12. a. Baby Sitting For A Friend/ Relative

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Seonghwa 💖

Tonight me and Seonghwa are babysitting for our 3 year old nephew Donghyun. He is a cute and sweet little boy who we both love. He can't wait to be a big cousin to our twins. We have babysat for him quite a lot while my sister and her husband go out for some time together. My sister is 4 months pregnant with their second child. Just a little behind me. I'm 18 weeks now. Anyway we have been at my sisters place for about an hour or so. I made Donghyun dinner and he enjoyed it. The kid likes anything to eat. He's not fussy. Donghyun is sat on the couch with us for a bit before his bedtime in a little while spending time with his favourite aunt and uncle. He is snuggling up next to us. Awwww how cute. "Alright, buddy" Seonghwa said. "Yes" Donghyun replies. He smiles and snuggles up to us again. Such a sweet little boy. He got tired and fell asleep next to us so Seonghwa carried him to bed. He woke up and we got his pjs on. "Nite nite, Donghyun" I say kissing his forehead. "Night" he yawns. We quietly leave the room as he was just falling asleep. I smile at Seonghwa as we left. "Sweet little boy all tucked up" I say. "Yes he is indeed. Love that kid" he said. "Me too. He's the cutest" I reply. Seonghwa and I had some time together before my sister and her husband got home. It was fun babysitting our nephew Donghyun again

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I are doing some babysitting for my two nieces who are 5 and 3. They are called Siwoo and Yujin. They are so cute and I love them. They call me their favourite auntie. They are my brothers girls. He and his wife are out for the evening and they asked us to watch the girls. Mingi and I haven't babysat before so it's fun. We are at my brothers place tonight babysitting the girls. We are going to take them for some fresh air and go for a walk. "You ready, girls" Mingi asks Siwoo and Yujin. "Yes" Siwoo replies. "Just a minute" Yujin said. "Nice walk with us" I smile. They both smile back. Siwoo holds my hand and Yujin holds Mingi's hand as we walk out the door. My brother lives in a really nice area with picturesque places. The girls hold our hands and skip along with us as we take in the nature. "Breathe in the air, girls. It's good for you" Mingi said. "Why? What if we don't breathe in the air? Will we die?" Yujin said. "You are breathing all the time without knowing, Yujin. Fresh air is good for your breathing and lungs. That's all uncle Mingi is saying" Mingi said. We all carry on walking around the neighbourhood. We walked for about half an hour and then went back as there girls were getting a bit tired and it will be their bedtime soon. "Did you enjoy that, girls?" I say. "Yes" Siwoo replies. "You can watch some TV then it's your bedtime" i say. "We might ready you a story if you're good" Mingi said. We sit and watch TV with them before they get tired and go to bed. Mingi reads Siwoo and Yujin a story but they both fall asleep in Yujin's room so he had to carry Siwoo into her room. Mingi and I left when my brother and sister in law arrived home from their night out. It wasn't too late about 10:30 when they got home. We had a really good time with my nieces tonight. We will have to do it again soon

Yunho 💜


Y/ N and I are doing some babysitting for a friend of hers. Her 7 month old baby girl called Hyerin. She is so cute and adorable. I want to adopt her and I secretly want a baby girl. It would be nice to have a baby girl. Y/ N's friend dropped Hyerin over to Y/ N's place while she goes out for a bit. It's my first time holding a baby in a while and first time babysitting ever. It's gonna be fun though. Y/ N gave Hyerin her bottle and she enjoyed. So cute to see my girlfriend with a baby. I will be seeing her with our baby soon enough. "Do you want to carry on feeding her?" Y/ N asks. "Sure I'd like to give it a go" I reply. She hands baby Hyerin to me and I carry on feeding her. "Hey, baby girl. You're so cute" I say. "She is indeed and you're so cute with her" Y/ N replies. "Awwww bless" I say. I feed Hyerin and then burp her a bit. She doesn't throw anything up. Her mom says she doesn't do that. I lay her down in her Moses basket after. "When is Y/ F/ N coming back?" I ask. "Maybe like an hour or hour and a half. Guess she'll just turn up" Y/ N replies. "I don't really wanna leave. I'm loving being with the baby" I say. "Don't worry. We are not leaving just yet" she replies. Hyerin doesn't go to sleep. She just lays there looking adorable. I pick her up for a cuddle. She is very cuddly. "I love babies" I say. "I know you do and me too. We are Gonna love our own" Y/ N replies. "Of course. So much indeed" I smile. Hyerin's mom comes home about an hour later and Y/ N and I left shortly after. We had a great time babysitting today

San ❤️

Seohyeon's best friend Chanmi is over at our place today. She is having a play date with her. I am good friends with Chanmi's mom and our daughters are friends. She is the same age as Seohyeon. Not far apart in age actually. Only a few weeks. The girls love playing together and we are taking them to the park later to play. Their favourite place. San has a day off today so that's great. Seohyeon and Chanmi are playing with their dollies in the lounge right now. They always play very nicely together. Aawww that's so cute to see. "Who's ready to go to the park soon, girls?" San says. "Meeeeee" Seohyeon exclaims. "Me too" Chanmi said. We soon leave and take the girls to the park. They are so excited to play. We know that. We better get them there quick. "Okay we are here, girls. Go and have fun and play" San said. Seohyeon and Chanmi get out of the car and they run ahead of us to the play area. "Don't run too far, girls. We don't want you getting lost. It's a busy park" I say. "We are good girls, mommy" Seohyeon said. The girls go to the play area and start playing. They go on the slide set first. Seohyeon's favourite. San and I sit and watch. He joins in with them a bit later. We push them on the swings too. They love the swings as well. "Higher" Chanmi says to San. "Okay" he replies. Seohyeon and Chanmi have endless fun on the swings. It's so cute to see them be best friends and play together. They had a lot of fun in the park this afternoon

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