2. b. Making A Baby (Smut)

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Yeosang 💛

Yeosang and I have decided that we want to have a baby. We have been trying for a couple of months now to get pregnant. I know our families would prefer us to get married before we have a baby but we are still going to try anyway. I know Yeosang will be an amazing father. I just can't wait until we do have a baby for real. I guess we will just have to keep on trying till it happens. It's Saturday and Yeosang and I are having a total chilling day in our apartment. I guess there is nothing better to do than try for a baby. We had breakfast not so long ago and I'm taking a shower now. "Babe, do you wanna go for a walk when you've showered?" Yeosang suggests. "Sure" I smile. Maybe later we can baby make. I get a shower and then we go for a nice walk around our neighbourhood. We hold hands. After 45 minutes we get back home. "Yeosangie, how about you know. Make a baby" I say. "Sure, honey. A bit later. Of course" he said. "Alright" I reply. We sit down and chill for a while on the couch. "You ready now, love" Yeosang says. "Sure. Let's do it" I say. We close the curtains so we have privacy as we are doing it on the couch. The couch is out favourite place to do it. Yeosang and I start kissing softly. We were soon to remove our clothes and get onto the good bit. I always prefer to be on top and Yeosang on the bottom. I get on top of him in my underwear and he unzips his pants and pulls them down his legs. "You ready" he said. "Yes yes" I reply. Yeosang goes in me and we start baby making on the couch. It felt so good. Perfect to do on our lazy day

Jongho 🧡

Jongho and I are still great friends. Me and my family are away for the weekend in Jeju island, one of our favourite places. Jongho has come with us. My mom asked if he wanted to. He knows my family too well as we've been friends for years. It's like he is part of the family. I have always been close with him. It's cute when he comes to see me at the soft play class. He is really good with children. My family have rented a nice beach house by the beach for the weekend. We have stayed in it before. My family have gone out for the evening. Jongho and I just wanted to stay and hang round the house. We had some dinner together though. I cooked something we had. Jongho goes into the kitchen and pulls out a bottle of wine from the fridge. "Fancy a drink" he said. "Okay sure. Why not? No one else is around" I reply. He brings the wine in with two glasses and we drink. "I'd rather be here chilling with you than out with your family" Jongho laughs after a couple of glasses. "Would you? What's wrong with my family?" I reply. "Nothing. I'd just rather have you to myself" he smirks. I laugh. So we carry on drinking for a bit till most of the wine was gone. It was good though. The alcohol got to Jongho's head a bit too much and he started saying random things. "Y/ N, I wanna see how you taste" he slurs. I laugh. Suddenly Jongho starts kissing me. It goes far and we go into the bedroom I am staying in with my sister. Jongho picks me up and puts me on the bed and gets on top of me. He pulls his shirt over his head and kisses me again. "Oh" he said. "What?" I reply. "Just oh" he said. Haha. I laughed. Anyway we carried on taking off our clothes till we were in our underwear. "Imma get you naked" Jongho said. I laughed again. So he gets me naked and we have intoxicated unprotected sex. Jongho thrusts up and down on me. Think he got carried away. Maybe we shouldn't have got drunk like that. Uh oh. We are just friends. We might have to face the consequences now. Too late we've done it now

Wooyoung 💚

Wooyoung and I have just settled down to bed for the night. We didn't sometime sitting on the couch after I went out with my sister Nayeon for the day which was fun of course. I brought up to him about trying for a baby and he said he wasn't ready yet but I do wang a baby. I kinda feel like trying tonight if Wooyoung is up for it. He's always up for that anyway. I get into bed next to him and snuggle up his next to him. "Hey, baby" he said. "Hey" I smirk. "What?" Wooyoung asks. "I wanna have sex" I say. "Okay but it's kinda late, babe. I thought you were tired after your fun day" he said. "A bit but I'd rather have sex with you" I reply. "Just because you want to have a baby" Wooyoung said. "Maybe but I wanna do it" I say. "Okay I don't see why not" he said. Wooyoung looks into my eyes. We then start kissing and he pulls me onto him and things get a little rough. I pull my top over my head and slide my hand up Wooyoung's. "Yes, baby"
He said. I laugh. He slides his hands down my pj bottoms at the back and pulls down my underwear at the same time. I was fully naked as I wasn't wearing a bra so yeah. Wooyoung pulls down his pants too and we start to do it. His member goes into my vagina and I ride up and down on him for a while. "Baby, so good. Ride me like the wind" he moans. "I'm riding you like the wind" I smirk. He giggles. Wooyoung and I did have great sex before we went to bed tonight. Damn it was so good and so worth it

Hongjoong 🖤

Hongjoong and I recently told our families at we got married in secret. We said we would do it again in front of them and get married properly. We do regret not having a proper wedding in the first place. Our families have thrown us a wedding today where we got married again and celebrated with them which was lovely. We didn't know about this till a week ago. I guess we just wanted to elope but we did it in front of them now. Hongjoong and I are on our way home now and we are going to spend the night together of course. We walk into our apartment and open the door. "Here we are" he said. "I loved our wedding. That's how we should've got married in the first place" I reply. "It was amazing, honey. Just like you" Hongjoong said. "I think we should, you know" I say. "Yes yes" he said. We go into our bedroom. I place my hands on Hongjoong's hips and play with his suit. "This is my second favourite suit of yours" I smirk. "Why? What's your favourite suit?" he replies. "Uhhhh you're birthday suit of course, silly" I reply. "Oh, baby. You love to tease me" he said. "I do indeed" I smirk. Anyway we start kissing. Hongjoong unbuttons just blazer and undoes his tie. Can't wait till I get him naked. He pulls me in and unzips my wedding dress from the back and it falls to the floor. I unbuckle his belt and throw it to the side. He picks me up and clenches my butt. We go over to the bed and he puts me down and falls on top of me. We did have a few drinks each at the wedding but we're not drunk. Hongjoong kisses down my neck and my chest area. "Baby baby. Mrs Kim" he moans under his breath. I chuckle. He teases me before unhooking my bra and pulling down my panties. "Damn, wifey" he said. I laugh again. He takes off his underwear and we do it. "Faster" I said as he thrusts up and down on me. "I'm faster, baby" Hongjoong screams. We do it for a while and it feels so good. Hongjoong and I had a great celebration of our wedding today. Mr and Mrs Kim

A/ N: concludes the smut part. Don't think I made it too dirty. Jongho's is different again of course

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