4. a. Telling Him

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Seonghwa 💖

It's been a few days since the IVF worked and I found out I was pregnant. I am going to tell Seonghwa tonight. I've been so happy since the day I found out so he's probably guessed something. Can't wait to tell him and see his reaction. I have went out and bought a cute little pair of baby shoes and put them in a box and I'm gonna give them to him. I think he will scream or break down in tears or both he might do. Can't wait to tell my husband the wonderful news. Seonghwa will be coming home soon. Think I wanna surprise him when he's in as I can't hold it together any longer. I have been home about 30 minutes now. I got changed from work and now I'm reading a magazine before Seonghwa comes home and we will cook together. Looking forward to that. We like cooking together when he's not too late. I can't wait for him to get home. I get some of the ingredients ready for the meal while I wait for him to arrive. Soon the front door of our apartment opens and Seonghwa walks in. "Hi, Jagiya. I'm home" he said. "Hey, honey. So glad you're home" I reply. "You seem cheerful, sweetie" he said. "Well I am" I say. Seonghwa always hugs and kisses me when he comes home from work. He goes into our bedroom and I follow him. I have hidden the baby shoes in our closet. "What's this?" he asked as I handed it to him. "Open it and you'll find out" I reply. "Okay" he replies. He closes his eyes as he opens the box. "Oh wow! Baby shoes. That can mean only one thing. You're pregnant, babe" Seonghwa said. "Yes I am. I'm pregnant. Finally. The treatment worked. I'm so happy, Hwa. We are finally having a baby" I say throwing my arms around him. "I can't believe it. We are going to be parents, Y/ N" Seonghwa smiles kissing my lips. "We are indeed" I smile. We celebrate by having a nice home cooked meal and snuggling on the couch. Seonghwa is over the moon and so delighted that we are having a baby. We both are

Mingi 💙

Tonight I'm finally going to tell Mingi I'm pregnant. I can't wait to tell him we are having a baby. It was him that started talking about it. I'm really happy I'm pregnant so will he be. I have bought a cute little baby onesie that says 'Hello daddy' which I think he'll find adorable. I am over at Mingi's apartment now on my home. He lets me go to his apartment when I'm spending the night with him. He should be home anytime. I have placed the baby onesie on his side of the bed so I'll see if he notices it when he comes in. Can't wait to see his reaction. A few minutes later the front door opens and Mingi walks in. "Hey, Baby. I'm here" he said. "Hey, baby. How was your day?" I say. "Good but even better for seeing your sexy beautiful face" Mingi said. "Awww, baby" I reply. Mingi picks me up and gives me a hug. We go into his bedroom. Mingi starts undressing as he's getting out of his sweaty clothes that he's been wearing all day. He turns around and sees the baby onesie on the bed. "Ohhhh you sexy, mama" he said picking it up. "No, you dumbass" I laugh. "What?" he replies. "What do you think?" I say. "It's a baby onesie" Mingi said. "Yes it is" I say looking at him. "Are you pregnant?" he asks. "Yes I am. How did you not know that?" I say. "Sorry I was only messing with you at first but wow, babe you're pregnant" he said. "Yes I am and I'm very happy, Mingi" I say. "Oh yes me too" Mingi says coming to me and giving me a hug. "I thought you were disappointed there for a second" he said. "No not at all. I could never be" he smiles. So Mingi is very happy for me that I'm pregnant. He said he couldn't be happier that we are having a baby together

Yunho 💜

I have known that I'm pregnant for about a week now. I am going to tell Yunho. Pregnancy tonight. I'm a little nervous at what his reaction will be. We've only done it once and I'm now pregnant with his baby. Also my brother Hongjoong has no idea about us. He will freak out about that. God knows what he will be like when we tell him Yunho got me pregnant. I am on my way to pick up Yunho from the studio. He is finishing soon. I just want to get it over and done with in the car on the way. I am taking him back to the ATEEZ house not to mine because he needs to be there tonight. I don't want to do it by the house as I don't want Hongjoong to see us. I pick Yunho up away from the studio. I am almost there now. I park in the place I always pick him up. Yunho gets in the car a few minutes later. "Hey, babe" he smiles getting in. "Hi, cutie" I smile. We talk about our day and I drive to where I'm taking him. I stop the car and take a deep breath and look at him. "Yunho, there is something I need to tell you" I say. "Sure" he smiles. Yunho always listens to what I gotta say. "I've been keeping this from you for about a week. I went to the doctors last week as I haven't been feeling good and I-I-I found out I'm pregnant" I say. "You're pregnant. Really?" Yunho said. "Yes I knew you'd freak out" I say. "No I'm not freaking out. I'm happy. This is actually what I wanted. You're having my baby" Yunho said. "I know we've only done it once and I end up pregnant and my brother is your band mate. The baby's uncle. Joong is going to kill us" I say. "Don't worry about him, babe. We will tell him when the rind comes" he said. "I guess so but I thought you would be shocked to hear" I say. "No I love you and I'll love the baby too because I love you, Y/ N" Yunho said. "I love you too, Yunho" i smile. We share a kiss in the car before he leaves. So I've told Yunho I'm pregnant and his reaction was fine. He is happy that we are having a baby and so am I now. I'm nervous about telling my brother though

San ❤️

I found out I was pregnant a few days ago when I threw up so I took a test and it came back positive. I haven't told San yet but we've been trying like crazy for ages to get pregnant again and it's finally happened. Can't wait to tell him and I'm going to tell Seohyeon at the same time too. She's nearly 3 now but I don't think she will understand much about having a baby sibling. She always says she wants one though. I went out to the children's book store and bought a book called 'We're Having a Baby' and I'm going to read it to her at bedtime. San will find out for the first time then too. Can't wait to reveal to both of them that we are having another. Ohhhhh. Seohyeon will be heading to bed soon and she likes San or I go read her a bedtime story before she goes to bed. Seohyeon is sat in the middle of us on the couch but she is getting tired. She is yawning and rubbing her eyes. That's a sign she wants to go to bed. "Okay I think it's bedtime for you, little miss" San said. "Okay" Seohyeon yawns. San carries her into her bedroom and I get her pjs on and she cleans her teeth. "How about a bedtime story tonight like every night?" I say. "Yes" Seohyeon exclaims. "Well eomma went and bought you a new story book today. Do you want to see what it is?" I say. "Yep" she replies. I go into our bedroom and get the book. I hid it behind my back so they don't see it. "What's eomma got you?" San asks. Seohyeon smiles. "Your new book" I say. "We're having a baby" San said. "Yes" I reply. "You're pregnant, babe. Is this your way of telling us" he said. "Yes I'm pregnant. We are having another baby" I say. "Baby" Seohyeon smiles. "Baby, I'm so happy. This is what we've always wanted. What a cute way of telling both of us" San said. "Oh me too, Sannie" I reply. "Should we read the book, baby girl?" he says to Seohyeon. She smiles. We sit on her bed and both take it in turns to read a page of the book to her. Seohyeon is going to be the best big sister in the world. San and i are over the moon that we are having baby number two

A/ N: who's was your favourite pregnancy reveal? Think I liked Sam's the most. Super cute

We get the ATEEZ performance teasers tomorrow. Looks like we have to vote on the title song again or will we have two title songs like before

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