47. b. Baby's First Word

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Yeosang 💛

Our Sunhwa will soon be a year old in a few weeks. Like where has the last year gone. Yeosang and I got married not too long before Sunhwa was born. All happened in about a year. It's been the most special and wonderful year for us ever. Marriage and baby. What could get better? We think Sunhwa might be walking and talking soon. I mean it's possible but we will have to wait and see what she does. Yeosang and I are just proud of our little girl no matter what. Sunhwa has her 12 month doctors checkup today. We take her to the doctors every three months for checkups like you should. Yeosang and I are both taking her. He never misses anything in Sunhwa's life. We arrived at the doctors office a few minutes ago and we are waiting in the waiting room to be called in. We are a bit early to see Dr Lim but we will see him soon. Sunhwa is sat on Yeosang's lap playing with a toy we brought to keep her occupied. "It's almost time to see the doctor, sweetie" Yeosang said. "Yes almost time" I reply. "Dodo" Sunhwa said as she was playing with her toy. "Did she say something like Dodo?" Yeosang said. "Yes she did I think" I reply. She said it again. Proud of our baby girl and she passed her checkup today too

Jongho 🧡

Our girls turned a year old last month in July and we celebrated their big day with them. Not that they really knew what was going on but we had a party for Hyebin and Yebin. Jongho and it's little angels are one years old now. Love them so much. Jongho and I decided to stay home today as it's Sunday and do some baking. Something we used to do it all the time before the girls came along but we are making some cupcakes today and watching Hyebin and Yebin at the same time. They are being good girls while mommy and daddy do something fun for themselves. "Can't wait to try these cupcakes when they are done and I'm sure the girls will want to try a little too" Jongho said. "Yep me too and of course they can. They are old enough to have sweet treats every once in a while" I reply. We bake and put the cupcakes in the oven to bake when then were ready. I was making the icing for decorating while they were baking. Jongho checks on the girls and they all were fine. He picks up Hyebin and brings her into the kitchen. "Hey, baby girl" I say. "Mama" Hyebin said. "She just said mama" I say. "She did. I heard that loud and clear" Jongho said. "Yes I did too. Her first word. Neither of them have said anything yet. Proud" I reply. "I'm proud too of both of them" he smiles. So Jongho and I had a lot of fun making cupcakes today and Hyebin said her first word too

Wooyoung 💚

We think Jongdae might be walking soon. He is a year old after all. He turned a year old a few weeks ago and Nayeon planned a big party just especially for her nephew. It was such a special day. Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo are over at our place today. They just popped by after rehearsals just to see us for a little while which is nice of them of course. Nayeon loves to show off her nephew to the girls. I am in the kitchen and so is Wooyoung. Nayeon and the girls are with Jongdae. He loves spending time with his auntie Nayeon and she loves spending time with him. We finish in the kitchen soon. "Do you want to go to your appa?" Jihyo said as she was holding Jongdae. He starts fussing and wanted to stay with Jihyo. "I take that as a no then, son" Wooyoung laughs. He wanted to go to auntie Nayeon next. "Na na" Jongdae says. "Did he just say his first word?" Wooyoung said. "I think he did. Na na. Maybe he's trying to say my name but can't" Nayeon said. "Sounds like it. Na na. It's cute" I say. "Babies usually say mama or dadda first but not this one" Jeongyeon said. "Yes they do because this kid is special and one of a kind" Nayeon said. "He is because he's ours" I say. "Yes he is. It's so good having a son" Wooyoung said. We all smile and look at Jongdae

Hongjoong 🖤

Taeyang has just turned a year old and he is doing very well indeed. He had overcome so much in his one year on this planet. Me and Hongjoong want to try for another baby soon. We don't know if the time is too soon after  Taeyang but we will have to wait and see if it is in fact the right time to have another baby or we should wait a bit. Maybe we are jumping too far ahead. Hongjoong is at home with Taeyang. Sometimes I work later shifts with being a nurse now so I don't get home till 7pm or 8pm sometimes. I do like my job though. I have just arrived home now to our apartment. Hongjoong has been home about an hour or so with Taeyang. I walk in and he's playing with him. Aawww so cute. My husband and son are the cutest. "Hello, boys. I'm home" I say. "Hi, sweetie. How was your day?" Hongjoong asked. "Okay I guess" I reply. Taeyang smiled at me as he sees me. "Mama mama" he said. "Yes that's right, sweetie. I'm mama" I say. "Mama. I thought he was saying it earlier to me" Hongjoong said. "His first word. I'm a proud mama" I smile picking Taeyang up and kissing him. So proud of our boy on his first word today

A/ N: two more parts guys

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