14. b. First Kick

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Yeosang 💛

I have felt our baby move and flutter a bit in my belly but not kick yet. I'm about 21 weeks now so just gone halfway through the pregnancy. Yeosang and I don't want to know if we are having a boy or a girl till the baby is born. Well we just don't want to know. It's more of a special surprise not knowing the gender. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl. As long as the baby is happy and healthy. That's all that matters. We are looking forward to seeing what people predict our baby to be. Yeosang and I are both leaning towards a girl as I was getting sweet cravings in early pregnancy. That's maybe a sign but we will have to wait and see. Yeosang and I are getting married soon too. We are sat in front of the TV relaxing before we go to bed. We love having time to unwind together when we've had busy days. We are watching something on Netflix right now. I am feeling quite tired so I yawn. I rest my head on Yeosang's shoulder too. "It's okay, sweetie. We can head to bed soon" he said. "Yeah I think I'm gonna have to" I reply. I try to sit up a bit better. All of a sudden I felt the baby move again. This time it felt like a little kick. "Ohhhh ohhh" I say. Yeosang looks concerned. "Y/ N, what's happened. You okay?" he said. "I'm fine. The baby just kicked me. They just kicked, Yeosang" I reply. "Wow! Babe" He said. Yeosang places his hand on my bump and feels where the baby is kicking. He turns his head and smiles at me and we both enjoyed this beautiful moment together

Jongho 🧡

I haven't felt our twins kick yet. I felt them move a bit the other day but not kick yet. I just wanna feel them kicking around. I've heard it's a wonderful feeling and I just want to experience it. Our babies are doing good as far as I know and we get to find out their genders soon which I can't wait for. We don't mind if we are having boys or girls. Just as long as the babies are healthy. I am seeing Jongho soon. He's at the studio but finishing soon and I'm on my way home from university. I've been there all day so I'm pretty tired. Being pregnant with twins isn't easy. I get on the bus and leave uni. I'm going home to hopefully a peaceful house before my brother comes home from school and parents from work. I take a seat on the bus away from people and sit down. Let's hope I get home quick as I want a lie down. I go on my phone and see cute texts from Jongho. One hand on my phone and the other hand on my bump. I always do that. As I was replying to texts from Jongho. I felt one of the babies give me a little kick. I almost dropped my phone in amazement. Oh my gosh. I just wish Jongho was here to share this moment with me. Hopefully they will kick later. I just didn't want him to miss it. Why did they have to kick on the bus of all places? I go home and lay down till Jongho lets me know he's on his way. He arrived at my place soon so I let him in before my parents come. They don't like him coming over because of the situation. "Hey, baby mama" he said. "Hey, you" I say. We go upstairs to my room. "Jongho, you missed something great earlier" I say. "What did I miss?" he replies. "One of the babies kicked a bit when I was on the bus on my way home" I say. "OMG that's wonderful. Why didn't you tell me, babe? I didn't want to miss the moment" Jongho replies. "Well it was on the bus and I wanted to tell you in person" I reply. "Well it's still wonderful, babe" he smiles. Then I felt the same baby kick again. What a wonderful moment we both got to share together?

Wooyoung 💚


Our baby boy is due at Christmas and Y/ N and I can't wait to meet him and auntie Nayeon as well who is just as excited as we are and also his uncles too are very excited to meet him. Y/ N is almost 21 weeks pregnant now so the baby is starting to move about. She even felt a little kick the other day but she wouldn't consider it to be a proper kick. The baby is still moving though which is a good sign. Our son is healthy and well. Y/ N and i ads both up at the same time this morning as we are starting work at the same time. Think doesn't happen every morning. Only sometimes but it's nice to get breakfast abc spend sometime together in the morning even though we have to go to work. Y/ N is just getting up and I'm in the kitchen getting breakfast ready. I get bowls and spoons out as we are both having cereal this morning. I get the cereals out too and milk. I go into our room to check if Y/ N is okay as she's taking a few minutes. "Are you okay, honey?" I say. "Yes I'm fine but I think I just felt the baby kick me again. It was a more harder kick this time" Y/ N said. "Did you? Wow! That's amazing, Y/ N" I say. "Stand next to me and see if he kicks again" she said. I put my arms around her and stand next to her. I felt the baby kick again. "There he goes again. Wow! That's our boy, Y/ N" I say. "It is" she smiles. "Do it again, son for daddy" I say. I smile and waited for the baby to kick again but nothing happened. That's good that he kicked again though. Proud of our son already

Hongjoong 🖤

We got conformation the other day that our baby has a heart defect. The doctor doesn't think it's something we should worry about as parents to be but me and Hongjoong are worried of course. How can we not be? Our little one has something wrong with their heart. We haven't found out if it's a boy or a girl yet. We are going to find out soon though. That was more important to deal with though. I haven't felt the baby move yet and I'm also worried about that too. I still feel like it's my fault that the baby has a heart condition. Hongjoong told me not to blame myself though. I hope the baby moves soon as it will give me piece of mind. Hongjoong got home from work not so long ago and we are spending something together while dinner cooks. Lasagne is on the menu tonight. One of our favourite western dishes to make and eat. Hongjoong has been treating me with extra caution recently as he knows I've been in a fragile state. He's the best husband in the world and I love him. "Tired" I yawn. "It's okay, baby. I'm here. Rest your head on me. I got you" he replies. "Joongie, I don't know what I'd do without you" I reply. "I don't know what I'd do without you either, sweetie" he said. I rest my head on Hongjoong's shoulder and he holds me close to him. He smiles at me. All of a sudden I feel a flutter in my tummy. "Oh I think the baby just moved. I swear that was them moving" I say. "Babe, that's wonderful. I told you would feel little bean moving soon" Hongjoong says. "There they go again" I giggle. "Wonderful and amazing just like their momma" he said. The baby kicks me as well. It was a joyous moment for us all. How spectacular? Our baby is moving

A/ N: gender reveal party next. I'll get thinking of some ideas. Comment if you have any suggestions. Seonghwa and Yeosang's babies genders will remain a surprise till labor and delivery

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