41. b. Date Night

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I are going to the beach tonight or a little date. It's a special place to us as we got engaged there just after I found out I was pregnant. It's a special place to us anyway. We love the beach. Seonghwa and Yunho are babysitting Sunhwa tonight. I think they are both her favourite uncles so she is in good hands while we are out tonight. Maybe it's a little chilly to go to the beach at this time of year but we are still going for a short while. Seonghwa and Yunho are at our place now with Sunhwa. We have talked it through with them her routine and things and they got it all. They know to call us if they need anything. Yeosang and I are about to leave now. It's our first time leaving Sunhwa with someone. "Okay guys. We're off. Let us know if you need to know anything" I say. "We will. Have so much fun, you two. You deserve it" Yunho said. "We will be fine with this little princess here" Seonghwa said. "Bye, bye my Angel" Yeosang said. Seonghwa thought he was talking to him at first. It was funny. We walk out the door and arrive at the beach soon. "It's nice, calm and serene tonight" Yeosang said as we started walking on the beach. "It is. Nobody is as crazy as us to take a walk on the beach in December" I say. "I know. Haha. That's right. We are a crazy couple but a good crazy" he said. "Yes" I laugh. Yeosang looks into my eyes and we have a nice little walk on the beach. We go on the pier too and look ahead at the view for a little while. Everything was alright with Sunhwa at home. We heard nothing from the guys. It was nice to go out for a short time just the two of us

Jongho 🧡


Y/ N and I are having a night out just the two of us. We are going bowling and did something to eat to our favourite diner. Y/ N's parents are looking after Hyebin and Yebin for us tonight as they knew we wanted a night out to ourselves. We live with them so they are just the people to watch the twins. We are leaving now. 6:30pm so we are not too late back for the girls. "I'll call you when we're leaving" Y/ N said. "Have fun" her mom said. Both the babies were awake now but they will probably fall asleep quite soon. We arrived at the bowling alley and join the line and pay to get in and get our shoes. "I hate wearing shoes a million other people have worn" I say. Y/ N just laughed. Bowling used to be one of our favourite things to do before we got together and got pregnant. Me and Y/ N were friends for a long time before we slept together and got pregnant. She goes first and does well on her first go. Then I go and we keep taking it in turns and we had fun. In the end I won but Y/ N didn't mind. She's not really competitive when it comes to games and sports. That's just her anyway. After bowling Y/ N and I go to our favourite diner for something to eat. "Ready for some dinner after that" I say. "Yes me too" Y/ N smiled. We find a table at the diner and sit down and look at the menus but we always go for burgers and fries so we didn't have to look very far. We ordered what we wanted and then waited did it to come. Y/ N and I tucked into our delicious food before returning home to our beautiful and precious girls at home. We had a cute little date out this evening

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I are spending the night away for the first time tonight since having baby Jongdae. Nayeon has booked and paid for a hotel room for us about an hour away from the city as a little treat. She is watching Jongdae till tomorrow afternoon while we have a night away. She knows that we have been busy being parents to our little boy for the last almost two months so she thought we might like a night away. We love our Jongdae so much of course but it will just be nice to have a night to ourselves uninterrupted. We are leaving now to our hotel room. We will check in and then find somewhere to eat after. We have both packed an overnight bag. "Okay, Nayeon. We are gonna leave in a few minutes" I say. "Have fun. Have a great night" she smiles. "Thank you. Although part of me feels bad for leaving Jongdae for the first time" I say. "Don't be silly, Y/ N. He's with me. His third favourite person in the world" Nayeon said. "Well have a great time with our boy, Nabongs" Wooyoung said. Nayeon smiles. Me and Wooyoung load our things up in the car and set off to the hotel we are staying in. We arrived in less than an hour and checked into our room straight away. Nayeon got us a nice big room with a nice big bed. Bigger than our own at home. I called her to thank her. "Are you hungry yet, babe? Might as well make the most of our night here. It's one night only" Wooyoung said. "Yeah we can find somewhere to eat" I reply. We drive and find a nice restaurant not too far from the hotel. We wasn't really feeling the hotel restaurant but we had a nice meal at the other one and then went back to the hotel and had an amazing nights sleep. It felt weird not hearing Jongdae cry during the night. Wooyoung and I were so thankful to Nayeon for our nice little night away

Hongjoong 🖤


Y/ N and I are going out for the first time since the birth of baby Taeyang.  It will be nice to go out just the two of us. My mom is looking after Taeyang for us tonight while Y/ N and I go out for a couple of drinks and a bite to eat. We used to do that a lot before we were married and parents. We used to go every Friday or Saturday night. We are leaving soon as my mom is here with Taeyang. He was fed not so long ago so he should fall asleep soon. "Joong, should I go for something sexy. I don't know. I still have that baby weight" Y/ N said. "Babe, you look gorgeous in anything so you see what you feel most comfortable in" I reply. "Yeah I'll see" she said. She wears something that wasn't too sexy in the end. She still looks beautiful anyway. Taeyang had just gone to sleep when we left. We get a cab to the bar as we might have a couple of drinks each. We go in and it was pretty busy. I get us our favourite drinks while Y/ N gets us a table. I come back and smile at her. "Here you go, my love" I say. "Thank you, my handsome husband" Y/ N smiles. We enjoyed a couple of drinks by the bar and an appetiser as well. "Babe, this is nice. Reminds me of when we were dating" I say. "Yes it does. It definitely does. I'm missing our baby boy though" Y/ N replies. "Yeah me too. We will be home to him soon" I say. Y/ N and I had a couple of drinks each and we just had a great night together on our date night

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