12. b. Babysitting For A Friend/ Relative

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Yeosang 💛

We are babysitting my bosses one year old son tonight. We want to get some experience babysitting before our own little one arrives. He's just starting to walk so it's a good age. The little boys name is Daewon and he's very cute. My boss has just come back to work a few weeks ago after maternity leave so she's going out tonight and needed somebody to look after her baby so Yeosang and I volunteered. It's fun babysitting. Daewon is almost walking his mom tells me. That's great. We are over at my bosses house tonight. We've been giving instructions on Daewon's bedtime routine and all that. He is playing with Yeosang now. He is so cute with him. Just imagine how he will be with our baby. Daewon can stand himself up by holding into something like the couch or holding out hands. He has lots of different toys to play with. The lounge is covered in his toys. Lucky boy. He grabs onto his big fire truck toy and pulls himself into his feet. "Yay! Daewon. Who's a clever boy?" I say. Yeosang smiles. "Are you going to take your first steps, bud?" he said. His parents don't want to miss him taking his first steps. Daewon stands there for a minute. He holds Yeosang's hands. "Take baby steps, Daewon" he said. Daewon looks at him and smiles and let's go of his hands and takes his first steps. I quickly grab my phone and video it for my boss and her husband to see. They just didn't want to miss this. "He's doing it. He's doing it yay!" I say. "He is. I knew he would for us. Must like us" Yeosang said. "Wait till his mommy sees it" I say. Little Daewon just took his fist steps for us while we were babysitting

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I are getting used to children and looking after my moms friends two sons who are 11 and 8. They are called Jaesung and Himchan. They are nice little boys. I have known their mom all my life and she's always been like family to me. The boys are like family to me too as well. I have just picked them up from school and Jongho is meeting us at the park before we take them back to their house for when their parents get home. The boys like going to the park and running around and letting off steam. It's good for them. Good for all kids to do that. I arrived at the park with Jaesung and Himchan. Jongho will be here anytime. "Can we play yet?" Himchan asks. "A few minutes. Just sit for Jongho to arrive" I reply. "Who's Jongho?" he asks. "My boyfriend. He's very fun. You'll love him" I reply Jongho arrive soon with a smile on us face. "Hey, guys" he said. "Hey" I say. "Hi" Jaesung said. The boys go and play for a bit. Maybe Jaeseung is a bit past playing but he stills plays with his brother. It's nice to see the brothers play together. "So how was your day?" Jongho asks as we sit down. "Fine yeah. Yours?" I reply. "Yeah not too bad actually" he replies. He looks at me and smiles touching my hand saying "We gonna be okay, Y/ N". Jongho plays with the boys for a bit soon. I didn't want to join in as i wasn't feeling too great with being pregnant with twins. I loved seeing my boyfriend playing with kids. The boys brought a ball so Jongho was playing soccer with them. He was hogging the ball too much though. Haha. It was fun to watch though. After the park we took Jaesung and Himchan home after they had a fun time in the park

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I are babysitting two little ones I know. A little boy and a little girl. My mom knows their grandma. They are called Daehyeon is 5 and Sunhee is 3. They are adorable little children and I love them. This is our first time babysitting them. It's exciting. We are not taking them outside as it's raining so it's not very nice. Not nice to go out and go out for a walk or anything. The kids don't mind though. They are fine about it. We are at Daehyeon and Sunhee's place now watching them till their parents arrive home. They said they should be home in a couple of hours now. I am getting the children something to eat. Wooyoung is sat down watching the TV and playing with them. I am making them pasta in the kitchen. "Need anything help, babe" Wooyoung calls. "No thanks. I'm good. You spend time with the kiddies" I reply. I continue to make pasta for Daehyeon and Sunhee. We are having some but a little bit different to them. When it was ready I call them over to sit down. "Thank you, Y/ N" Daehyeon said. "You're very welcome, Daehyeon" I smile. "Eat it all up, kids. Pasta is very good for you" Wooyoung said. "It is indeed. We want to see clear bowls" I say. Sunhee looks at me. The kids eat their pasta and so do we. They listened to us and cleared their plates which was great to see. "Well done, you two" I smile giving them the thumbs up. "Yes well done. Go and watch more TV now till eomma and Appa get home" Wooyoung said. Daehyeon and Sunhee's parents arrive home soon and then we Jeff. We had a really good time with them today

Hongjoong 🖤

Today our niece Sunyoung is over at our place. My brother has gone away on a business trip and his wife is at work so the neeeded someone to watch her for the day and Hongjoong and I volunteered as we love our little nice. She is two years old is running around and talking. Awwww bless her so much. That's our girl. Gorgeous girl. We went over to my brothers place today as it was easier. All of Sunyoung's things are there. Hongjoong is laying on the floor playing with her now like he usually does. He loves being an uncle to her. Uncle Joong he is. He is rolling around on the floor with her and she is laughing and giggling and having fun. I am too watching from the couch. "I'm gonna get you" Hongjoong said. "Haha" Sunyoung laughs. "Haha you two are so funny" I laugh. "You're so funny too. Sunyoung, auntie Y/ N is the funniest" Hongjoong said. "You're funny, uncle Joong" Sunyoung laughs. They carry on playing and having fun together and it was so cute and funny to see. Sunyoung did get a little tired after that so she fell asleep. We stayed quite while she slept and just kept ourselves busy. My sister in law asked me to do a little sorting out job for her so I did that. She will appreciate me doing that. After a couple of hours Sunyoung wakes up and she has the energy to play again for a while till her mommy and daddy came home. Hongjoong always have fun with our little niece. Can't wait till our own baby comes into the world in the next few months

A/ N: forgot to add. Next is finding out the gender. Any guesses for the genders of the babies? Some will be kept till the gender reveal party and some till then end. Haven't decided yet

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