41. a. Date Night

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Seonghwa 💖

Seonghwa and I are going out for the first time since the babies were born. His parents are coming to look after Dayoung and Jungwon while we go out for a nice meal. It's been ages since we went out and had a date night just the two of us. We we looking forward to tonight but we've never left the twins on their own. Well they are with their grandparents so they are not alone. Seonghwa and I are getting ready now. Our reservation at the restaurant is in about an hour or so. I am doing my makeup for the first time in more than a month or even two. I stopped doing it before the twins were born as you know. I had my makeup done then I put on my outfit for the night. It's still a maternity dress as I haven't quite lost the weight yet. "Jagiya, you still so stunning, I won't be able to take my eyes off you all night" Seonghwa smiles. "I'm glad I do and you always look so handsome too" I reply. When we were ready we check on the babies and see Seonghwa's parents. Then we leave for our date. We arrived at the restaurant a bit before time but we were still seated. Seonghwa pulled the chair out for me like the gentleman he always is. We pick up the menus and have a look to see what they have. We ordered pretty soon. Seonghwa smiles at me from across the table and says "Y/ N, you are the most amazing mother in the world to our Dayoung and Jungwon. I'm so lucky to call you my beautiful wife". "Hwa, you are the most amazing father too. I can say the exact same about you. Best husband in the world" I smile. So we talk while we wait for our food to arrive. Seonghwa and I had a beautiful first date out since becoming parents. Can't wait for another one soon

Mingi 💙

Me and Mingi are out tonight just the two of us. This is the first time we've been out since Minjoon was born over a month ago. We have gone out to the bar for a few drinks and a light bite to eat. My friend who is a babysitter is at home looking after Minjoon while we have a nice time out. We've been out for about an hour so we will be heading back in the next hour as we don't want to be too late for Minjoon. My friend said he is fine and told us not to worry and to enjoy our evening out together. Mingi and I are sure enjoying our evening but part of me is kinda worried about leaving Minjoon behind even though everything is okay. "Baby" he said. "Yes" I reply. "You know we can get drunk tonight if we want. Nothing stopping us" Mingi said. "No we won't. Need to be sober for our son at home" I reply. "Oh yeah good point. I was partly joking" he laughs. "You almost forgot we had a baby at home" I say. "No I didn't, babe. How could I forget about our son" he said. I laugh. Mingi makes me laugh all the time. We left after two hours in the bar as it was enough and I just wanted to get home to our little boy. Missed him a lot. We arrived home and my friend was giving Minjoon a bottle on the couch when we walked in. "Hey" I say. "Hi. Did you have a nice time?" she asked. "Yes we did it was great. Thanks" I reply. "How's little man been?" Mingi asks. "He's been great. No trouble at all. You're so loveable, Minjoon"
my friend said. "At least he hasn't been as much trouble as his father" I laugh. "Funny" Mingi laughs sarcastically. My friend leaves soon after and we thank her for babysitting Minjoon tonight. She said she'd like to do it again soon whenever we want to go out again

Yunho 💜


Y/ N and I are going out for a nice romantic meal tonight. Our parents have given us money to go out on a nice date. Not only is it a date but I'm going to ask Y/ N to marry me. I have been waiting to pop the question to her for a while now but it's not been the right time as Jangmi was born and all our time and attention was on her. Can't complain though. Y/ N's parents are watching Jangmi tonight while we go out for the evening. We will try not to be back too late. I bought Y/ N a new dress for our date and myself a new shirt and tie. She had no idea I'm going to get down on one knee. We are about to leave now. Jangmi was fed before Y/ N got ready. Her mom is holding her right now. "Have an amazing time" her dad said. "Yes have a lovely date" her mom said. "We will, eomma and appa" Y/ N replies. We get in the cab waiting outside for us and then arrive at the restaurant soon. We had a table reserved that has a flower and a candle in the middle. Looked really cute and romantic. Y/ N smiles at me from across the table. I do get lost in her smile sometimes. "This is so nice and romantic, Yunho. Just what I've been waiting for" she smiles. "It is. Perfect. Just like you, my love" I smile. So we order what we want and have drinks while we wait for it to come. We eat and then almost get ready to go but we couldn't as I had one important thing I needed to do. "Y/ N, hang on. Before we go there is something I'd like to ask you" I say. She looks at me and smiles. I get up from my chair and go over to Y/ N and get down on one knee. "Y/ N, I love you more than words can say. You've been the most amazing girlfriend to me all this time and the most amazing mother to our little girl since she was born. Will you marry me?" I say. Y/ N hesitated for a minute and I thought she was going to say no but then she responded "Yes yes of course I'll marry you, Yunho. I love you". "I love you so much too" I smile. People say me propose and cheered for us. Y/ N and I are now engaged and it feels amazing

San ❤️

San and I have gone out for the day just the two of us. My best friend is looking after Seohyeon and Seongmin while we go out for a few hours. We have gone out to the mall for a shopping spree and something to eat. It's nice just to be out the two of us. Child free but we do miss our babies a lot but my best friend is doing a great job babysitting them. Seohyeon loves my bestie. She is her favourite aunt. Anyway San and I are enjoying and taking our time looking around the mall. San holds my hand and smiles. It's our favourite mall and we used to go all the time before we started a family. "Are you getting hungry yet, babe?" he asks. "Yeah kinda. We can eat soon if you want" I reply. "Sure. I'm just enjoying looking round the shops and being with my wife" San said. "Awwww bless you" I say touching his cheek. We look around a few more shops for a bit longer before we go and get something to eat. There was a cool Japanese noodle place that just opened up at the mall so we decide to try it there. We have already ordered what we want and we wait for it. "I'm just going to check on the kids" I say. "Okay. I'm sure they're fine so don't worry" he said. "No harm in checking. I know we will be home pretty soon" I say. The food comes and San and I tuck in and enjoy. We actually love Japanese food. It's so good. We had a great at at the mall doing some shopping and had a delicious meal. It was nice to see our babies after being away from them all day. Maybe we will do it again if my best friend doesn't mind babysitting again

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