42. b. Cute Family Time

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I love having evening family time with baby Sunhwa when he gets home from work. There is nothing more special and precious then family time with our baby girl. We just love our baby girl so much. Nothing will never change that. Yeosang misses us everyday when he's in the studio five days a week. He calls us when he takes his lunch break to talk because he misses us. I'm not going back to work yet. Not for a little while. I'm going to be home with our gorgeous girl for a bit longer. Yeosang is on his way home from work and we are ready for him coming home and can't wait to see him. Sunhwa is always excited for her Appa to come home. I am sat on the couch feeding her now and she is almost falling asleep but I want her to be awake for when Yeosang gets home. About 25 minutes later the front door of our apartment opens and Yeosang walks in with a huge smile on his face. "Hey, my loves" he said. "Hello, handsome. Glad you're back" I say. "I'm glad to be back to you my two favourite girls in the world" Yeosang said. "Sunhwa says hello appa" I say. "Awwww that's my girl" he said. Yeosang sits on the couch next to us and kisses me on the cheek and Sunhwa on the forehead. "I will tonight and make something delicious" he said. "Okay that sounds perfect" I reply. "Perfect just like you and our girl" Yeosang smiles. He kissed me and we enjoyed a delicious meal made by my lovely husband

Jongho 🧡

Sometimes it's hard having twins but me and Jongho love our girls more than anything in this world and would never change them for anything. Hyebin and Yebin are our everything. Jongho is back in the studio but sometimes he's home earlier. It does help living with my parents though. When we go out we do get looks because we are a young couple with two babies. People do judge us but I think we are being great parents to our girls. Jongho has to be up early most mornings to go to the studio. One of the babies or both are usually awake when he is so we try to spend a little time before he leaves. I am mostly on my own with the twins as my parents are at work too. Jongho is already downstairs. Yebin woke up when she heard him go down so I'm cuddling her right now. Soon Jongho comes back up after having some breakfast. "Hello, my princesses" he whispers. "Hello, you busy man" I reply. "Did Yebin hear her daddy wake up?" he said. "Yes I think she did" I reply. Jongho smiles and sits on the edge of the bed next to me. "Listen, babe. I don't have long. Only a few minutes till I need to leave" he said. "I know and that's fine. We will have quality family time when you're home tonight. Me and the girls love you" I say. "I love you all too. More than anything" Jongho smiles. He gives me a goodbye kiss as well as Yebin in my arms and Hyebin in her crib who was still asleep. We go back to sleep when he left

Wooyoung 💚


Nayeon has been helping Y/ N and I a lot with baby Jongdae whenever she's got time. I know she's busy too with Twice things but Nayeon always finds time for us as Y/ N is her sister and Jongdae is her nephew. Jongdae is a Christmas baby. He was both on Christmas Eve. Nayeon hasn't seen us in a few days as he's been busy but that's okay as we've been spending special family time together with our little boy. Y/ N is in the kitchen making a cake. She wanted to do that today. I said she didn't have to but she insisted as she likes baking and makes great cakes. So good at it too. I am on babysitting duties with Jongdae. I am laid on the couch all snuggled up with baby Jongdae on my chest. He has his sweet eyes closed and his breathing well. "Are you okay in there, babe?" I say to Y/ N. "Yes I'm just fine. Not far off being done now" she says. "Okay, babe" I say. I almost fall asleep with baby Jongdae on me. Y/ N comes into the lounge and sits next to us on the couch. "Awwww baby boy is so sleepy" she said. "He is. Been like this for ages. I don't want to move because I might wake him up" I say. "I have to get a picture of this. So cute. My boys" Y/ N said. Y/ N takes a cute picture of me and Jongdae on the couch. He is still asleep and I just don't want to put him down. I never want to put my boy down

Hongjoong 🖤

Baby Taeyang is now 8 weeks old and he is doing ever so well. He is our everything to us and more too. Hongjoong and I do want more children in the future but obviously not for a while. We want to focus on our precious boy and him only. Taeyang is a very good baby. No trouble at all. He's so good. We are getting settled down for bed first the night with Taeyang. He wouldn't go to sleep straight away so we decided to stay up with him. I guess he wasn't tired enough to go to sleep. I am sat up in bed with Taeyang waiting for him to fall asleep. "This kid doesn't want to go to sleep" said Hongjoong getting in bed next to me. "He doesn't I know" I reply. We both had to laugh. "Maybe Appa can get him to go to sleep" Hongjoong said. "I'm not doing anything wrong" I say. "I didn't say you were. Maybe I'll get him to go to sleep" he said. I hand baby Taeyang to Hongjoong and he calms him softly and he goes to sleep soon. He places Taeyang in his crib next to our bed and Hongjoong and I cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms and sleep good

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