just going to go out just the two of us but we can always go another time. Nayeon was going to babysit but I invited her over for dinner instead so she is on her way now and we can't wait to see her. I am sat on the couch feeding Jongdae a bottle. I alternate between breast and formula. Nayeon is on her way now. She's just text me. Wooyoung is sat on the couch next to me ready to open the door for when she arrives. "Our sweet little boy" he said. "I know. He's the sweetest. Our little Christmas baby" he said. The doorbell rings and Wooyoung lets Nayeon in. "Hello hello" she said. "Hello we up run this city, yo" Wooyoung said. "Haha you're funny" she laughs. "Sis" I say. "Hey, sis. How are you?" she said. "I'm good" I reply. "Jongdae, auntie Nayeon is here. Your favourite auntie" Nayeon exclaims. I finish feeding Jongdae and hand him to Nayeon. She always wants to hold him when she arrives. "You're too cute. Too cute. Handsome like your Appa" Nayeon said looking at Wooyoung. She looks down at him and he is smiling at her. "Y/ N, Wooyoung. Look he is smiling. Is this his first smile?" Nayeon said. "Yes it would be" Wooyoung replies. "I'm so happy" she said. "Me too" I reply. "Me three" Wooyoung laughs. So it was great to see Jongdae smiling and having Nayeon over for dinner

Hongjoong 🖤

Parenthood is getting better for Hongjoong and i. Baby Taeyang is our little warrior baby boy. Overcoming his heart condition. He will still have it for the rest of his life but he is doing well. Hongjoong has been trying to get Taeyang to smile by making funny faces at him but he's not smiling just yet. Hopefully he will soon. Hongjoong will keep trying to get our son to smile. Hongjoong does the cutest faces in the world to our boy. I have just had my evening shower. Taeyang wouldn't go to sleep so Hongjoong said he would try to settle him while I take a shower. I finish in the shower and get dried off and put my robe on before walking into our bedroom where my pjs are. I open the door and walk in and Hongjoong is still making faces at Taeyang. "Hey, babe. Nice shower" he said. "Yes lovely" I reply. "I think he's almost smiling at me, Y/ N. We are getting there" Hongjoong said. "Oh wow!" I reply. I get my pjs on and then dry my hair with the hair dryer. "Babe, look. I think Taeyang just gave me a proper smile back. Yayyyy! Finally, son" Hongjoong said. I almost drop the hairdryer and run over to Hongjoong and Taeyang. "Oh he is smiling. That's one proper smile, our boy" I smile. "I knew he would" he said. "I told you" I reply. So happy our little Taeyangie smiled

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