23. a. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts You

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Seonghwa 💖

I have obviously been feeling pretty exhausted and uncomfortable and saw at this stage in my pregnancy. We just want the twins to be here but safe and well. I think it's normal to be feeling the way I am at this stage in pregnancy. Seonghwa has been the best and most loving and caring husband in the world. I couldn't ask to be married to anyone else or anyone else in my life to share this journey with. He is one of a kind and the best. I'm such a lucky woman. Seonghwa does so much for me these days. He gives me back massages, feet rubs and paints my nails. I want my toe nails painting so he is doing that for me today. I didn't even have to ask him but offered to do it. That's the kind of man I married. I lay on our bed and Seonghwa gets my nail varnish out. "Which colour do you fancy on your toes, sweetie?" he asks. "Hmmmm something pink. Light pink. You choose" I reply. "This one" he said holding up a light pink nail varnish. "Yep" I reply. Seonghwa starts painting my toe nails. "You will have to do this for me all the time" I say. "I will quite happily do that for you, my love" he smiles. "Thank you, Hwa. You're the best husband in the whole wide world" I smile. "Baby, you don't have to thank me. I'm your husband and I do it because I love you and our children"  he said. "Love you so much" I smile. "Love you so much too" he smiles. Seonghwa paints my toe nails and does a great job. Love him so much

Mingi 💙

Mingi has been giving me great back massages as I've been getting a bit of backache recently. His back massages have definitely helped me relax my muscles and my back. He's the best like that. He always gets the right places too that are bothering me. I get him to give me back massages everyday then and then I need them. Mingi has just got back from the studio now and my back is hurting me so I need a little massage soon. He is getting changed now and I'm sat on the couch. He comes back a few minutes later. "Babe, my back hurts. Do you mind giving me a massage, honey?" I ask. "No not at all, baby. Let me do my thing" Mingi replies. "You're the best, Mingi darling. Love you" I reply. "Love you too, baby. That's why I do it for you" he replies. I get in the right position for him to give me a back massage. "Ohhhh that feels good. Carry on" I say. "Yes I will. Till it's worked" he said. Mingi always hits all the right spots that are killing me. "I love it when you do that. I don't have to go to a professional" I say. "No you don't I am that professional" Mingi replies. "You could quit being an idol and become a masseuse" I laugh. "If only" he giggles. Mingi carries on massaging me for a bit longer and it feels so good. I can't tell you how good it feels. It feels amazing

Yunho 💜

I have been taking warm Epsom salt baths most days to help relieve aches and pains I've got. It really helps and eases me a lot. I love Epsom salt baths now. It was Yunho's idea. I was a bit reluctant at first to try them. I really love them now. It's the only thing that worked for my aches and pains. Yunho likes to fill me a bath in an evening when I get home most evenings. He is the sweetest boyfriend and father of my baby ever. Love him. I got home from work not so long ago and Yunho is home now too. "Can I fill you one of those gorgeous baths, sweetie?" he says. "Yes I wouldn't mind one please" I reply. "Of course coming right up, sweetie" he smiles. He goes into the bathroom and fills me a bath and calls me in when he was nice, warn and filled. "All ready for you, sweetie" Yunho said. "Thank you so much. Just what I need" I reply. I go into the bath and I enjoy relaxing. Yunho sits at the side of me. "Is that helping, sweetie?" he asks. "Yes a great deal" I reply. "Great to know. Just what you need when you're pregnant and not feeling well" he said. "Yes perfect. Just like you and our baby girl" I smile. "Our baby girl is so perfect" Yunho smiles. The Epsom salt bath helps so much when I'm not feeling great. I love the most caring boyfriend in the world

San ❤️

I remember feeling pretty rough and tired at this stage in my pregnancy with Seohyeon. It's not too much easier the second time round. San and I are naming our baby boy Seongmin. We think it is a great name for our little boy. Can't wait to meet him. I'm 30 weeks now so not too long till he'll be here. San totally understands how I feel and the first time round too of course. He is a very supportive husband of mine. Seohyeon is so cute as she cuddles up to me when I'm not feeling good and says "mommy, I'll make you feel better". Awwww she melts my heart so much. I am laid on bed taking a rest as I feel tired. Just need a nap. I am awake now so I've told San and Seohyeon to come in. Seohyeon will probably jump on the bed and come and comfort me. Aawww she's adorable like that. The door opens and they both come in. "Mommy" she exclaims. "Hey, baby girl. How are you?" I reply. Seohyeon smiles at me and gets on the bed next to me. So does San. "Feeling any better?" he asks. "Yeah just tired" I reply. "Mommy, I'll make you feel better" Seohyeon said. "Aawww you always do, my sweet girl" I reply kissing Seohyeon's forehead. We have family cuddles on the bed for a while and it feels so good. My two favourite people always make me feel better

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