9. a. Telling Family/ The Boys

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Seonghwa 💖

We are going to reveal to Seonghwa's family that we are expecting twins. We have known our new for two weeks now. We told my family at the weekend and we are going to tell his family today when we go to see his parents. We will tell his brother on FaceTime as he lives away. Can't wait to tell Seonghwa's parents that we are having twins. They won't believe it. We still can't believe it ourselves and it's been two weeks. We have just arrived at Seonghwa's parents now. He has brought his mom some flowers. He always does. Such a mommas boy. I made some cupcakes to take as I like baking. We get the things out of the car and ring on the doorbell. Seonghwa's dad answers the door and is pleased to see us. "Hello, come on in, you two" he said. "Hi, dad" he said. His mom comes to the door with a smile on her face. "For you, Eomma" Seonghwa smiles giving his mom the flowers he got her. Awwwww so sweet of him. So cute. "Thank you, my son" she said. I give the cupcakes to Mrs Park and we sit on the couch. Seonghwa's dad makes us a cup of tea each. We will tell them our news soon. First we start talking about general things. Seonghwa looks at me as a cue to me. "Eomma, Appa. Me and Y/ N have something we would like to tell you. Something amazing" he said. His parents look at us. "Hmmmm let me guess. Are you having a baby?" his mom says. "Yes we are" Seonghwa said. Their faces light up. "Actually we are having twins" I say. "Twins. Ohhhh wow! This is amazing" his dad said. "Twins! Two babies. Incredible news. We are going to be grandparents" his mom says. "You are indeed. The best grandparents" Seonghwa said. "Can't wait. You two will be the best parents in the world to these babies" Seonghwa's mom said. We both smiles. Seonghwa's parents were delighted to hear that we are having twins. They couldn't believe it like us

Mingi 💙


Y/ N and I are going to tell the guys that we are pregnant. Well that Y/ N is pregnant. Not me of course. We are looking forward to telling them but are a little worried about their mixed reactions. They won't be expecting to hear this news.  We have already told our families. They were shocked at first to hear the news but happy in the end of course. Y/ N is coming to the studio and we are going to tell them.  She is on her way now and we finish in about an hour or so. The door opens and she walks in but we are still practicing. She smiles at us and she a seat in the corner and watch us for a bit. I love it when she watches us practice. About half an hour we wrap up for the day. "Hey, babe. You made it" I said. "Yes I did. Great to see you, Mingi" Y/ N replies. I smile and kiss her. We talk with the guys for a few minutes. "Stay a few minutes, guys" I say. "Okay. Don't you two have to go somewhere" Wooyoung said. "No not just yet" I say. There then was a little silence between us. "Right me and Mingi have something we would like to tell you" Y/ N said. "Okay" Yunho replies. "Y/ N is pregnant. 12 weeks pregnant" I say. "You're having a baby. What? You can't be" Jongho said. "I am. Honestly" Y/ N said. "Awwwww that's cute. You're having a baby. Happy for you guys" Seonghwa said. "Can't say I'm happy just yet but I will be" Hongjoong said. So we told the guys our news and we had mixed opinions from them about it. Maybe they will be happy for us when they get used to it eventually

Yunho 💜

Yunho and I are finally going to tell Hongjoong that we are together. Don't know if we will tell him that we are expecting a baby. We know he will firstly freak out about us dating let alone about us having a baby but we will have to see how it goes. I know he's my big brother and he cares about me a lot and I care about him too. Anyway Hongjoong has stopped over at my place. I still live with our parents but they are away tonight so good time to have him over. Yunho is on his way. He'll be here anytime. I haven't told Hongjoong he's coming though. He'll be surprised when he shows up all of a sudden. There was a knock on the door as I was talking to Hongjoong. I go and answer it and it's Yunho of course. "Hi, Yunho" I say. "Hey. Thought I'd join the Kim siblings" he said. "Yunho I know" Hongjoong said. Haha. He takes off his shoes and we sit on the couch. We don't want to launch into things straight away. We talk and then slip it into the conversation. "Joong, there is something I we need to say" I say. "Okay" he replies. "Me and your sister are dating" Yunho said. "Are you? How long has this been going on for?" Hongjoong questions. "A while. Not only that but...." I say. I froze on the spot. "But what" Hongjoong said. "I'm pregnant and Yunho is the father" I say. Hongjoong looks at us both like he was gonna kill us. "What you got my sister pregnant and came here to tell me?" he said. "Don't be mad. We really like each other. We are in love, Joong. I love your sister more than anything" Yunho said. "This is not okay. I could ruin your career for this" Hongjoong said. "Bro, we are having a baby. We didn't do anything wrong" Yunho said. "You kept your relationship from me and you are now having a baby. Huh" he said. "Joong, I knew you wouldn't be happy. We didn't want to tell you but we had to. We couldn't keep this from you forever" I say. "No you most certainly couldn't" I reply. "Guys, I think I should go and take more time to think about this" Hongjoong said. Yunho and I both agreed. We knew Hongjoong wouldn't be happy to find out both of these things. Hopefully he will be happy for us in time

San ❤️

San's older sister Haneul is over at our place today. She likes to come over and see us and spend time with us and Seohyeon of course. She loves being an auntie to our little girl. We are going to tell her that we are having our second child. She will be the first person we tell on San's side of the family. We can't wait to tell her soon our happy and joyous news. We have told my parents and sisters but not San's family yet. Haneul will know before his parents. Haneul is sat on the couch with Seohyeon and she is showing her something. A book she got her. She loves showing her aunt things. Awwww bless her. We are going to tell Haneul after that. San is in the kitchen getting his sister a drink. "Here you go, sis" he said. "Thanks, bro" Haneul says. San and Haneul have a cute sibling relationship. When Seohyeon has finished showing her book to Haneul, she goes to bed so me and San get her ready. We come back to join Haneul when Seohyeon was in bed. "She's all tucked up in her bed now" I say. "Good. I won't stay too much longer as I have work in the morning" Haneul said. "No stay a bit longer, sis. We love having you" San said. "Yes we do. Actually we have something to tell you" I say. "Oh yes we do. I almost forgot" he said. "How could you?" I reply. San and I both look at each other and say in unison. "We are expecting our second child". "Yesssss. You're having another baby. This is so amazing. Can't wait to be an auntie again" Haneul said. "You're the first to know in the family. We haven't told mom and dad yet so don't tell them" San said. "I won't say a word" she said. She cheered and gave us both a hug. Haneul knows that we are expecting our second child now. Can't wait to tell San's parents

A/ N: hope you liked that I combined both of these parts together. I think it was better so it wasn't too repetitive

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