43. a. He Babysits While You're Out

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Seonghwa 💖


Y/ N is going out for the first time with her friends since having the twins. I really want her to go out and have a nice night with her friends as she deserves it. Y/ N has been nothing but an amazing mom to Dayoung and Jungwon since giving birth to them. I'm so proud of her. I've always known she was going to be an amazing mother since the start. We have always wanted children and we have been blessed with two beautiful ones. Y/ N is getting ready now for going out for a few drinks with her friends. She says she won't be back too late but I told her she can be as late as she likes but she said she won't be. Dayoung has fallen asleep so I put her in the nursery to sleep. Y/ N is getting ready in our bedroom and I'm feeding Jungwon his bottle. Y/ N comes down in a bit all glammed up and ready. "Well it's been a while since I've felt this nice" she said. "You don't just look nice. You look beautiful. I have the most beautiful wife and mother to our children in the world" I say. "I love you best hubby and daddy in the world" Y/ N says. I kiss her before she leaves. Y/ N goes out and has a great night with her friends. I had a great night with Dayoung and Jungwon at home. They were good babies for their Appa

Mingi 💙

I am leaving Mingi in charge of baby Minjoon while I go out with my sister and our friends for a bit. It's been so long since I had a night out with my loved ones. It was way before I became a mom. Mingi says he is a bit nervous about being left alone with baby Minjoon. I told him to call me if he needs anything. I have left everything that Minjoon will need. He does how to look after him. He's just not been left alone before with Minjoon. He is almost two months old now so he's a bit older. I am about to leave now. "Are you sure you've got everything?" I say. "Yeah yeah everything is fine, love. Don't worry" Mingi said. "Don't forget to call me if you need anything. Bye, loves" I say kissing Mingi and Minjoon. "I won't. Don't worry" he said. I go out the door and to the bar I'm meeting my sister and friends at. I stay out for an hour and a half or so when my phone rings. It's Mingi. "Hey, babe. Everything okay?" I say. "Yes everything is fine actually. Little man is fast asleep now. I'm playing games till you're back" Mingi said. "Oh that's great. Thought you were going to say that you something was wrong" I say. "No no everything is fine, sweetie. Enjoy the rest of your night" he said. "I will thank you, my love" I say. "Love you" Mingi said. "Love you too" I reply. I stay out till nearly midnight and nearly get drunk but I wasn't too drunk. I was enjoying myself too much. Mingi didn't mind anyway. He did really well looking after our boy today. I was proud of him

Yunho 💜


Y/ N is out tonight for a meal with Hongjoong and their family. I decided to not go and stay at home with baby Jangmi  as we didn't want to stay out too late with her. We are okay at home. Jangmi and I are best friends anyway. We can do everything together. She is my little Buddy. Can't wait to watch her grow up and do many things with her. Y/ N has been out for about an hour or so and won't be back for a couple more. That's okay though. Jangmi and I are good. Y/ N doesn't have to worry about us. Not that she was that worried in the first place anyway. I have just fed Jangmi. Y/ N was busy pumping milk for tonight this afternoon when she was at home. She prefers to give Jangmi her breast milk as it's the best for a baby. I have to agree on that. We want Jangmi to be a strong and healthy girl and get all the nutrients she needs to be strong. Y/ N texts and says she'll be back in around an hour or so. I said that was fine. Jangmi is awake and cuddling next to me now and we are enjoying father daughter time together. About an hour later the front door of our apartment opens and Y/ N walks in with a smile on her face. "Hello. I'm home" she said. "Hi, my love. Did you have fun with the family?" I say. "Yes it was really nice but we missed you a lot" Y/ N said. "Next time we will come. Wont we, Jangmi?" I reply. "Well thank you for staying home with our baby girl" she said. "Babe, you don't have to thank me. She is my daughter and your my fiancée" I say. "Aawww, Yunho. You are the greatest man I know" Y/ N smiles giving me a kiss. Next time there is a family thing on Y/ N's side, me and Jangmi will go when she is a bit older

San ❤️

I've had to go out today so San has been home with both kids. Seohyeon isn't back at nursery yet as I'm still on maternity leave but I've gad to go and help my mom with something today. San was going to be at home anyway so he decided to watch the kids while I went to my moms. She needs my help clearing out my late great aunts things so I came over to help. I've been there since this morning and we've got a got done so I'll be coming back soon to my husband and children. San called me earlier and he had gone out for a walk with Seohyeon and Seongmin. He is a great daddy so I trust him in every way. I left him with Seohyeon many times when she was little. I have just said bye to my mom and I'm on my way home now. She was thankful for my help sorting out my aunts things. It will take me an hour to get home even more with afternoon traffic. I arrive at our beautiful home just over an hour later. "Hello. I'm home" i say. "Hey, baby. We missed you" San said. "Hey, mommy" Seohyeon said. "Hi, sweetie" I say hugging Seohyeon. "So how did it go sorting out your aunts things?" San asks. "Alright. It was kinda hard though. I miss her" I say. "I know, honey. Come here" he says putting his arms me. I was glad to be home to my babies after being gone for most of the day

A/ N: I always like this part it's a good addition

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