49. a. Baby's First Birthday

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Seonghwa 💖

Today we are having a first birthday party for the twins and we can't wait to watch them both grow up. Dayoung and Jungwon are so special to us. Seonghwa and I waited so long for them and we can't believe they are now a year old and full of life and loving it. So excited for the future. The party is at my parents house as they have a big house and we have invited a lot of people to the party. There is music playing now. Music that Dayoung and Jungwon enjoy of course. Kids music. My parents are with them at the moment. Me and Seonghwa were talking to people at the party. Family and friends who we haven't seen for a while. I glance over and Dayoung and Jungwon are very happy on their first birthday. Love them so much. They opened their presents earlier now it's time to sing happy birthday to them. "Hi, everyone. Thank you for coming to our little prince and princesses first birthday party. They mean the world to us and we can't believe they are a year old. Thank you" Seonghwa said I smile in agreement. We light the candles on the cake and sing happy birthday to Dayoung and Jungwon. They were happy and smiley little babies on their first birthday. Can't wait for many many lire birthdays with Dayoung and Jungwon

Mingi 💙

It's Minjoon's first birthday today and we are celebrating with our families later today and going to Mingi's family's house where we do presents and cake a little celebration for Minjoon's birthday. Can't wait to celebrate our boy turning a year old. Such an exciting day of us as first time parents. I woke up early because I was excited for Minjoon's birthday so I started decorating the lounge with things for his birthday. I just started doing it out of nowhere because I wanted to make it special for our boys birthday. Mingi was still asleep in bed next to me when I got up early. I am still in the kitchen now. The food opens and Mingi walks in with Minjoon in his arms. "There the birthday boy is" I say. "Happy birthday, son" Mingi said handing Minjoon to me. "Mommy has been busy getting ready for your birthday, Joon. Babe, I didn't even know you were doing all this for Minjoon" Mingi said. "Well I wanted to make our boys first birthday special for him" I smile. "She's the best mommy. Isn't she, Minjoonie?" Mingi smiles at Minjoon. So we had breakfast together as a family. Then Minjoon opened his gifts from us and he was so happy. Then later we went to Mingi's parents house to celebrate Minjoon's birthday. What a great day he had? An amazing first birthday

Yunho 💜


Jangmi just turned a year old last week and me and Y/ N are having quite a big celebration party for her. Why not? Jangmi is a very special little girl and she deserves to have a great day and be spoilt. She is our precious little princess. We are having Jangmi's party at a venue and it's going really well. Still can't believe she just turned a year old. It's crazy how quick times and Y/ N and I are married now too. It's so hard to believe that. The boys have just arrived at Jangmi's party. They all came bearing gifts. Too many gifts actually. The boys would do anything for their niece. "Birthday princess" Jongho said. "There is Jangmi" Mingi said. "Happy birthday, sweetheart" San said. "Guys, you should have gone to all this trouble for Jangmi" Y/ N said. "No it's no problem. She is our first niece so she is very special" Hongjoong said. We smile at them and their sweet words about Jangmi.  Jangmi looks at some of her gifts from her uncles. Not that she really knew what they were at one years old. The guys liked to stay near Jangmi as they didn't want to go away from her. They got Jangmi some amazing things for her birthday. She was well and truly spoilt by them and us as well. Such a happy little girl indeed. Can't wait to for many many more birthdays with her

San ❤️

It's Seongmin's first birthday today and we are going out to our favourite family restaurant with both sides of our families to celebrate before we have Seongmin's party for our family and friends. It's been a long time since we went out for a meal with both sides of the family. There will be San's parents and sister Haneul and my parents and two brothers. One of them has a wife. Can't wait to see them all soon. We are about to leave now. Baby Seongmin is in a new outfit we got him for his birthday. He looks so smart, cute and handsome of course. Seohyeon is wearing a pretty little dress too that is new for her brothers birthday. "Let's go go family and celebrate this little dudes birthday" San said. "Absolutely let's go" I reply. We get in the car and leave for the restaurant and arrive soon. We get to the restaurant and our families were there. We were excited to see them all after this time and gave them big hugs. We sat down at the table. "Seohyeon, you're getting so big, sweetie" Haneul said to Seohyeon. She smiles at her. We all ordered soon what we wanted. My parents talk about his much they love being grandparents and how much Seongmin has grown up and changed since he was born. He was of course the centre of attention this evening. We love watching him grow up. We had a really lovely family meal for our boy today on his first birthday

A/ N: second to last bit guys

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