34. a. Baby Comes Home

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Seonghwa 💖

The twins are now 3 weeks old and we can take them home for the first time. Dayoung and Jungwon are doing well and Seonghwa and I can't wait to take our beautiful babies home for the first time. It killed us not being able to take them home when they were born but finally we are taking them home today. This morning. Doyoung and Jungwon were both just fed so they should be good by the time we get home which is hopefully soon. Doyoung fell fast asleep when Seonghwa put her in the car seat. Jungwon was awake. Both babies don't seem to fall asleep at the same time. That's the way it works. Dayoung is all snuggled up in her car seat and Jungwon is in his room but not snuggled up yet. "Just checking if we've got everything" I say. "I'll do that, honey. Don't worry" Seonghwa said. He looks to see if we have everything and we do. Seonghwa takes both of the twins. One in each hand and we leave the hospital. I take the things that we brought. He already took some out to the car earlier. We arrived home safely with Dayoung and Jungwon for the first time and it was great. So great to have our babies home with us

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I are heading home from the hospital with baby Minjoon. He was born two days ago and he can go home now to our apartment and we can't wait to have our little boy home for the first time. We left the hospital not so long ago where we have been for the last few days. It was so nice to get out of that hospital I'm telling you. It felt like so long. Baby Minjoon is sat in the back of the car with Mingi and I. My parents came to pick us up from the hospital. When I went into labor I was with my sister and she took me to the hospital. So my parents have picked us up. Baby Minjoon was sleeping in the back of the car with his sweet little eyes closed. He looked so adorable. "Can't believe we are finally taking him home" I whisper to Mingi. "I know we are finally taking our little man home for the first time. I can't believe it" Mingi said. Soon we arrived at our place with my parents. It was so nice of them to pick us up and take us home. So sweet of them. They made sure we had all our stuff and that we were settled in with baby Minjoon. He was still asleep but he's so cute. My parents wanted to stay so we let them for a bit. They wanted to stay but we told them we would be okay but we will let them know if we need them. Anyway at least we are home with baby Minjoon

Yunho 💜

Baby Jangmi was born a couple of days ago and me and Yunho can head home with her today. This afternoon we are taking her home. The family is yet to meet her but they will meet her when she is home with us and settled in. Our little girl is so beautiful. I know we might be a little biased but we are. Jangmi is an absolute blessing to us. Yunho has bonded really close with her and it's only been 48 hours. He's such a cute father. Jangmi fell asleep when I was feeding her earlier and it was really funny. Yunho is holding her in his arms now rocking her to sleep for the journey home. She's never been in a car before so we don't know what she'll be like. Jangmi closed her eyes so Yunho puts her in her car seat and we head out to the car with all our things and baby girl of course. Yunho puts Jangmi in the back seat. Neither of us have practice installing a car seat yet. "How does this thing go?" he said trying not to get frustrated. "Come here. Let me have a look" I say. I looked online to help us and we eventually got the car seat buckled in safely. "Okay that was a bit stressful but we did it" Yunho said. He drove and I sat in the back with Jangmi. She woke up when the car moved and started fussing a bit. A lot of babies find car seats relaxing. Maybe she will when she's used to it. We got Jangmi settled into our home and it's great to have our baby girl here

San ❤️

Baby Seongmin was born yesterday morning and we are heading home with him for the first time. His big sister, Seohyeon can't wait to meet him for the first time. We hope she will love him and find him cute like we do. Seongmin is all ready to go home and meet his big sister for the first time. Can't wait to get him home. "Let's get you home, son. Your big sister can't wait to meet you, Seongminie" San said to our boy. He grabs the car seat with Seongmin snuggled up inside and we head outside to the car and head home. My parents are at home with Seohyeon so we will see them too when we get back. About 20 minutes later we arrive home from the hospital with baby Seongmin who was asleep now but hopefully he's ready to meet his big sister for the first time. San opens the door and I bring Seongmin in his car seat. "We are home" I say. "Mommy, daddy" Seohyeon exclaims. "Sweetie, we are home with your little brother" I say. "Seongmin" Seohyeon said. "Yes that's our brother, baby girl. He's sleeping at the moment so don't wake him up" San said. Seohyeon grins at us. We place Seongmin in his carrier next to her and she looks at him. She didn't quite know what to make of him at first but I think she liked him in the end. She was wanting to hold him but but he was asleep so we told her later she will get to hold him. We have two beautiful children now San and I

A/ N: sorry I haven't updated in a while. Just got back from the US and haven't had a lot of time. More regularly updates now. Hope to complete this book by the end of next month

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