13. a. Finding Out The Gender

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Seonghwa 💖

Today Seonghwa and I have our second baby scan. I'm 20 weeks on with twins now. We decided that we dong want to find out the genders of the babies. Not until they are born if course. We just want it to be a lovely surprise. We are secretly hoping for one of each. A boy and a girl. It doesn't really matter to us anyway. We just can't wait to have our babies in a few months time. I'm officially halfway through my pregnancy now. Yay! We are at the hospital now waiting for my scan to happen. Seonghwa smiles at me and he is so excited for our scan and I am too of course. Can't wait any longer. So excited to see our babies again. I get called in by the nice lady and lay down on the bed. "How are you, Y/ N? Keeping well" she said. "Yes I'm fine thank you" I reply. Seonghwa smiles. The lady examines me to see if all is okay with the babies. I can hear their strong heartbeats. "All is good with your babies, Mr and Mrs Park" she said. "That's great to know" I reply. "We want the genders to remain a surprise if you mind not telling us" Seonghwa said. "That's okay. We understand that everyone doesn't want to know the genders" the lady said. "Thank you" I say rolling down my top. We walk out of there feeling happy that we just had our first scan. Can't wait to know the genders of our babies when they are born

Mingi 💙

Mingi and I are about to find out the gender of our baby this morning. We can't wait to find out. Mingi wants a boy and I want a girl and we both can't agree on what we think the gender of the baby is. I guess it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Anyway we are about to find out anytime now so not long to wait. We've been wanting to find out the gender since my first scan all that time ago. "How long now?" Mingi asks. "Hopefully not too much longer now" I smile. A few minutes later I get called in for my appointment. The appointment starts like my first and I lay down on the bed and roll up my top. The lady starts and examines me. Mingi sits by me and smiles and holds my hand. He kisses my hand too. "Your baby looks very healthy. You'll be pleased to know" the lady said. "That's great. We would like to know the gender if you can tell" I say. "Oh yeah" Mingi says. She looks us. "I can tell you that you are having a baby boy congratulations" the lady said. "A boy! Yes I've always wanted a son. I'm so happy, babe" Mingi said looking into my eyes. "I'm happy too but I did want a little girl though" I say. "There will be next time, love. Don't worry" Mingi said. So we were pleased to find out the gender of our little one. We are having a little boy. I wanted a girl but it's okay. We will have a girl next. A boy is good though


Yunho 💜

Yunho and I have just been for my second ultrasound sound and we found out the gender of our little one. Well we actually haven't yet. The sonographer wrote down in an envelope for our gender reveal party next week but we can't wait that long. It's too long. We just wanna find out now. I'm so excited. We don't care if we are having a boy or a girl. Yunho said he would really like a little girl though and I would have to agree. He would be so cute with a little girl. Wouldn't he? We got back from my scan earlier and we are at my place for the evening now. The envelope with the baby's gender is in my draw but it's hard to keep it there till the gender reveal party. My mom says she'll take it tomorrow and look at it and she's gonna plan the party for us once she knows the gender. We have just had dinner now and we are sat on the couch waiting for it to go down. Yunho is feeling excited and fidgety. I can tell he is. "Babe" he said. "Yes" I reply. "It's killing me not knowing the gender of our baby till next week. I just wanna know now" Yunho said. "I know, babe but we will have to wait" I reply. "We could just open it now and pretend like we are surprised when we open it next week. Hmmmm I'm thinking that" he said. "Don't know we will think about it" I reply. "Ah I just wanna know. Next week is gonna drag" Yunho said. I agree. I could tell that Yunho wants to find out now so I go into my room and get the envelope from earlier. I go into the lounge and hand it to Yunho. "If you're so eager to know. Open it now" I say. "Really? Are you sure, babe? We should wait. You're right" Yunho said. "No go ahead. I want to know too" I say. "Okay, love" he said. "You open" I say. I give the envelope to Yunho and he opens it. "Okay here we go" he said. He looks at the envelope and opens it. "It's a..... girl! OMG wow! We are having a little princess" Yunho said. "We are. I'm so happy, Yunho. You're going to be the best daddy in the world to our little girl" I say. "You're going to be the best mommy in the world to her" he said. I smile and he kisses me. Yunho and I are delighted to know that we are having a baby girl


San ❤️


Y/ N and I are very excited to find out the gender of our second baby who is due in the next few months. She is halfway through her pregnancy now which is great. We can't wait to be parents again and Seohyeon can't wait to be a big sister too. We are on our way to the hospital now for our scan and to find out the gender of our baby. We just can't wait to know. We both think it's a boy this time. We can't wait to know officially though. We pull up outside the hospital and get out of the car. "You ready, Seohyeon?" I say. "Yes" she smiles. Y/ N checks herself in and we take a seat in the waiting room. Seohyeon sits on my lap and touches Y/ N's baby bump. "Baby brother or sister, Seohyeon?" Y/ N asks. "Baby sister" she cheers. "We are about to find out, sweetie" I say. We get called in and Y/ N lays down on the bed and rolls up her top. Seohyeon sits on my lap. "Your baby brother or sister" I whisper. She smiles. "Would you like to know the gender?" the lady said. "Yes please we would love to" Y/ N replies. "Yes" I reply. The lady continues to examine Y/ N and look closely. "Should I tell you now?" she asked. "Yes" I reply. "Definitely" she said. "Well you are having a little boy Congratulations" she said. "Baby number two is a boy" I smile. "Can't wait to have a son. I'm so happy" Y/ N said. "Seohyeon, you are going to have a little brother" I say. She looks a little sad but she'll be happy when her little brother comes into the world. Our baby boy


A/ N: hope you predicted the genders right. Seonghwa's will be a surprise till labor and delivery. Can you guess the genders of the babies in the next part?

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