19. a. Prenatal Class

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I are going to our first prenatal class this morning. It is fun on Saturday mornings by a group of local midwives. Since we are having twins we have a lot to learn about babies. We already know a lot but we need to be more prepared as we are having two babies. It was a joint decision to join a prenatal class. It's a 6 week thing. We have just arrived at the place now. Seonghwa smiles as we walk in together. He holds open the door for me like the polite man he is. "Thank you, honey" I say. "You don't have to thank me, honey. I'm your husband" he replies. We greet everyone else and take a seat in the room with the other couples. The two ladies who are midwives come in and introduce themselves so do the rest of the couples. "Hello. I'm Y/ N and this is my husband Seonghwa. We have been married for two and a half years and we are expecting twins in June" I say. Seonghwa smiles at me. "So we are all here to learn more about babies but not only that but we will be learning about the birth and delivery and everything like that. Anyone thinking of having a home birth?" the first lady said. I looked at Seonghwa and shake my head. I mean I would if I was having one baby but I'm having two so it'll be risky. Best in the hospital. Two other women are thinking of having a home birth. The ladies talked more about things. It was pretty much just a introduction session. Next week will go more into detail. It was good though. It will be really useful for us

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I have started going to prenatal classes just last week. This evening we are going to our second one. We get to learn how to change diapers and bathe a baby which will be interesting. Mingi said he is not keen on changing diapers and doesn't want to do it. We had a bit of a fight about it when he brought it up but we are all okay now. Don't worry. Anyway Mingi and I have just left for our second prenatal class now. I am driving. "So promise you'll get stuck in tonight" I say. "Yeah I will but we won't actually be changing real babies diapers. Right?" Mingi replies. "Yeah obviously not" I reply. We get there and go inside and take a seat by the desks. Looks like they are demonstrating bathing first as there are baths out. "Hello and welcome couples to our second class. We are showing you how to bathe a baby first" said the man who runs it. It's run by a doctor and a midwife. They start by demonstrating how to bathe a baby with a doll of course and we had to do it ourselves after. You have to make sure you hold the baby so they don't slip out of your arms. Me and Mingi had a go and it went well. Next they showed us how to change diapers. I have an idea but it's always good to learn again. "I know it's going to be far worse than this when we change our baby. I heard the smell can be quite unpleasant" Mingi said. "Well you'll just gave to man up then" I reply. I looks at me like he was gonna kill me. Mingi managed to change the dolls diaper without squirming she all. God knows that he will be like when he changes our sons diaper for the first time. Haha

Yunho 💜


Y/ N and I have made the executive decision to join prenatal classes to learn more about babies before our baby girl comes into the world. We feel like we need to as we want to be great parents to her and give her an amazing life. We want to be the best parents we possibly can to her. Last week was the introduction session and we met all the other couples . Y/ N and I are the youngest couple there. Everyone else is older than us. Not that it matters. We get on with people of all ages. We have just arrived at our second class now. I hold Y/ N's hand as we go in. I can tell she looks a bit tense and nervous. "Babe, just relax. You seem really tense" I say. "Sorry it's probably just hormones you know" she replies. I smile at her and we go in and take a seat. The lady walks in who runs the class. "Hello, everyone. Hope you are all well" she said. She is called Bora. She introduced herself last week. She is teaching us some exercise techniques today. The women are given an exercise ball to sit on and the men sit on the floor next to them. There is a yoga mat underneath as well. Y/ N follows the exercises that Bora is doing. "Does it feel okay, babe?" I ask. "Yes it does. Feels nice" Y/ N replies. "Good. We will have to get you one of these balls. They are kinda cool" I say. "Yeah maybe" she replies. Bora shows the ladies different exercises. Y/ N felt more relaxed and at ease when she was doing that. She left the class feeling like a different woman. We will look forward to next weeks class

San ❤️

San and I have recently joined a parent and children's group for expectant parents. It's a good way of us getting to know other couples who are having another child and a good way of Seohyeon to get to know other children too. She does go to nursery and has friends there. It's always good for her to get to know more children and us more parents. Everybody is really nice. San and I are on our way for an hour now. Think Seohyeon is excited to see other children and play with them. "You excited for today, princess" San asked. "Yes, Appa" Seohyeon replies. "Great, sweetie" he smiles. San and I arrive at the group and go in and join in with everyone. Seohyeon goes to her best friend. A little boy called Daehyeon. It's so cute when they play together. Melts our hearts. We get a drink with the other parents and watch our kids play together. We are sat with Daehyeon's parents and another couple as well who are expecting their first child. We had a good old chat with them about things mainly regarding babies and all that. We love talking about babies to people. San and I can't wait for the arrival of our son soon. We watch Seohyeon play for a while. It was great to go to the group and we will look forward to going next week again

A/ N: made San's a bit different of course. Hope you liked it. As I said in my previous books. This is never my favourite part to right. Haha

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