17. b. He Sings To Your Bump

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang loves talking and singing to my baby bump. He loves singing one of my favourite songs. Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley. I love that song. Yeosang knows I love that song. That's why he keeps on singing to it me and our baby. So sweet of him. The baby loves hearing his or hers daddy's voice. I know that as they keep on kicking and moving around when he sings. It's Saturday morning and me and Yeosang are having a lie in as it's a weekend and we went out last night with my family. We didn't stay out too late though. I am just waking up. He is already awake as I heard him yawn. "Hi, beautiful. How are you?" Yeosang asks. "I'm alright. You?" I reply. "Yes just fine, my love" he smiles. I smile and shuffle closer to him and he puts his arms around me holding me close to him. Yeosang smiles and says "How about a good morning song for you and baby?". "I would love that" I smile. He smiles and rests just head on my bump gently and starts singing Can't Help Falling In Love. He always melts my heart when he sings. Just so sweet and adorable. "Baby, you're the best" I say when he finished singing to me. "No, baby. You're the best but thank you. I love you so much" Yeosang smiles and giving me a kiss. Best way to wake up on a Saturday morning

Jongho 🧡

I am 24 weeks pregnant with our twin girls now. It's feeling really real that we are having twins. Jongho and I still can't believe it yet. We are not ready for their arrival yet. I guess we don't have to be. We have more than 10 weeks before they will be born so we've got time to get ready. I have dropped down to the recording studio to watch Jongho and ATEEZ record a OST for a k drama today. It's a soft and romantic ballad he's been telling me so I'm looking forward to hearing it. I have just arrived now so I enter quietly. "Hey, babe" Jongho exclaims. "Hey, cutie" I smile. I sit next to him while he waits his turn in the recording booth. It was Jongho's go next. "I am singing this one to my girls over there. Y/ N and our baby princesses" he said. He looks into my eyes and starts singing to me. The lyrics are so beautiful to this song. I'm telling you. So beautiful indeed. Jongho brings a little tear to my eye dedicating this sweet song to me and our babies. He is the cutest baby daddy I could ask for. "Baby, that was beautiful. Loved it" I say. "Baby, you are beautiful" he said. "Stop you guys are too cute" Seonghwa said. "Yeah you need to stop being soppy" San said. "No they're cute. Don't be mean" Hongjoong said. So that was amazing. I got to witness Jongho record an exclusive OST song and he sang it to me and our baby girls. So thoughtful

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I love cuddling on the couch in the evening and spending quality time together in an evening when we have both have had a long day. He is my therapy at the end of the day. He is the best. All I need. That's what we are going to do now. We have just finished dinner now so we are going to chill and watch TV on the couch for a while before we go to bed. Wooyoung sometimes sings to me and our baby boy in my bump which is adorable. Wonder if he will tonight? "What should we watch on TV, babe" Wooyoung asks. "I'm good with anything" I reply. He puts on the TV and finds something to watch. We sit back, relax and watch it. During us watching TV, Wooyoung does something cute and kisses my bump and says "I love you, my son. I can't wait to meet you". "Awwww he can't wait to meet his daddy too" I reply. "Baby, I want to sing to him a quick second" he said. "Of course" I smile. Wooyoung sings to our baby boy in my for a couple of minutes. He sang a sweet little lullaby song that I think he made up. It was very cute indeed. "He is going to have his daddy's singing voice and dancing feet" I blush. "And mommy's eyes and smile" Wooyoung said. He sings again for another minute

Hongjoong 🖤


Y/ N and I are excited for the arrival of our baby boy in around 3 months time. We are still worried for him as we know he has a heart condition. Y/ N still blames herself. I told her not to. We know our son will be loved so much by us and others too. I want to teach and show our boy so much. I want to teach him how to rap and be a performer like me. Hope he takes after me. I want to give him the world. I arrive home from the studio and our apartment seems silent. I wonder if Y/ N is home or she got delayed at work. I call her name several times but no answer. I quietly walk into our bedroom and she was taking a rest on our bed. She must've had a long and tiring day. I go to the bathroom across the hall. "Joong, is that you?" she asks. "Yes, baby. It's me. Don't worry" I smile. "Have you only just got home" she said. "Yes just now. Awe, baby. I see you've had a long and tiring day" I say. "Yeah just having a half an hour nap. I'm fine though" Y/ N replies. I go over to her and give her a kiss and she smiled. "Missed you today" she said. "I missed you more, jagiya" I reply. I kneel by the side of our bed and kiss Y/ N's bump. "Now listen up, son. This is your dad. Can't wait to meet you, my boy and don't worry everything will be okay" I say. "Joongie, you're such a sweet daddy already" Y/ N replies. She smiles at me for a moment. "First I'm going to teach you how to rap like this" I say. Then I start freestyle rapping for our boy. Y/ N's face lights up and she giggles a little. "I love you" she beams. "I love you too. I love you more" I reply. It was so sweet to come home and find Y/ N sleeping

A/ N: another cute little part. Next one is a pictures one so there will be an update later

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