44. b. Family Day Out

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Yeosang 💛

We are taking Sunhwa for a little walk along the pier by the beach. It's a little too cold to go onto the beach but we might if they weather stays okay. The beach is mine and Yeosang's favourite place to go. We have so many memories there. We got engaged there just after we found out I was pregnant. The beach is a very special place to us. We have just arrived at the beach now for a little while. Hopefully it's quiet for Sunhwa. She falls asleep when we push her in her stroller. We get Sunhwa in her stroller and push her along the pier. Yeosang pushes the stroller. He looks at me and I look back at him. I keep on looking at Sunhwa to see if she's okay. She is fast asleep. "Do you think it's too cold to go on the beach?" Yeosang asks. "Hmmmm maybe. We don't want to wake her up either" I say. "No that's fine. Don't worry" he said. Yeosang and I carry on walking with baby Sunhwa sleeping in her stroller. Yeosang and I take a cute picture of us walking along the pier with Sunhwa. We then go to the cafe for a nice drink after. We had a cute time out today

Jongho 🧡

Me and Jongho have been wanting to go out on our first family day out with Hyebin and Yebin for the last few weeks but it's just not been the right time. Today we are taking them out for the first time and we are going the aquarium. Not that they will have any idea as they are only two months old but we thought it would be a fun place to go on a bit of a cloudy day. Jongho and I are also going for ourselves too as we are both big kids at heart. It's been years since I've been to an aquarium or anywhere like that I was little. We have just arrived now. I asked my parents if they wanted to come and they said the four of us should just go and enjoy the day. We get the twins in their stroller and go inside and join the line to get in. We already bought our tickets in advance. Babies go free of course so we only had to pay for ourselves. We show our tickets at the desk and get given a map and then we could start exploring around the aquarium and looking at all the sea life. Hyebin and Yebin are in their body carriers strapped to us so we didn't have to push around the stroller. It was interesting to see all the sea life. We weren't allowed to take pictures. "Awwww the turtles are so cute" I said. "I like the sharks. I think they are awesome" Jongho said. "No thanks. Don't like sharks" I laugh. We looked at all the sea life creatures and enjoyed it. We went for something to eat in the cafe. We didn't want to stay out all day because of the twins but we had a nice couple of hours at the aquarium today on our first family day out

Wooyoung 💚

Me and Wooyoung are going on a date out with Nayeon and baby Jongdae of course. We are going to the fairground in town. It's gonna be a fun place. Me and Nayeon used to go to those kind of things as children and we always had a great time. We are on our way now to the fairground. It runs most of the day so we can go wherever. "Let's go and have some fun" Nayeon said as we pulled up. "Yep let's. Make the most of the day" I reply. Wooyoung gets Jongdae from the back seat of the car and put him in his stroller and we start exploring around. Nayeon and Wooyoung wore hats and glasses so they don't get recognised easily. We don't want that to happen on our nice family day out. Nayeon is such a big kid and so excited over everything. Sometimes it's like I'm her older sister. I love seeing my sister being happy anyway. "Y/ N, all this reminds me of when we were kids. I just wanna go back" Nayeon said. "I know. Being kids was fun" I smile. Nayeon was playing on all the stalls and me and Wooyoung found it cute. We took pictures of her as she asked. I joined in with her too actually. "Awwww so cute. Best sisters" Wooyoung said. Sisters having fun together. We had lots of fun today at the fairground and just want to go again soon. What an awesome day?

Hongjoong 🖤


Y/ N and I have decided to take Taeyang out for a small time. We are going to a nice quiet nature reserve for a walk and a picnic. We don't want to take Taeyang out all day as he's still only little. The nature reserve is not too far from where we live. Y/ N has put together some sandwiches and food for us to take with us. Delicious it's going to be. We are leaving home now and driving to the nature reserve. Too far to walk all the way. Taeyang had gone to sleep so I put him in the car without distributing him. About 15 minutes later we arrive at the nature reserve. We are not taking the stroller. We have a body carrier for Taeyang that Y/ N is going to strap to her so it'll be easier. I take the changing bag and picnic bag. "Let's go" I said. "Yep definitely. Are you okay with all those things, honey?" Y/ N asks. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me" I smile reassuringly. So we set off on our nice walk around the nature reserve. It's quiet. Nobody around. That's why we went. We walked for less than an hour then we sat down on a bench and stopped to eat. "Can't wait to have your tasty sandwiches, babe" I say. "They're not super tasty" Y/ N laughs. "They are" I say. Taeyang woke up so she had to feed him. We had a bottle of formula made up so she sits on the bench and feeds him. I feed her a bit of her sandwich while she's feeding Taeyang. "You're such an amazing mother, Y/ N. Mother of the year" I say. "Thank you, sweetie but I don't know about mother of the year" she laughs. We take a while eating and then we continue our nice walk around the nature reserve. Me, Y/ N and Taeyang had a really nice day out as a family

A/ N: always here writers block when it comes to this one. It's done now

Thinking of not doing anymore pregnancy series books or not for a while after this one. Not gonna lie kinda lost motivation for them recently. I'm going to see this one through though as there is only a few parts to go. I kinda want to focus on my Kpop imagines book and my girl group books. I am enjoying those especially the gg books. Might do more of those. Hope you understand

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