7. b. Morning Sickness

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Yeosang 💛

I've been getting quite a lot of sickness so far in my pregnancy but I guess that's all part of pregnancy. I've been feeling pretty rough lately to be honest. I'll be hitting the 10 weeks mark soon. Yeosang has been so loving, cute and supportive to me. He is the best person I could ask for in my life. I can't believe we are engaged now and having a baby. It is such a special feeling. I am trying to battle through this sickness even though it's not nice at all. I have been getting cravings for sweet things like cakes and donuts. Yeosang says that's a sign that it might be a girl. But we don't know that yet. I know he wants a little girl. Yeosang and I are together this evening of course. We've just had dinner but I'm craving chocolate cupcakes right now. I usually get that sugar rush in an evening after dinner which is weird. "What's up, baby?" Yeosang asks as we are sat on the couch. "I'm craving chocolate cupcakes right now" I reply. "Are you? I'll go to the bakery and get you some. They will still be open" he said. "Really? Would you?" I reply. "Of course. Anything for you, my love" Yeosang replies. He goes down to the bakery not far from us and comes back with a delicious chocolate cupcake. "Here it is, honey" he said walking through the door. "Ohhhhh delicious" I reply tucking into it. That cupcake was so good but it laid a little heavy on my stomach and I kinda felt sick but I just can't resist these cravings

Jongho 🧡

I've been feeling really shitty so far in my pregnancy and it's not been very nice. I've been feeling nauseous, fatigued and tender and sore breasts. I've been throwing up too. Getting morning sickness in the morning but at other times of the day too. Didn't know pregnancy was such a rough thing. Hopefully those feelings will start to pass soon. I can't imagine another 7 months of feeling like that. Anyway I am at university today. I didn't really feel like going this morning but I made myself go. I have to study despite being pregnant. I haven't told my friends I'm pregnant. They would be like "who's the daddy, Y/ N?". I can't tell anyone just yet. I am walking through the university corridors to my next lecture of the day. I had a headache in my last class but it's stopped now. I wave of nausea starts to come on. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Luckily the bathroom was a minute away. So I run into the bathroom. Thank God that there was no one there at that moment in time because that would've been as embarrassing as hell. I make it to the toilet before I was sick. I throw up for a few minutes before coming out. I bump into one of my friends in the bathroom. She just heard me throw up. "Y/ N" she said. "Hey" I say. "You okay. I heard someone throwing up. What's wrong?" she said. "I'm okay. Don't worry, Y/ F/ N" I reply. She smiles at me. My friends have been concerned about me lately as I haven't been well. I told them I'll be okay without telling them I'm pregnant. They will find that out later

Wooyoung 💚

I've been feeling pretty tired lately in my pregnancy. I am over 8 weeks now. Sickness can kick in at different times it says. I have been getting sickness but not everyday at the moment. Wooyoung was concerned about me the first time it happened as it happened badly. I told him not to worry and there is nothing wrong with the baby so he understood it was a normal part of pregnancy. Wooyoung and i are about to go to sleep for the night after a long day. He worked later as ATEEZ have a comeback soon so they are all working hard on it. He is exhausted so am I. Not that I've had such a busy day but the pregnancy is kinda taking it out on me. He understands. I have a very understanding fiancé. Wooyoung looks at me and puts his arms around me. "It's okay, honey. I can tell you're not okay. Remember" he said. "Awwww. I love you, Wooyoungie. I feel like I'm going to be sick right now" I say covering my mouth. "It's okay if you are. Right by your side" he replies. I smile. I few minutes later I had to get up as I felt the sickness coming on. Wooyoung followed me into the bathroom. I kneel by the toilet and he kneels next to me and puts his arms around me as I throw up. I start to cry a little. "Shhhh shhh, baby. It's okay. I'm right here for you" he said. He dries my tears with a tissue. He gives me some water when I've  stopped throwing up. Thank God my guy is so loving and supportive to me during this pregnancy. Don't what I'd do without Wooyoung

Hongjoong 🖤

Sickness has been hitting me a bit in pregnancy but I am not really feeling too rough to say I'm about 10 weeks now roughly. It's the price you have to pay when you have a baby. Isn't it? Hongjoong is so cute and supportive when I've not been feeling well. He is the best husband in the world and I'm so grateful for him. I am home earlier today. Hongjoong will be coming home a bit later. I can't wait to see him. I always can't wait to see him. Highlight of my day. I decided to take a lie down on our bed when I got home from work. I was a little tired but I'm doing better now. I get up and go into the kitchen and get a drink of water. I get a drink of water as I have a funny feeling in my tummy. I sit on the couch and wait for it to ease but it doesn't reply. Hongjoong arrives home a little earlier than I expected. "Hey, baby. I'm home" he said. "Hey, honey" I reply. "How are you?" he asks. "I don't feel great right now" I reply. "Awwwww, honey. Do you feel sick again?" he said. "Yeah I do a bit" I reply. Hongjoong sits next to me and puts his arms around me and comforts me for a few minutes. I start to burp and have that feeling in my tummy again. I go to the bathroom slowly. "I had a lie down when I came home from work because I didn't feel good" i say. "That's okay, love. It's absolutely fine" Hongjoong said. I go a little bit weak and throw up in the sink. It almost went on the bathroom floor but luckily it didn't. "Don't be upset, jagiya" Hongjoong said. I half smile at him. He puts his arms around me and comforts me for a few minutes again. I kinda had the feeling I was going to be sick when I felt tired earlier but I'm better now

A/ N: next is first scan. Who do you think is having twins? Two couples are. One in the first part and one in this part. Take your guesses

ATEEZ comeback day. It's so good. We got the mv for Deja Vu. Waiting on Eternal Sunshine. That's my fave out of the two title songs. Deja Vu is really good too. What a comeback? Our boys are brilliant. I love them

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