34. b. Baby Comes Home

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Yeosang 💛

Our little girl Sunhwa was born two days ago and we are home with her now. We got home about an hour ago and she's doing well so far. She had just been sleeping since we got home. Awwww bless her. She is our beautiful little Angel and we love her so much and can't wait to watch her grow up. When we got home, we went straight to the nursery with Sunhwa. She is sleeping in her crib now. We do have a crib in our room but she is sleeping in her room for now. Yeosang gently placed her in her crib. We have the baby monitor next to us for when she wakes up. We still don't know how it works. I guess we will get the hang of it eventually. Yeosang smiles at me and puts his arms around me. "I can't believe our baby girl is home with us. I still can't believe we have a beautiful little Angel to hold and love" he says. "She is beautiful, Yeosang. We are so lucky and blessed" I smile. "I am especially to hand two beautiful girls in my life" he said. Later baby Sunhwa wakes up and I had to feed and change her. So great to be a family of three at home with our baby girl

Jongho 🧡


Our twin girls Hyebin and Yebin have been in the NICU for the last few weeks since they were born. Y/ N and I finally get to take them home. We can't wait to take them home for the first time. We've been home since they were born but the girls haven't. Y/ N's parents are coming to help us with going home as we live with them so it would make sense. Everything is set up at home for them. Both babies are asleep now so it's a good time to get them home. "Okay I think we are ready" I say. "Yes we will get out of here now" Y/ N said. "Have we got everything?" her mom said. "Think so" Y/ N replies. Her dad was bringing the car round to the front so we didn't have to walk far. I take Hyebin in her carrier and Y/ N's mom takes Yebin. Most of our things were already in the car. Y/ N's dad was waiting in the car for us. "It's home time, babies" Y/ N's mom said. Y/ N sits in the middle of the car with the babies and I sit right at the back. It was important that she was the closest to them. Hyebin and Yebin were fast asleep in their car seats for the entire ride home. Awwww bless them. When we walked in the door, we left them in their car seats for a while before they woke up. It was great to be home with our beautiful little girls after all this time

Wooyoung 💚

We are going home with baby Jongdae today. He was born late Christmas Eve night just before Christmas Day. We spent our Christmas in the hospital with our newborn son. Nothing could've been better than that. We are taking Jongdae home today the day after Christmas Day. His auntie Nayeon was the first person to meet him apart from us. She was there when I went into labor and waited till I had given birth. She is the best sister ever. Love her. Nayeon is at her own home so we are just taking our son home just the two of us. Baby Jongdae is just like Wooyoung, his daddy. His little mini me. We make sure all our things are collected. Jongdae is tucked up and fast asleep in his car seat and we are ready to leave this hospital. "Okay let's go, babe. Can't wait to get this little guy home" Wooyoung said.  "Yes definitely. I'm ready for home" I reply. We leave our hospital room and say goodbye to all the staff who have been great. We are thankful to them. We find the car and buckle baby Jongdae in the back of the car. He takes a big yawn. Awww bless him. I sit in the back of the car with him and Wooyoung drives. Jongdae stayed fast asleep on the journey home. He settled into our home just fine. Great to have our little boy home

Hongjoong 🖤

Baby Taeyang has been in the NICU for the last few weeks since he was born. We arrived home a couple of hours ago with him. It felt so good to bring him home. He is our little warrior fighting through these last few weeks. Our special boy born with a heart condition. Our miracle baby. That's our boy. We know that Taeyang needs a little extra care to healthy babies and as his parents, Hongjoong and I are more than willing to give him that. He I being bottle fed at the moment. He can't breastfeed just yet. Maybe eventually as I'd like to. Hongjoong is sat on the couch with little Taeyang in his arms and he is giving him a bottle. We will soon be getting him ready for bed for the night. He is a tiny little thing. He is drinking his milk well though. "Is that nice, Taeyang? Is it very nice" Hongjoong said. "Yes I think it is" I smile. "Jagiya, I can't believe we've finally brought him home" he said. "I know. The feeling is so surreal but it's real" I reply. "Our boy is doing well. I'm I've proud father" Hongjoong said. "He is. He's a little fighter. Think he gets that from his daddy" I reply. "From me?" he questions. "Yes" I smile. Hongjoong finishes feeding Taeyang. He burps him after and he brings a little back up but that's normal. It's the best feeling in the world to have our precious little boy home where he belongs

A/ N: the next part follows on from this and it's the first night

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