25. a. Anticipating The Birth

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Seonghwa 💖

The twins could be here anytime now. I am about ready to pop. I don't know if I'll be having a c section yet. It depends on everything. Hopefully not but I might have to. I am feeling very exhausted as expected being so pregnant with twins. Just want the babies to be here safe and sound. Seonghwa and I are laid next to each other on bed. I've been trying to get as much rest as possible just in case labor starts anytime which it could. Seonghwa knows how to comfort me and make me feel good when I'm like that. "Jagiya" he said. "Yes" I smile. "I can't believe these two little babies will be here so soon. The moment we've been waiting for all our lives" he said. "Yes it is. All our lives. I just wish they were here in our arms now. I don't like being pregnant anymore" I reply. "Oh they will don't worry. I love you so much. You'll be the most fantastic mommy in the world to our little ones" Seonghwa smiles kissing my forehead and squeezing my hand. Hopefully our babies will be her anytime soon

Mingi 💙

I am 10 days off my due date. We have finally settled on the name Minjoon for our boy. It's a great name for a great kid as Mingi would say. My energy levels are almost non existent at this point in my pregnancy. Mingi is having to do a lot for me but he never complains once. He is great and will be a great father to Minjoon. He gets me things when I am in need of them and rubs my back and feet when they hurt which is a lot. He got home from work not so long ago and he's making me a hot drink now. I'm resting on the couch with my feet up. "Here you go, sweetie. Drink up" Mingi said. "Thank you, best boyfriend and baby daddy in the world" I smile. "Well I try to be" he laughs. "Get this baby out of me. I don't want to be pregnant anymore" I yawn. "That baby, our son will be out of you soon" he said. "Hopefully not too long to go. Hope he's not going to be a late one" I say. "It will all be fine" Mingi smiles at me reassuringly. Hopefully baby Minjoon won't be late and he will be right on time. Can't wait to meet him hopefully soon without any problems

Yunho 💜

Our baby girl is due anytime now. I've just gone 39 weeks now. Yunho and I are still deciding on a name for our little princess yet but we will when she is born. Hopefully she will be here safe and sound soon. Yunho and I are trying to spend as much time together as we can before we are parents and the baby comes as she could be here anytime soon. We are laid in our bed before we go to sleep soon. Being almost full term in my pregnancy I am wanting to go to bed earlier every night. Yunho understands that. Sometimes he goes earlier himself too. Yunho is laid next to me in bed now with his arms around me holding me close. He is holding me close to him like he usually does. I feel so safe in his arms. "Baby" he said. "Yes" I smile. "Our little girl could be here anytime now. She could be here tomorrow" Yunho said. "Yes but I hope and just hangs in there just a few more days" I say. "Maybe but babies come when they are ready" he said. "My mom said that Hongjoong and I came on time. On our due dates so our baby could" I say. "It's possible, love" he said. "Anything is possible I guess" i laugh. "Love you" Yunho said. "Love you too. So much" I reply. Yunho and I share a kiss and a cuddling moment while laid on our bed. Our little girl could be here anytime now and we cannot wait to meet her

San ❤️

We are all excited for the arrival of baby Seongmin. I'm just a few days off being full term now so he could be here literally anytime. Seohyeon keeps on asking when bath brother is going to be here and we keep on saying not long. They usually say second children come earlier than first children but that's not the case with this one. Seongmin will come when he's good and ready. We love having family cuddle time everyday in bed. Can't wait to do it with our boy when he arrives. That's what we are doing now. Seohyeon likes laying close to my bump and so does San. "Baby brother" she says. "Baby brother will be here soon, baby girl" San said. "Yay!" Seohyeon cheers. I yawn and stretch. "Eomma tired" Seohyeon said. "Yes, sweetie but don't worry I'll be okay. I can't be too tired when baby brother comes" I reply. Seohyeon smiles and snuggles up between us. Sometimes she thinks we won't love her when the baby comes. "Seohyeonie, mommy and daddy will still love you so much when baby Seongmin arrives and he will love you too because he knows that you're his big sister" San said. "I love you" Seohyeon smiles cuddling us both again. Can't wait to have family cuddles when baby Seongmin arrives which could be any day now

A/ N: a shorter bit before the babies arrive. Can't wait for the labor and delivery parts

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